Using VatTax percent for Virtuemart order export


  • CSVI 6.5+
  • Joomla 3.0+
  • VirtueMart 3.0

Most of the times user wants to export tax percent as separate columns in the export file for Virtuemart order export. This article explains on how to acheive these tax results as separate columns.

For example if there are three VatTax percent in Virtuemart as shown below

To get these columns in export file, First Update available fields, so these tax percent comes in the list of template fields for Virtuemart order export template. Then these fields can be selected as normal template fields. 

Virtuemart stores these tax percent values in order_billTax field if present. CSVI will retrieve these tax values from order_billTax field for added tax percentage for export. A sample export file data is listed below.

virtuemart_order_id Tax 20% Tax 7% Tax 10%
1 42.25 7.29 0
2 41.25 0 0
3 0 7.29 0