Here you will find all the available fields for PhocaCart that can be used in the PhocaCart import and export routines. Please see the relevant tutorials on how to use these fields in a specific scenario.
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Available Fields for PhocaCart
Title | Description | Type | Example |
access | Set the access level for the custom field Possible options1:Public |
numeric | 2 |
access_name | Joomla user group name to access |
text | Registered |
activation | Activation code of Joomla user |
text | |
active | This field is Obsolete and not used in PhocaCart now but this field is to display products which are not more active but still to display them in shop. |
numeric | 1 |
additional | Additional attributes for a form field. Not used by PhocaCart anymore. |
text | |
address_1 | Address information of ordered user |
text | 490 E Main Street Norwich |
address_2 | Address information of ordered user |
text | CT 06366 |
alias | alias of the category |
text | sample-category |
allow_upload | This field is not used now in PhocaCart but in future this field is for allowing upload of e.g. images when ordering a product - e.g. upload logo image when ordering t-shirt |
numeric | 1 |
amount_change | Amount given back as change |
numeric | 20 |
amount_pay | Amount to be paid |
numeric | 80 |
amount_tendered | Amount paid by user |
numeric | 100 |
availability | Product availability |
numeric | 1 |
available_quantity | Available quantity of coupons or discounts |
numeric | 15 |
available_quantity_user | Available quantity of coupons or discounts per user |
numeric | 1 |
background_image | Background image to be used for discounts |
text | images/summer_discount.png |
ba_sa | If billing address and shipping address are same |
numeric | 1 |
block | If the user is blocked Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
brutto | Gross amount of ordered product |
numeric | 12.5 |
calculation_type | Type of calculation for coupons and discounts Possible options1:Percentage |
text | 1 |
category_delete | Field to delete category during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
category_filter | If include or exclude category filter in coupons or discounts Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
category_name | Name of the category product belongs to. |
text | Stationaries |
category_path | The category path specifies in which category a product belongs |
text | Creating one category "category_path" Creating multiple categories "category_path" |
catid | Id of the category |
numeric | 12 |
checked_out | The ID of the user who has the item checked out. |
numeric | 234 |
checked_out_time | The time the item has been checked out. |
text | 2017-05-17 09:58:38 |
city | Name of the city of user |
text | Norwich |
class | Set CSS class name for form field |
text | input-xlarge |
code | Discount or coupon code |
text | COUPON10 or DISCOUNT10 |
cols | Number of columns if form field is a textarea |
numeric | 30 |
combine | Custom field to be used for combine of fields |
comment | User comment on the order placed. |
text | |
company | Company name of the user |
text | csvimproved |
condition | Condition of the product Possible options0:New |
numeric | 1 |
count | Field not used in PhocaCart anymore. |
numeric | |
country | User country name who placed the order |
text | Denmark |
country_code2 | Two letter code of the country name |
text | NL |
country_code3 | Three letter code of the country name |
text | ARG |
country_name | Country name |
text | Netherlands |
count_date | Date and time when the count of product has been incremented in a category. |
numeric | 2022-02-22 10:30:00 |
count_products | Number of products in a category |
numeric | 5 |
coupon_alias | Alias of coupon |
text | summer10 |
coupon_amount | Total amount of the coupon |
numeric | 100 |
coupon_brutto | Gross amount of the coupon without tax. |
numeric | 15 |
coupon_code | Code of the coupon |
text | SUMMER10 |
coupon_discount | Discount amount of the coupon. |
numeric | 10 |
coupon_netto | Net amount of the coupon. |
numeric | 17 |
coupon_title | Title of the coupon |
text | Summer |
coupon_total_amount | Total amount of the coupon. |
numeric | 10 |
created | Date and time on which product or category has been created |
numeric | 2022-01-01 12:13:15 |
created_by | Set the user who created the product or category. |
numeric | 12 |
credit_number | Not used by PhocaCart anymore. it was prepared for specific payment plugin. |
text | |
currency_code | Currency code value. |
text | EUR |
currency_exchange_rate | Exchange value of the currency. |
numeric | 89.0000 |
custom | RO CSVI custom field used in exports. |
text | |
customer_group_name | Group name which product or form field or use belong to |
text | Registered |
custom_text | This field is not used by PhocaCart anymore. |
text | |
damount | Discount amount of ordered product. |
numeric | 12.50 |
date | Date when a product or category or manufacturer or order or user has been added. If the import operation is for product then date value will be set to product. |
text | 2022-02-12 10:30:00 |
date_update | Date when product has been last updated or modified. |
text | 2022-02-22 10:30:00 |
dbrutto | Subtotal of ordered product after discount. |
numeric | 14.50 |
default | Default value of the form field. |
text | 0 |
default_calculation_type | Field not used by PhocaCart anymore. |
text | |
default_lang | Set default language of frontend to be used for orders. |
text | en-GB |
default_points_received | Points received by a user by ordering a product. |
numeric | 5 |
default_price | Default price when the item was ordered (as the items can be changed in time the default value is stored at the time of order) |
numeric | 15 |
default_tax_id_c | Assigned country tax when the item was ordered (as the items can be changed in time the default value is stored at the time of order) |
numeric | |
default_tax_id_r | Assigned region tax when the item was ordered (as the items can be changed in time the default value is stored at the time of order) |
numeric | |
default_tax_rate | Default tax rate when the item was ordered (as the items can be changed in time the default value is stored at the time of order) |
numeric | 4.50 |
delivery_date | Set product delivery date. |
numeric | 2022-02-02 10:30:00 |
description | Short description about the product |
text | Burster outer cable sheath cutter, can adjust the burster according to the size of the cables. |
description_long | Elobarate description about the product |
text | Burster outer cable sheath cutter, can adjust the burster according to the size of the cables. |
discount | Value of the coupon. Coupon value to be used as discount. |
numeric | 15 |
discount_alias | Alias of the discount |
text | summer-discount-sale |
discount_amount | Total amount of the discount |
numeric | 10 |
discount_brutto | Gross amount of the discount(Without tax) |
numeric | 79.99 |
discount_code | Code of the discount |
text | SUMMER22 |
discount_discount | Value of discount. |
numeric | |
discount_netto | Net amount of the discount |
numeric | 15.99 |
discount_title | Title of the discount |
text | Summer 22 Discount Sale |
discount_total_amount | Total amount of the discount |
numeric | 19.99 |
display_account | Set if the form field will be displayed in User Account edit form. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
display_addtocart | Display or hide add to cart button for the group. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
display_attributes | Display or hide attributes for the group. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
display_billing | Set if the form field will be displayed in billing form. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
display_docs | Not used by PhocaCart anymore. |
numeric | |
display_price | Display or hide price for the group. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
display_price_method | Not used by PhocaCart anymore. |
numeric | 1 |
display_shipping | Set if the form field will be displayed in shipping form. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
dnetto | Net amount after discount is applied on ordered product. |
numeric | 21.50 |
download_days | Set count of days when the download will expire for a product. |
numeric | 3 |
download_file | Set download file for a product. |
text | nike-shoes-red.jpg |
download_folder | Tokenised folder name for downloadable product so the url to download file is not predictable |
text | |
download_hits | Number of times the downloadable product was downloaded. |
numeric | 25 |
download_token | Token for download so the path to file is not predictable. |
text | |
dtax | Tax after discount is applied on ordered product. |
text | 3.99 |
dtype | Type of discount applied on ordered product. |
text | |
ean | European Article Number of a product |
text | 0829160493879 |
User email address |
text | | |
email_contact | Contact Email of user ordered the product. |
text | |
external_key | Set external product key |
text | |
external_link | Set external link. If enabled in Options, external link will be displayed instead of Add To Cart button in PhocaCart. |
text | |
external_link2 | Set external link 2. If enabled in Options, external link will be displayed instead of Add To Cart button in PhocaCart. |
text | |
external_text | Set external link title. If enabled in Options, external link will be displayed instead of Add To Cart button and external link title is name for the button. |
text | |
external_text2 | Set external link title 2. If enabled in Options, external link will be displayed instead of Add To Cart button and external link title 2 is name for the button. | text | |
fax | User fax |
text | 3456767 |
featured | Set the product as a featured product. Possible options1:Featured |
numeric | 1 |
featured_background_image | Set featured product background image. |
text | |
features | Features of a product. |
numeric |
file_url | Image URL of a product. |
text | /images/image1.jpg |
file_url_thumb | Thumb image URL of a product. |
text | /images/thumbnails/image1.jpg |
filter | Filter of the form field. |
text | |
format | Field is not used in PhocaCart anymore. |
text | |
formfield_delete | Set the value to Y if the form field has to be deleted on import. |
text | Y |
free_payment | Set if the discount or coupon entitles the customer to get free payment. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
free_shipping | Set if the discount or coupon entitles the customer to get free shipping. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
height | Set height of the product. |
numeric | 12 |
history_date | Order history date. Date and time when order is modified or updated. |
text | 2021-09-29 18:30:00 |
hits | Set the number of hits the product or category has received |
numeric | 12 |
icon_class | Set icon class for a category. |
text | camera |
id_input | Set ID of form field. Not used anymore in PhocaCart. |
text | |
image | Set an image for a product or category or manufacturer or user. |
text | hp-printer.jpg |
image_ordering | Set the order of the image. This is used incase of multiple images are imported. |
numeric | 1|2|3|4 |
invoice_date | Set invoice date. As default, invoice date is order date. |
text | 2022-02-02 10:30:00 |
invoice_due_date | Set invoice due date. As default, invoice due date is calculated by days set in Phoca Cart Options. |
text | |
invoice_number | Invoice number of the order |
text | 20210000000003 |
invoice_prn | Payment reference number of a invoice. |
text | 202143572303 |
invoice_spec_bottom_desc | Set invoice specific bottom description |
text | Invoice has to be paid without any delay to avoid extra charges. |
invoice_spec_middle_desc | Set invoice specific middle description |
text | Check the product details |
invoice_spec_top_desc | Set invoice specific top description |
text | Invoice of order |
invoice_time_of_supply | Set date of taxable supply (time of supply) |
numeric | 2022-02-02 10:30:00 |
ip | Ip address detail of user |
text | |
isbn | International Standard Book Number of a product. |
text | 0829160493879 |
jan | Set JAN (Japanese Article Number) of a product. |
text | 0829160493879 |
label | Set label of form field. |
language | Set language of category or coupons or discounts or form fields or groups or manufacturers or orders |
text | en-GB |
lastResetTime | Last reset time of user |
numeric | 2022-01-01 12:13:15 |
lastvisitDate | User last visted date and time |
numeric | 2022-10-03 12:13:15 |
length | Set length of a product. |
numeric | 400mm |
link | Set full path (including http:// or https://) of manufacturer's website. |
text | |
loyalty_card_number | Loyalty card number used when ordering - this is mostly in case of POS where vendors add loyalty card number of customer (who is not logged in). |
numeric | |
manufacturer_name | Name of the manufacturer of a product |
text | Fixpoint |
maxlength | Maximum length of form field |
numeric | 10 |
metadata | Set the meta data for the category or product. |
text | |
metadesc | Set the meta description for a category or product. |
text | CSV Improved import made easy. |
metakey | Set the meta keywords for the category or product. |
text | csv,import,export,joomla |
metatitle | Set the meta title for the category or product. |
text | |
minimum_sum | Set minimal sum of purchases. |
numeric | 2 |
min_multiple_quantity | Set minimum multiple of ordered quantity of the current product. For example: If you set 6, then customers will be able to order 6 or 12 or 18, etc. products but not e.g. 15. |
numeric | 6 |
min_quantity | Minimum order quantity for product. |
numeric | 2 |
min_quantity_calculation | Set how minimum quantity of ordered products will be checked. If it will be compared to main product or to each product variation. |
numeric | 2 |
modified | Modified time of category or product or order. |
numeric | 2022-01-01 12:13:15 |
modified_by | Set the user who modified the category or product last |
numeric | 42 |
mpn | Describes the manufacturer part number of a product |
text | 0829160493879 |
name | Name of the user. |
text | James Wright |
name_degree | Set degree of a user. |
text | |
name_first | First name of the user |
text | James |
name_last | User last name |
text | Wright |
name_middle | User middle name |
text | K |
netto | Net amount of ordered product. |
numeric | |
newsletter | Set if newsletter will be activated for user when making an order in checkout view and checking newsletter checkbox. |
numeric | 1 |
oidn_spec_billing_desc | This is specific description which can be displayed in specific part of order, invoice or delivery note documents in billing address. |
text | |
oidn_spec_shipping_desc | This is specific description which can be displayed in specific part of order, invoice or delivery note documents in shipping address. |
text | |
ordering | Set the ordering of category or product or coupons or discounts or form fields or manufacturers or orders or users. |
numeric | 2 |
order_number | Set unique order number for an order. |
numeric | 20210000000003 |
order_status_title | Set title of order status as language string. |
order_token | Set order token for an order. |
text | 39b46c60037a0fb37f32bcb42ac17a2176f8071f4eba76105a184a049d6f4a34 |
order_total_amount | Total amount of an order. |
numeric | 229.50 |
order_total_amount_currency | Set which exchange rate of currency (in order) will be used. Order amounts are displayed with currency in which they were made. But in database, amounts are stored in default currency. When displaying order data, amounts are converted to currency which was set by placing an order. |
text | |
order_total_item_id_c | There are three fields in order products table item_id, item_id_c and item_id_r. order_total_item_id is the VAT tax id. order_total_item_id_c is the VAT tax id based on country(extended tax id) order_total_item_id_r is the VAT tax id based on region(extended tax id) |
numeric | 5 |
order_total_item_id_r | There are three fields in order products table item_id, item_id_c and item_id_r. order_total_item_id is the VAT tax id. order_total_item_id_c is the VAT tax id based on country(extended tax id) order_total_item_id_r is the VAT tax id based on region(extended tax id) |
numeric | 7 |
order_total_title | Title of order total calculation. |
text | Reward Discount |
order_total_title_lang | Language string title of order total calculation. |
order_total_title_lang_suffix | Language string to be used as suffix in order total title. |
order_total_title_lang_suffix2 | Language string to be used as suffix 2 in order total title. |
order_total_type | Order total type. netto or brutto. |
numeric | netto |
otep | one time emergency passwords |
text | |
otpKey | Two factor authentication key |
text | |
params | Parameters of category or product or discounts or coupons or form fields or manufacturers or orders. |
text | |
params_feed | PhocaCart uses subforms to load all feeds at once and to store them only to one column in product table Example: Plugin zbozi_cz plugins\pcf\zbozi_cz\models\forms\item.xml is linked by dynamically created form in administrator/components/com_phocacart/models/phocacartitem.php in preprocessForm() function. In preprocssForm PhocaCart builds the XML Form inclusive the subform XML of all feed plugins. That is stored in params_feed column. |
text | |
params_payment | Payment params stored in orders table. |
text | |
params_shipping | Shipping params stored in orders table. |
text | |
password | password for user login |
text | testpassword |
pattern | Set pattern of a form field. |
text | |
payment_alias | Alias name of payment method. |
text | credit-card |
payment_currency | Currency used in payment |
text | EUR |
phone_1 | User phone number details |
numeric | 23456744 |
phone_2 | User phone number details |
numeric | 23487543 |
phone_mobile | User mobile phone number details |
numeric | 639104567 |
picture_url | Image URL of a product. |
text | http::// |
picture_url_thumb | Thumb image URL of a product. |
text | http::// |
points_needed | Set number of points which are needed to buy a product. |
numeric | 200 |
points_received | Set number of points the buyer receives for purchasing a product. |
numeric | 50 |
predefined_values | Set predefined values. Separate each value with comma(,). Note that all values must match the type set in the Type parameter. |
numeric | |
predefined_values_first_option | Set the title for the first option in select box. It is usually 'Select ...'. |
numeric | select |
preicon | Set icon as prefix for a form field. |
numeric | arrow-right |
price | Set price of a product. |
numeric | 14.99 |
price_original | Set original price for a product. |
numeric | 19.99 |
price_with_tax | Set price with tax for a product. |
numeric | 16.99 |
privacy | Has privacy policy been agreed or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
product_brutto | Gross amount of ordered product. |
text | 49.99 |
product_filter | Set if selected products should be included or excluded when applying the rule. When you select exclude, this rule will be applied to all products except the selected. When you select include, this rule will be applied to selected products only. | text | 1 |
product_id_key | Product can have attributes and values or combination of all the attributes. These different attributes are stored in key, so each product variation is identified by this key. |
numeric | |
product_netto | Net amount of ordered product. |
numeric | 42.99 |
product_url | Set URL of the product where product details are explained |
text | |
public_download_file | Set public download file. This file is accessible for all in frontend. For example, it can be used for downloading free product user manuals |
text | nike-product.pdf |
public_download_text | Title of the public download file. |
text | Nike product specifications |
public_play_file | Set public file to play. |
text | |
public_play_text | p.Set title of public file to play. | text | |
published | Set the state of the item. Possible options1:Published |
numeric | 1 |
quantity | Field not used by PhocaCart anymore. |
numeric | |
quantity_from | Set the number of items from which the discounts or coupons will apply. |
numeric | 2 |
quantity_to | Set the number of items to which the discounts or coupons will apply. |
numeric | 5 |
queue_number | Set queue number. Format of this number is set in Phoca Cart Options. |
numeric | |
read_only | If the form field is read only field or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 0 |
receipt_number | Set receipt number for an order |
text | 20210000000003 |
reference_data | Not used by PhocaCart anymore. it was prepared for specific shipping plugin. |
text | |
reference_field1 | Not used by PhocaCart anymore. it was prepared for specific shipping plugin. |
text | |
reference_field2 | Not used by PhocaCart anymore. it was prepared for specific shipping plugin. |
text | |
region | Region name for order address |
text | Rose Island |
region_code2 | Region 2 letter code for order address |
text | AK |
region_code3 | Region 3 letter code for order address |
text | ALK |
region_name | Region name for order address |
text | Alaska |
registerDate | Date user registered on site |
text | 14-4-2016 07:14 |
registration_key | Set registration key of a product |
text | |
required | Set if a form field is required or not. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
requireReset | Require user to reset password on next login Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
resetCount | Count of password reset since last reset time |
numeric | 2 |
rows | Number of rows for textarea form field |
numeric | 5 |
sales | Set how many times the product was viewed. This number is automatically created based on the number of product sales |
numeric | 20 |
sendEmail | Send email to Joomla user Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
serial_number | Set serial Numbe for a product |
text | |
shipment_alias | Set alias of shipment method so to find the shipping id and assign it to the order |
text | fedex |
size | Size of the form field |
numeric | 10 |
skip | RO CSVI custom field to skip a column |
sku | Stock keeping unit value of a product |
text | 10001 |
stock | Set amount of available products in stock |
numeric | 5 |
stock_calculation | Set how stock will be checked. Set whether it will be compared to main product or to each product variation. Supported values are 0-Main product, 1-Product variations, 2-Advanced stock management 3-Advanced stock and price management |
numeric | 2 |
tax | Tax rate for ordered product |
numeric | |
tax_calculation | Set tax calculation method. Set if the price (which is added to a product) includes tax (Brutto) or it does not include tax (Netto) |
numeric | |
tax_recapitulation_amount_brutto | Gross total amount for Tax recapitulation |
text | |
tax_recapitulation_amount_netto | Net total amount for Tax recapitulation |
text | |
tax_recapitulation_item_id_c | Different type of VATs can be extended through country TAXES |
text | |
tax_recapitulation_item_id_r | Different type of VATs can be extended through region TAXES |
text | |
tax_recapitulation_title | Tax recapitulation title |
text | Rounding |
tax_recapitulation_title_lang | Language string to be used as title for Tax recapitulation |
tax_recapitulation_title_lang_suffix | Language string to be used as suffix for Tax recapitulation |
tax_recapitulation_title_lang_suffix2 | Language string to be used as second suffix for Tax recapitulation |
text | |
tax_recapitulation_type | Set type of tax recapitulation. Either it is rounding or trcrounding or brutto |
text | netto |
terms | If user accepted terms for an order or not |
numeric | 1 |
title | Title of User |
text | Mr. |
title_feed | Set title or ID of external XML feed server category which is assigned to this category |
text | |
total_amount | Total amount of coupon or discount |
numeric | 4.99 |
tracking_date_shipped | Order shipped date |
text | 2022-01-15 00:00:00 |
tracking_description_custom | Along with tracking_title and tracking_link_custom these are items for storing information about tracking the packet. |
text | Parcel sent by Fedex |
tracking_link_custom | Along with tracking_description_custom and tracking_title these are items for storing information about tracking the packet. |
text | |
tracking_number | Order tracking number |
text | 20983451 |
tracking_title | Along with tracking_description_custom and tracking_link_custom these are items for storing information about tracking the packet. NOT USED BY PhocaCart for now. |
text | Fedex shipment |
type | Type of category or coupon or discount or formfields or groups or orders or products or users |
text | |
type_category_feed | Specific type of product category used in XML feed (for example by Google products: g:google_product_category) |
text | g:google_product_category |
type_default | Phoca Cart has few predefined form fields (default types) not created by user but created when installing Phoca Cart. Set this field value to 1 says the form field is a predefined field. If the field value is set to 0 then it means form field was created by user. |
text | |
type_feed | specific type of products used in XML feed (for example by Google products: g:product_type) |
text | g:product_type |
unique | If the form field is unique |
numeric | 1 |
unit_amount | Unit for price of a product |
numeric | 3.99 |
unit_size | Unit for size of a product |
numeric | |
unit_unit | Unit value of a product |
numeric | |
unit_volume | Unit for volume of a product |
numeric | 0.6 |
unit_weight | Unit for weight of a product |
numeric | Kg |
upc | Universal product code of a product |
text | MN1001 |
usergroup_name | Group name which user belong to |
text | Registered |
username | Login name of user |
text | csvi |
user_agent | Name of an HTTP user agent |
text | |
user_groups | Joomla user group of the user placed the order |
text | Registered |
user_lang | Language to generate document for user |
text | fr-FR |
user_token | 16 digit random token for a user for an order |
text | |
validate | If the form field should be validated. Check if value is required or not. |
numeric | 1 |
valid_from | Date time from which coupon or discount are valid |
text | 2022-05-05 09:44:00 |
valid_to | Date time till which coupon or discount are valid |
text | 2022-06-05 09:44:00 |
vat_1 | In some countries there are two different identifications numbers for the firm, so this is standard VAT number of the firm |
numeric | |
vat_2 | Second identification number for a firm. |
numeric | |
vat_valid | if the user is VAT payer and the VAT was checked. Mostly used if the user is a company. |
numeric | 0 |
vendor_email | Email of the vendor |
text | |
video | Video of the product |
text | |
volume | Specifies the weight of the product |
numeric | 12 |
weight | Specifies the weight of the product |
numeric | 10 |
width | Specifies the width of the product |
numeric | 15 |
zip | Zip code of user |
text | 110010 |