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Release RO CSVI 7.17.0

RO CSVI 7.17.0 release

The last couple of releases have been more bugfix releases than new features. We have been working on some new features and have them ready for you now. The major feature in this release is that we added support for Google Sheets and further we added support for VirtueMart 3.8 which has some significant changes over VirtueMart 3.6.

Google Sheets [BETA]

The big news for this release is really the support for Google Sheets. A feature that has been requested quite regularly over the years and now we have implemented support for Google sheets. We have implemented both importing from Google Sheets and exporting to Google Sheets. Unfortunately it is not a simple install and go due to the sheer size of the Google library that is required and the setting up of the app in Google. So we prepared extensive documentation on how to go about setting up all requirements to be able to use Google Sheets in RO CSVI. Have a look at the Google API settings for import and export which explains step by step to prepare the system for use of Google Sheets in RO CSVI.

There are two more articles, one explaining the import and the other explaining the export with Google Sheets:

The feature is labeled as BETA because Google implementations tend to change and differ as time passes and we would like to get some more feedback on how well it works.

VirtueMart 3.8

With the release of VirtueMart 3.8 there has been a significant change on how relations between data is managed. This has caused some major changes required to RO CSVI, which we have done and now support both VirtueMart 3.6 and VirtueMart 3.8. This is also needed as some users had to downgrade their VirtueMart version from 3.8 back to 3.6 due to other issues.

A side-effect of this new relationship handling is that any export using the category_path field will throw an error, that has been fixed as well.

Another small fix we have done is that exports can now be sorted by manufacturer name.

Joomla Custom Fields

A number of changes have been done for the Joomla Custom Fields as well. We are now support importing and exporting fields of the type Repeatable. We have documentation available on both the import and export of custom fields:

The import of the value 0 would not be processed, this has been fixed and the 0 value can now be imported.


Exporting dates form HikaShop would be exported as UNIX timestamps, the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. Not very useful for humans, so we changed this so that all date fields will be exported in the date format as specified in your template.

Changes in RO CSVI 7.17.0

Check the full list of changes in this release:

  • Added Google Sheet support [BETA]
  • Added VirtueMart 3.8 support for has fields
  • Added support for text and values stored as JSON in Joomla Custom Fields export
  • Fixed default_variant not applied in HikaShop Product import
  • Reworked the handling of RO CSVI Custom Table export
  • New template fields are not stored with the next ordering number
  • Fixed sorting on manufacturer name in VirtueMart Product export
  • Fixed category_parent_id is ambigious in VirtueMart exports containing category_path
  • Fixed 0 not processed in Joomla Custom Fields import
  • Added convert HikaShop dates to human readable dates
  • Changed to use stored username on Joomla User import
  • Fixed restoring a Custom Table import that table is not set
  • Fixed notices on combine rule during import

This release is available for free to everyone with an active subscription from the Download section. If you do not have a subscription yet, you can subscribe here.