Replacement: regular expressions


In the Multi-replace rule of RO CSVI you can do a lot of transformations on the data, the most powerful one is probably the Find and Replace option that supports regular expressions.

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Migrate K2 items as Joomla articles using RO CSVI


This document explains on how to migrate K2 items from a Joomla 3 installation to Joomla content on a Joomla 4/5 installation. First we explain on how to set up export in Joomla 3 site and then we explain on how to set up import using exported K2 items file.

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Migrate K2 categories to Joomla categories using RO CSVI


In this document we explain on migrating K2 categories from a Joomla 3 site to Joomla categories in a Joomla 4/5 site. To start with the migration we first create a K2 categories export template. 

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SQL Export


The SQL export makes it possible to write your own SQL queries and to fully customize the query used to run the export. The queries can be extended with placeholders, this way you can make the exports really dynamic.

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Migrate Joomla data using RO CSVI migration templates


RO CSVI comes with a set of migration templates that can be used to migrate your Joomla 3 data to a Joomla 4 site, not only that, this can also be used to move data from a Joomla 4 to another Joomla 4 site. The aim of the migration templates is that you can move your data with a few clicks.

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