Fast Seller

Import Product type parameters

| Fast Seller


Fast Seller
Product type parameter
Importing product types with CSVI involves a 3-step procedure:

  1. Import Product types
  2. Import product type parameters
  3. Import Product type names

This tutorial explains the import of product types parameters.

Required fields

  • parameter_name
  • product_type_name


These fields make up the criteria to determine if the record is going to be updated or added. If all the criteria fields match an existing record, the record will be updated. If not all the criteria fields match, the record will be added.


  • parameter_name
  • product_type_name

Optional fields

  • parameter_description
  • parameter_label
  • parameter_list_order
  • parameter_type
  • parameter_unit
  • parameter_values
  • define_filters_manually

Explanation of fields


The parameter_name is the name of the parameter and cannot have spaces as this name is going to be used to create database columns. CSVI will convert any spaces to underscores.


The name of the product type


A description of the parameter


Set the order of the parameter


  • S
    Cherry Picker type
  • T
    HTML type


A unit of measurement


The values available for this parameter. Multiple values are semi-colon separated for example Audi;BMW.


Set if the filters specified in the parameter_values should be used instead of the automatic filters.

  • 1
    Manual filters are used
  • 0
    Automatic filters are used


Add a product type parameter

"color","CSVI Type","Color of the goodie","Color",1,"T"


Update a product type parameter

"color","CSVI Type","Color coated"

Example file

2. product_type_parameter_import.csv

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Fast Seller supported operations

| Fast Seller

In RO CSVI we offer a number of import and export routines to manage your Fast Seller data. This is the complete list of Fast Seller supported operations. The majority of operations are available for both import and export although some are for a specific task so they can only be used for either import or export.

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Import Product types

| Fast Seller


Fast Seller
Product type
Importing product types with RO CSVI involves a 3-step procedure:

  1. Import product types
  2. Import Product type parameters
  3. Import Product type names

This tutorial explains the import of product types.

Required fields

  • product_type_name
  • product_type_publish


These fields make up the criteria to determine if the record is going to be updated or added. If all the criteria fields match an existing record, the record will be updated. If not all the criteria fields match, the record will be added.


  • product_type_name

Optional fields

  • product_type_description
  • product_type_list_order

Explanation of fields


The name of the product type


  • Y
    The product type is published
  • N
    The product type is unpublished


A description of the product type


Set the order of the product type


Create a product type

"CSVI Type","CSVI Type parameter","1","Y"


Unpublish a product type

"CSVI Type","N"

Example file

1. producttype_import.csv

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Import Product type names

| Fast Seller


Fast Seller
Product type names
Importing product types with CSVI involves a 3-step procedure:

  1. Import Product types
  2. Import Product type parameters
  3. Import product type names

This tutorial explains the import of product type names.

Important step

Before importing the product type names take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Maintenance -> Available fields
  2. Click on Update
  3. CSVI now knows your product type parameters exist

Required fields

  • product_type_name
  • product_sku
  • extension


These fields make up the criteria to determine if the record is going to be updated or added. If all the criteria fields match an existing record, the record will be updated. If not all the criteria fields match, the record will be added.


Not applicable because all entries will be deleted before the entries in the import file are added.

Explanation of fields


The name of the product type


The unique product identifier


The name of the extension the product type name is for. Possible options are:

  • virtuemart
  • hikashop


Add a product type name

"JWL-01","CSVI Type","virtuemart","All green and yellow"

Add multiple product type names to a product

"JWL-01","CSVI Type","virtuemart","BMW","M5"
"JWL-01","CSVI Type","virtuemart","Audi","A4"

Example file

3. product_type_names_import.csv

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