RO Single Sign On

How RO Single Sign On works, explained step by step

RO Single Sign On has it all in the name, it provides single sign on services for Joomla. Link your Joomla site to any SAML or Shibboleth identity provider to allow users to login with their own account. Build your own identity provider using your Joomla site and provide identity services to other sites.

Single Sign On Service Provider Flow

  1. User clicks on the single sign on login/logout link on the Service Provider (Joomla site)
  2. Service Provider sends the user to the Identity Provider
  3. User logs in/logs out at the Identity Provider
  4. Identity Provider sends the user back
  5. If user logs in, Service Provider creates the user
  6. Service Provider logs the user in/out

This is the basic flow of how users are logged-in to the system where Joomla using RO Single Sign On is a Service Provider and another system, like Active Directory, is the Identity Provider. This works with the Joomla user management but by the use of plugins user data can be hooked into any other extension.

Single Sign On Identity Provider Flow

  1. User clicks on the login/logout link at the Service Provider
  2. Service Provider sends the user to the Identity Provider (Joomla site)
  3. User logs in/logs out at the Identity Provider
  4. Identity Provider sends the user back
  5. Service Provider handles it further

This flow describes where Joomla using RO Single Sign On is the Identity Provider and another system is the Service Provider.

With RO Single Sign On you can setup Joomla sites as both an Identity Provider and Service Provider you can connect multiple Joomla Service Provider sites to a single Joomla Identity Provider site. The advantage is that users only need one account to login to all the connected sites.