RO Single Sign On
RO Single Sign On allows your Joomla site to act as a service provider and use the login from a trusted identity provider. You can even turn your Joomla site into your own identity provider and become the single place where you manage your users.
The installation of RO Single Sign On is not as simple as most other Joomla extensions as it requires in-depth knowledge of SAML and specific server setup. Due to this we only deliver RO Single Sign On with installation by us or selected partner as this is the only way we can guarantee RO Single...

RO Single Sign On has it all in the name, it provides single sign on services for Joomla. Link your Joomla site to any SAML or Shibboleth identity provider to allow users to login with their own account. Build your own identity provider using your Joomla site and provide identity services to other...
All of the RO Single Sign On documentation can be found in the documenation section. This includes extensive step-by-step guides with videos to get the most out of RO Single Sign On.
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