Profile menu
Main Menu
- Home
- Products
- RO Payments
- RO Users
- RO Single Sign On
- RO Payments
- RO Users
- Features of RO Users
- How to install RO Users
- How RO Users works, explained step by step
- Documentation
- Features
- RO Users Joomla! Extension Support
- Account expiration
- Delete user without sending email
- First reminder email
- Second reminder email
- Delete bounce emails
- Email limit
- Delete account in days
- Auto-delete after not logging-in
- Auto-delete after not visiting days
- Whitelist users
- Bounce email support
- Logging
- Replace non-existing users
- RO Single Sign On
- Downloads
- Documentation
- Migrate Joomla users from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 using RO CSVI
- Import of J2Store Flexible Variable in RO CSVI
- PhocaCart Product Attributes import
- HikaShop Limit Export with RO CSVI
- Import of J2Store Variable Product using RO CSVI
- I want to add Joomla categories associations
- Available Fields for Custom Filters
- Available Fields for Joomla Categories
- Available Fields for Joomla Custom Fields
- Available Fields for Joomla Menus
- Available Fields for Joomla Users
- Joomla Custom Fields export
- Joomla Custom Field Groups export
- Joomla Custom Field Groups import
- Advanced custom table export
- RSForm supported operations
- Fast Seller supported operations
- Joomla Custom Fields supported operations
- Joomla Tags supported operations
- Import Product type parameters
- Migrate K2 items as Joomla articles using RO CSVI
- K2 Item export with Extra fields using RO CSVI
- Migrate Joomla content from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 using RO CSVI
- HikaShop Limit Import with RO CSVI
- Facebook Catalog with RO CSVI and VirtueMart Export
- Export of product url in J2Store Product export
- Available Fields for Joomla Contacts
- Available Fields for Joomla Modules
- Available Fields for Joomla Tags
- Import of Joomla menu items using RO CSVI
- Joomla Categories export
- Joomla Custom Fields import
- PhocaCart Product Attributes export
- Form2Content supported operations
- Import Product type names
- Import Product types
- Migrate K2 categories to Joomla categories using RO CSVI
- Export K2 extra fields and import as Joomla custom fields
- PhocaCart Product Specifications import
- Use of override, disabler and noninheritable fields
- Advanced Custom Fields for RO CSVI Export
- J2Store Options as individual fields in product export
- Available Fields for HikaShop
- Available Fields for Form2Content
- Joomla Tags import
- Joomla Menus export
- Joomla Categories import
- Joomla Contacts supported operations
- Joomla Modules supported operations
- Custom Filters
- SQL Export
- Advanced Custom Fields for RO CSVI Import
- Available Fields for K2
- J2Store Options as individual fields in product import
- Joomla Tags export
- Joomla Modules import
- Joomla Contacts import
- VirtueMart Users Info export
- PhocaCart Product Specifications export
- Form2Content Article export
- Custom Filters import and export
- Migrate Joomla data using RO CSVI migration templates
- Available Fields for PhocaCart
- Joomla Custom fields export for Joomla Articles
- Import Images using Form2Content Article import
- Joomla Modules export
- Joomla Contacts export
- Joomla Users Access levels export
- VirtueMart Users Info import
- K2 supported operations
- Joomla Categories supported operations
- Joomla Menus supported operations
- J2Store supported operations
- Could not parse the requested URI error with RO CSVI cron
- Joomla Custom fields import
- Export VirtueMart Products to J2Store Products
- Available Fields for J2Store
- Joomla User Access levels import
- PhocaCart Product export
- Form2Content Content type fields export
- Export K2 category params
- Joomla Menus import
- I want to import Joomla articles with tags
- Available Fields for VirtueMart
- Import Joomla articles as menu items in RO CSVI
- Joomla User Groups export
- PhocaCart Order export
- Form2Content Content type import
- Import K2 category params field
- Using Global rules in RO CSVI Import and Export
- I want to add Joomla content associations
- Joomla Users export
- VirtueMart Custom Fields import in RO CSVI
- PhocaCart Manufacturer export
- Form2Content Content type fields import
- Import K2 items with extra fields
- RO CSVI special template fields
- List of Available Fields for Joomla Content
- VirtueMart Media Items export
- PhocaCart Form Field export
- Joomla Users supported operations
- J2Store Product Filter import
- Joomla User Groups import
- Joomla content export
- PhocaCart Discount export
- Can I export prices for stockable children?
- Drag and drop files in RO CSVI Wizard in import
- J2Store Geozone Rule Import using RO CSVI
- HikaShop Badges Export
- Joomla Users import
- VirtueMart Orders export
- PhocaCart Customer export
- Joomla Content supported operations
- Export K2 items
- RO CSVI import or export does not work
- J2Store Product Filter Export
- HikaShop Order Export
- VirtueMart Orders Advanced export
- PhocaCart Coupon export
- Form2Content Content type export
- PhocaCart Product import
- Replace a field with the value of another field using a rule
- J2Store Geozone Rule Export using RO CSVI
- VirtueMart Manufacturers import in RO CSVI
- Form2Content Article Import
- Joomla Content import
- Setting up Google sheets export with RO CSVI
- J2Store Variants Export
- VirtueMart Order Items export
- PhocaCart Category export
- PhocaCart Manufacturer import
- Setting up Google Sheets Import using RO CSVI
- J2Store Address Export
- Import HikaShop Category Images
- VirtueMart Ratings export
- PhocaCart Group import
- Google API settings for import and export
- J2Store Variants Import
- HikaShop import multiple prices for a product
- VirtueMart Shipping Rates export
- PhocaCart Form Field import
- Replace line breaks with an HTML br tag on import
- J2Store Address Import
- VirtueMart coupons import in RO CSVI
- K2 Item Content Fields
- PhocaCart Discount import
- Dependent custom fields for all
- Advanced order XML export
- Import K2 Items
- PhocaCart Customer import
- VirtueMart Shopper fields export
- PhocaCart Coupon import
- Export VirtueMart Products to HikaShop Products
- Using Developer Tools to analyze problems
- PhocaCart Category import
- Multiple Customfields Filter for VirtueMart
- Phocacart Order Import
- Import HikaShop Product Images
- VirtueMart Snelstart export
- Margin plugin
- HikaShop Product Export
- Custom Fields For All for VirtueMart
- Import multiple files from folder
- HikaShop Characteristic Export
- VirtueMart Ratings import
- J2Store Product Image Import
- Skip rule plugin in RO CSVI
- VirtueMart Product availability import in RO CSVI
- HikaShop supported operations
- I want to import VirtueMart products with images
- J2Store Product File Import
- Date and Custom date in Multi replace plugin
- J2Store Product Import
- VirtueMart Manufacturers export
- J2Store Order Import
- HikaShop Price Export
- Conditional rule plugin for export
- Virtuemart Related Products import
- J2Store Order Item Import
- Virtuemart Media Product import
- Creating own HTML export file
- ICEcat Product Import for Hikashop
- J2Store Price Import
- HikaShop Product Import
- Custom tables export
- J2Store Price Export
- HikaShop Vote Export
- Field copy plugin
- J2Store Order Item Export
- HikaShop Price Import
- RO CSVI supported operations
- J2Store Order Export
- HikaShop Discount Export
- VirtueMart Coupons export
- Combine plugin
- J2Store Product Image Export
- HikaShop Order Product Import
- VirtueMart Custom Fields export
- Conditional rule plugin for import
- I want to import articles with categories
- J2Store Product File Export
- HikaShop Customer Export
- VirtueMart Manufacturer Categories export
- J2Store Product Export
- HikaShop Category Export
- Importing Multi Variant custom field
- Watermark images on import
- I want to import articles with multiple languages
- VirtueMart Users export
- HikaShop Custom Fields Export
- Multi replace plugin
- HikaShop Order Import
- VirtueMart Waitinglists export
- HikaShop Discount Import
- Import ICEcat product information
- The use and non-use of ID fields
- Run an RO CSVI cron job using a URL on the frontend
- HikaShop Brands Export
- HikaShop Customer Import
- Deal with different collations in MySQL
- HikaShop Variants Export
- I want to import articles with images
- Export VirtueMart data and import to HikaShop
- HikaShop Characteristic Import
- RO CSVI versions
- Updating products stock in VirtueMart with RO CSVI
- HikaShop Shipping Rates Export
- Customizing the export filename
- CSVI Analyser
- HikaShop Category Import
- I want to import Joomla articles
- HikaShop Custom Fields Import
- Import XML with same node names
- RO CSVI Yandex Export for VirtueMart Extension
- HikaShop Shipping Rates Import
- List of Component and Operations
- RO CSVI Google Merchant Export for VirtueMart
- Import of HikaShop Variants using RO CSVI
- Generation of Thumbnail images in VirtueMart
- HikaShop Brands Import
- Installation or updating of CSVI 6 Pro
- VirtueMart Calculation rule import Options tab
- Export HikaShop order after an order is created
- Replacing line breaks in RO CSVI Exports
- Creating the category path
- RO CSVI import template limit tab
- Import ICEcat product specifications
- RO CSVI Import template fields tab
- VirtueMart Users import
- Combining multiple fields into one in RO CSVI export
- VirtueMart Product import template Images tab
- VirtueMart Shipping Rates import with RO CSVI
- Combining multiple fields into one in RO CSVI import
- Shipment method Configuration
- VirtueMart Product import template Options tab
- Import manufacturers in a multi-lingual VirtueMart shop
- Stockable variants import
- RO CSVI Import template details tab
- Import VirtueMart images
- Override import/export routines
- Edit a template
- Shipment method
- File tab settings list in import template
- Import Generic child variant for VirtueMart
- VirtueMart Prices import
- Uninstall RO CSVI
- VirtueMart Prices export
- Writing a rule plugin
- Source tab option to Load from textfield
- Product import with custom fields
- Not Acceptable error
- Setting up a front-end export template
- Import Source tab option to Load from database
- VirtueMart Categories export
- Source tab option to Load from FTP
- VirtueMart Categories import
- Open a CSV file with Excel
- Source tab option to Load from URL
- Product export with custom fields
- VirtueMart supported operations
- Process XML files
- Source tab option to Load from server
- Product Status
- How to enable updates in RO CSVI?
- VirtueMart Products import
- Save a CSV file as UTF-8
- Use of Group by and Sort by fields
- VirtueMart Product Dimension Fields
- Source tab option to Load from computer
- VirtueMart Products export
- ICEcat Product Import for Virtuemart
- Install the example templates for RO CSVI addons
- CSVI Field Mapper
- Google Sitemap
- Speed up product import
- How to load a patch file?
- Missing fields in RO CSVI
- VirtueMart Calculation Rules export
- Backup/Restore Templates
- Manage timeouts
- VirtueMart Product Image Fields
- Troubleshooting export errors
- Why are my products not showing up?
- Products and shopper groups
- Troubleshooting import errors
- VirtueMart Orders import in RO CSVI
- Removing HTML tags on export
- Getting started with RO CSVI
- Product Meta Information
- Export shipping prices with Google Merchant export
- 500 Internal Server Error
- Error building Admin Menus
- VirtueMart Product Description Fields
- Adding tempate fields
- Product Internal Note
- VirtueMart Categories and Product order import
- Logged out on import
- Setting up a cron job in RO CSVI
- VirtueMart Product Pricing Fields
- Create a template
- VirtueMart Calculation Rules import
- Setting up a VirtueMart multi-language shop
- Using Firefox Web Console to analyze problems
- Delete out of stock products
- Product Information
- Custom tables import
- VirtueMart Waitinglists import with RO CSVI
- VirtueMart Shopper Fields import with RO CSVI
- Can I mix fields from different imports/exports?
- VirtueMart Order Items import
- How to CSVI?
- First character missing on import
- Auto delete of discontinued products
- Replacement: remove last character
- VirtueMart Media Items import
- Settings not saved
- Can I use picture_url for import?
- Extra content at the end of the document
- VirtueMart Manufacturer Categories import
- Conflict with plugins
- Using VatTax percent for Virtuemart order export
- MySQL server has gone away
- Does CSVI upload pictures?
- Export VirtueMart retail prices
- Install RO CSVI in 5 steps
- Export shows product without tax
- How to read a UTF-8 CSV file in Excel 2007?
- No product SKU found
- Replacement: change text case
- Debugging Google Base Export
- How to import products?
- Replacement: Append text
- Replacements
- Excel and CSV
- Custom fields import and export
- Incorrect column count
- Adding your own custom available fields
- How to collect debug information?
- Checking your PHP version in Joomla
- Fill multiple fields with one value
- Subscription questions for RO CSVI
- Does my CSV file look correct?
- Import XML
- Requirements CSVI
- CSVI gives me a blank screen
- Installation
- RO Payments
- Manage order statuses
- Emails are not being send in RSForm! Pro
- Migrating to iDEAL 2.0
- Set the payment name in RSEvents!Pro checkout
- Send emails in case of payment failure in RSForms
- SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
- Customize RO Payment messages with placeholders
- A list of RO Payment plugin triggers
- RSForm! Pro configurable fields
- How to add a payment provider in RO Payments
- Failure Signing Data
- Customize the payment description
- Setup RO Payments Option In HikaShop
- Recurring Payments With RO Payments and Mollie
- Initiate payment from an external link
- Automated payment status check for transactions
- I receive a 403 page after payment
- Error when returning to the website using VirtueMart
- Error executing API call (request): The payment method is invalid.
- order could not be processed because POI
- POI X does not have any acceptable payment brands configured
- Testing Payment Statuses with Rabobank Onlinekassa
- EMS Payment Options
- Buckaroo Payment Options
- Sisow Payment Options
- Target Pay Payment Options
- Ingenico Payment Options
- Rabobank Onlinekassa Payment Options
- Show payment options in RSForms! Pro form
- Mollie Payment Options
- RSForm! Pro form settings for RO Payments
- Configure RSForms! Pro with RO Payments
- RO Users
- RO Single Sign On
- News
- RO CSVI 8.14.0 release
- RO Single Sign On 2.0.0 released
- RO CSVI 8.13.0 release
- Price changes RO products 2025
- RO CSVI 8.12.1 release
- RO CSVI 8.12.0 release
- RO Payments 8.5.0 available
- RO CSVI 8.11.0 release
- RO Payments 8.4.0 available
- RO CSVI 8.10.0 release
- RO CSVI 8.9.2 release
- RO CSVI 8.9.0 release
- RO Payments 8.3.2 available
- Joomla 5 support
- RO Payments 8.3.1 available
- RO Payments 8.3.0 available
- RO Single Sign On 1.5.0 released
- RO CSVI 8.8.0 release
- RO CSVI 8.7.0 release
- RO Payments 8.2.0 available
- RO CSVI 8.6.0 release
- RO Payments 8.1.0 available
- RO CSVI 8.5.0 release
- RO CSVI 8.4.0 stable release
- RO Users 2.3.0 released
- RO CSVI 8.3.1 bugfix release
- RO CSVI 8.3.0 stable release
- RO Payments 8.0.0 available
- RO Payments 8.0.0 beta 1 available
- RO Single Sign On 1.4.0 released
- RO Payments 7.1.0 available
- Release RO CSVI 8.2.0 stable
- Release RO CSVI 8.1.0 stable
- RO Payments 7.0.0 available
- Rabobank and the cipher suite announcement
- Release RO CSVI 8.0.0 stable
- Release RO CSVI 8.0.0 release candidate 1
- Release RO CSVI 8.0.0 beta 2
- RO Payments 6.6.0 available
- The certificate issuer's certificate has expired. Check your system date and time
- Release RO CSVI 8.0.0 beta 1
- RO Payments 6.5.0 available
- RO CSVI 8.0.0 is coming
- RO Users 2.2.0 released
- RO Single Sign On 1.3.0 released
- RO Payments 6.4.0 available
- JoomlaDay USA Sponsor
- Release RO CSVI 7.20.0
- RO Payments 6.3.0 available
- Release RO CSVI 7.19.0
- RO Payments 6.2.0 available
- Release RO CSVI 7.18.0
- RO Payments 6.1.0 available
- RO Payments 6.0.2 available
- Release RO CSVI 7.17.0
- RO Payments 6.0.1 available
- RO Payments 6.0.0 available
- Release RO CSVI 7.16.1
- RO Users 2.1.0 released
- Release RO CSVI 7.16.0
- RO Single Sign On 1.2.0 released
- Release RO CSVI 7.15.0
- RO Users 2.0.0 released
- RO Payments 5.2.0 available
- Rabobank sending email on TLS 1.2 use
- RO Payments 5.1.0 available
- Release RO CSVI 7.14.0
- RO Payments 5.0.0 available
- Release RO CSVI 7.13.0
- RO Single Sign On 1.1.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.12.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.11.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.10.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.9.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.8.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.7.1 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.7.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.6.2 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.6.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.5.0 released
- CSV Improved Pro 7.4.0 released
- CSVI Pro 7.3.0 released
- CSVI Pro 7.2.4 released
- CSVI Pro 7.2.0 released
- CSVI Pro 7.1.0 released
- CSVI Pro 7.0.2 released
- CSVI Pro 7.0.1 released
- CSVI Pro 7 released
- Blog
- Document your code with live templates
- Navigate to declarations
- Using Joomla DatabaseQuery completion
- Setting up data source using the Joomla configuration
- PhpStorm and the Joomla! configuration file
- Add extra cURL options in HttpTransport
- Post credentials using HttpTransport
- Customizing the Joomla result messages per view
- Making external calls using HttpFactory
- Adding stylesheets, scripts, and images
- Login
- Support
- 404 page
- Pay
- Payment Status