Here you will find all the available fields that can be used in the HikaShop import and export routines. Please see the relevant tutorials on how to use these fields in a specific scenario.
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Available Fields for HikaShop
Title | Description | Type | Example |
activation | Activation code of Joomla user |
text | |
address_city | Name of the city of user |
text | Norwich |
address_company | Company name of the user |
text | csvimproved |
address_country | User country name |
text | Denmark |
address_default | If the address is a default address Possible optionsY:Yes |
Y | |
address_fax | User fax |
numeric | 3456767 |
address_firstname | First name of the user |
text | Robert |
address_id | Primary Key id value of the address |
numeric | 12 |
address_lastname | User last name |
text | Parkson |
address_middle_name | User middle name |
text | K |
address_post_code | Zip code of user |
text | 110010 |
address_published | Set the state of the address. Possible options1:Published |
numeric | |
address_state | State name for address |
text | Alaska |
address_street | User shipping address details |
text | 490 E Main Street Norwich |
address_street2 | User shipping address details |
text | CT 06366 |
address_telephone | User first telephone number |
numeric | 2365781 |
address_telephone2 | User second telephone number |
numeric | 2783451 |
address_title | User title for the address |
text | Mr. |
address_user_id | Primary key id value of user, it should match with Joomla user table id |
numeric | 1 |
address_vat | VAT details of the address |
text | |
allow | Set which dates should be shown in the datepicker. Possible optionsall:All dates |
amount | |||
attribute | The attributes to assign to a field type. |
text | class="red" |
badge_access | The access level to the badge |
numeric | 1 |
badge_category_childs | If need to include category children to the badge Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
badge_category_id | Category id set to the badge |
numeric | 1 |
badge_discount_id | Discount id set to the badge |
numeric | 1 |
badge_end | End date of the badge |
numeric | 2013-01-01 12:13:15 |
badge_horizontal_distance | Horizontal distance in pixels |
numeric | 20px |
badge_id | Primary key value of HikaShop badge table |
numeric | 2 |
badge_image | Image set for the badge |
text | |
badge_keep_size | If need to keep the size of the badge Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
badge_margin | Margin for the badge |
numeric | |
badge_name | Name of the badge |
text | Free Shipping |
badge_ordering | Order of the badge |
numeric | 1 |
badge_position | The position, chosen among 4 choices, where the badge will be positionned. |
text | topleft |
badge_product_id | The id of the product for which badge has to be applied |
numeric | 210 |
badge_published | Choose to publish your badge by setting to "Yes" else otherwise. Possible options1:Published |
numeric | 1 |
badge_quantity | if you enter a number to quantity, that will restrict the badge to show only to that stock amount. So for example, if you want to display a "no stock left" badge, you can put 0 in that field so that the badge display on the products image only when there is no stock left. |
numeric | 0 |
badge_size | This size defines the size of the badge compared to the size of the product image. It means that the badge will adapt itself automatically. |
numeric | 20 |
badge_start | The date when the display of the badge will start. |
text | 2017-08-01 12:13:15 |
badge_url | This field will make badge clickable and redirect the customer to the given url |
text | |
badge_vertical_distance | This distance is between the top or the bottom of the image and the same part of the badge. |
numeric | 0 |
billing_address_city | User billing city name |
text | Delhi |
billing_address_company | Billing Company name of the user |
text | csvimproved |
billing_address_country | User billing country name |
text | Denmark |
billing_address_default | If the address is a default address |
numeric | |
billing_address_fax | User billing fax number |
numeric | 123456 |
billing_address_firstname | User billing first name |
text | Chris |
billing_address_lastname | User billing last name |
text | Daven |
billing_address_middle_name | User billing middle name |
text | K |
billing_address_post_code | Zip code of billing address |
text | 110010 |
billing_address_published | Set the state of the address details Possible options1:Published |
numeric | 1 |
billing_address_state | State name of the billing address |
text | DE |
billing_address_street | User billing address details |
text | 490 E Main Street Norwich |
billing_address_street2 | User billing address details |
text | CT 06366 |
billing_address_telephone | User billing telephone number 1 |
numeric | 2365781 |
billing_address_telephone2 | User billing telephone number 2 |
numeric | 2365781 |
billing_address_title | User billing address title. |
text | Mr. |
billing_address_vat | Billing address vat |
billing_country_zone_code_2 | Billing country name 2 letter code |
text | IN |
billing_country_zone_code_3 | Billing country name 3 letter code |
text | IND |
billing_country_zone_name | Billing country zone name |
text | ???? |
billing_country_zone_name_english | Billing country zone name in English |
text | India |
billing_state_zone_code_2 | Billing State name 2 letter code |
text | AK |
billing_state_zone_code_3 | Billing State name 3 letter code |
text | ALK |
billing_state_zone_name | Billing state zone name |
text | GP |
billing_state_zone_name_english | Billing state zone name in English |
text | GLP |
billing_zone_type | Zone type for billing |
text | country |
block | If the user is blocked Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 0 |
brand | The brand name for a product |
text | Nike |
category_access | Set the access level for the category. |
text | all |
category_alias | A unique alias for the category. |
text | electronic-goods |
category_canonical | The url which is used to access the category at its best. it is used in SEF. |
text | |
category_created | The creation date of the category convert to time. |
text | 1456748987 |
category_depth | The level of the category from the root category |
text | 2 |
category_description | Description of a category. |
text | |
category_id | The primary key value of categories table |
numeric | 1 |
category_keywords | Meta information of the category |
text | men-shoes,shoes |
category_layout | Layout of the category |
text | inherit |
category_left | Specifies the left position in the nested set. |
numeric | 45 |
category_menu | Menu for a category |
numeric | 2 |
category_meta_description | Meta description for a category |
text | category for men shoes |
category_modified | Set the id of the user modified the category |
numeric | 245 |
category_name | Name of the category |
text | |
category_namekey | The unique name key of the category |
text | product_1456748987_675577399 |
category_ordering | The order in which to show the category. |
numeric | 3 |
category_page_title | Title of the category page |
text | Electronic goods |
category_parent_id | Sets the parent to which category belongs to. |
text | |
category_path | The category path specifies in which category an item belongs. |
text | product category/Shoes/Men |
category_published | Set the published state of the category. Possible options1:Product published |
numeric | |
category_quantity_layout | The number of category to be listed in a layout |
text | 5 |
category_right | The right value where category lies between. |
text | |
category_site_id | Set the site id of the category. |
text | 2 |
category_type | Type of category, for brands set the value of field as manufacturer, for tax category set it as tax, for product category set it as product and for order status set it as status. |
text | manufacturer |
characteristics | Characteristics of a product |
text | Size |
characteristic_alias | Alias name of characteristic |
text | size |
characteristic_delete | Field to delete characteristic during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
characteristic_display_method | Display method of a characteristic |
text | dropdown |
characteristic_display_type | Display type for a characteristic |
text | |
characteristic_id | Primary key value of characteristic table |
numeric | 3 |
characteristic_ordering | Set the ordering of characteristic |
numeric | 1 |
characteristic_params | Parameters of characteristic |
text | |
characteristic_parent_alias | Parent characteristic alias name |
text | shoes |
characteristic_parent_id | Parent id of the characteristic |
numeric | 2 |
characteristic_value | Value of the characteristic |
text | XL |
cols | The number of columns to use on a textarea. |
numeric | 10 |
combine | This is a special field to allow you to combine fields into a single field. Possible optionsThis field is only used when setting up your template fields. |
text | |
comment | Comment on order |
text | Timely shipping and delievery |
country_2_code | Code of the country name |
text | US |
country_3_code | Code of the country name |
text | NL |
country_name | Country name |
text | Netherlands |
currency_code | The 3-letter currency code. |
text | EUR |
currency_name | Currency name for price |
text | EUR |
custom | Custom Possible optionsCSVI custom field for a export |
text | |
discount_access | Set the limit a coupon or a discount to joomla groups of users |
numeric | 8 |
discount_affiliate | Discount affiliate |
discount_auto_load | If set to Yes the system will load the coupon in the cart on the checkout |
numeric | 1 |
discount_category_childs | Category child ids for which the discount to be applied |
numeric | 2 |
discount_category_id | Id of the product category for which the discount to be applied. |
text | 23 |
discount_code | Code number of a discount which is used at checkout process |
text | HDSTYN |
discount_coupon_nodoubling | Set if coupon can be used again |
numeric | 0 |
discount_coupon_product_only | If the coupon to be used only on products Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
discount_currency_id | Currency id of the discount |
numeric | 47 |
discount_delete | Field to delete discount during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
discount_end | Set an ending date for a coupon or a discount. |
text | 2017-08-01 12:13:15 |
discount_flat_amount | Set an amount for discount in the currency needed. |
text | 120 |
discount_id | Primary key field value of discount table |
numeric | 12 |
discount_minimum_order | If set, a coupon won't be accepted if the total amount of the products in the order is under this value |
numeric | 200 |
discount_minimum_products | If set, a coupon won't be accepted if the total number of the products in the order is under this value. |
numeric | 2 |
discount_percent_amount | Amount discount in percentage |
numeric | 10% |
discount_product_id | Id of the product to apply discount |
numeric | 10 |
discount_published | If the discount is published or not Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
discount_quota | The alloted value of a discount |
numeric | 12 |
discount_quota_per_user | The alloted dscount for a user |
numeric | |
discount_site_id | Site id of the discount |
text | |
discount_start | Set an start date for a coupon or a discount. |
text | 2017-08-01 12:13:15 |
discount_tax_id | Tax id for the discount |
numeric | 1 |
discount_type | Type of discount, if it is discount or coupons |
text | discount |
discount_used_times | Number of times discount has been used |
numeric | 10 |
discount_zone_id | Zone id for which discount has been set |
numeric | 15 |
Email id of the user |
text | | |
errormessage | A custom error message to show for a field set to required. |
text | This field is required |
features | ICECat product features |
text | |
field_access | A comma-separated list of usergroups allowed to access the field. |
text | ,4,5, |
field_backend | If set to Yes, you will be able to change this information on the back end. Usually it should be always Yes. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_backend_listing | If set to Yes, the value of the field will be displayed as an additional column on listings on the back end. Note that this only applies to user and product custom fields. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_categories | For custom fields of the tables "Category", "Product" or "Item", you can restrict the display of the custom field to only some categories. |
text | ,2,5, |
field_core | Designates this field as a core field. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | N |
field_default | A default value for the custom field. |
text | I agree |
field_delete | Delete the custom field. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | N |
field_display | A semi-colon separated list of field options and values. |
text | |
field_frontcomp | If set to Yes, address and user customer fields will be used during the checkout process to ask more information about the customer. Product custom fields will be displayed as specifications on the product page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_id | Primary key value of field table |
numeric | 2 |
field_item_front_cart_details | Set the display option Back-end Cart details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_back_cart_details | Set the display option Front-end Cart details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_checkout | Set the display option Checkout. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_edit_product_order | Set the display option Product edition form in order. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_back_invoice | Set the display option Invoice. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_front_order | Set the display option Front-end order details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_mail_order_notif | Set the display option Order administrator notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_mail_order_creation | Set the display option Order creation notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_order_form | Set the display option Back-end order details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_mail_admin_notif | Set the display option Order notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_mail_status_notif | Set the display option Order status notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_mail_payment_notif | Set the display option Payment notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_product_cart | Set the display option Cart Module. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_product_listing | Set the display option Front-end Product Listing. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_product_show | Set the display option Product Page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_shipping_invoice | Set the display option Shipping Invoice. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_item_show_cart | Set the display option Front-end Cart details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_namekey | This is the column name of the field and is the unique key for CSVI. |
text | gift_message |
field_options | This is a serialized string of data used to store a number of options used by a field. |
text | |
field_order_front_order | If the order is a front end order Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_ordering | Set the ordering of the field. |
numeric | 8 |
field_order_mail_admin_notif | Set the display option for Order administrator notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_checkout | Set the display option for Checkout. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_mail_order_creation | Set the display option for Order creation notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_edit_fields | Set the display option for Order additional information. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_form | Set the display option for Order edition form. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_invoice | Set the display option for Invoice. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_listing | Set the display option for Back-end Listing. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_mail_order_notif | Set the display option for Order notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_mail_payment_notif | Set the display option for Payment notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_back_shipping_invoice | Set the display option for Shipping Invoice. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_show | Set the display option for Front-end order details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_order_mail_status_notif | Set the display option for Order status notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_products | A comma-separated list of product IDs to which the field is limited to. |
text | ,5,4, |
field_product_back_cart_details | Set the display option for Back-end Cart details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_show | Set the display option for Front-end product details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_compare | Set the display option for Comparison page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_form | Set the display option for Product Edition page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_front_cart_details | Set the display option for Front-end Cart details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_front_listing | Set the display option for Front-end Listing. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_back_invoice | Set the display option for Invoice. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_listing | Set the display option for Back-end Listing. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_mail_admin_notif | Set the display option for Order administrator notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_mail_order_creation | Set the display option for Order creation notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_order_form | Set the display option for Back-end Order details page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_mail_order_notif | Set the display option for Order notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_mail_status_notif | Set the display option for Order status notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_mail_payment_notif | Set the display option for Payment notification. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_back_shipping_invoice | Set the display option for Shipping Invoice. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_product_show | Set the display option for Product page. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_published | Set if the field should be published or not. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_realname | The label of the field. |
text | Fullname |
field_required | If set to Yes, the field will be required to be filled out. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
field_table | The table for which the field is to be created. Possible optionsAddress:address |
text | product |
field_type | The type of field it is. Possible optionsText:text |
text | checkbox |
field_value | The values belonging to the field types:
text | mr::Mr.::0 mr::Mr.::0|mrs::Mrs.::0 |
field_with_sub_categories | Set the display option for Including sub categories. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
file_description | Set the description for a media file |
text | A white 30 cm Scale |
file_name | Set the name of the media file |
text | image1.jpg |
file_ordering | Ordering of the media item |
numeric | 2 |
file_path | The path of the media item |
text | /var/www/htdocs/ |
filtering | Set the option Input filtering Possible optionsY:Yes |
first_name | First name of the user |
text | Robert |
format | Set the option Format for the date picker. |
text | d-m-Y |
history_amount | The order amount |
numeric | 234 |
history_created | Date of order created |
text | 2017-09-13 |
history_data | Details about the order |
text | |
history_id | Primary key value of hikashop history table |
numeric | 2 |
history_ip | Ip address from where order has been processed |
text | |
history_new_status | The recent status of an order |
text | cancelled |
history_notified | If the order change has been notified |
numeric | 1 |
history_order_id | The order id |
numeric | 12 |
history_package_id | The id of the package |
numeric | 12 |
history_payment_id | The id of the payment method |
numeric | 3 |
history_payment_method | Name of the payment method |
text | COD |
history_reason | Reason of the order status change |
text | |
history_type | History type |
text | |
history_user_id | User id of the order |
numeric | 625 |
id | Id of the Joomla user table |
numeric | 345 |
lastResetTime | Last reset time of user |
text | 2018-07-13 12:13:15 PM |
lastvisitDate | User last visted date and time |
text | 2018-07-13 12:13:15 PM |
last_name | Last name of the user |
text | Jack |
limit_to_parent | limit_to_parent Possible optionsAll:all |
The value to use is the field_namekey value of the custom field that is part of the same table. To use the All option set the value to all. |
All |
maxlength | Set the Maximum length option. |
numeric | 25 |
name | Name of the user |
text | Robert |
order_billing_address_id | Billing address id for an order |
numeric | 2 |
order_created | Date and time when order was created |
text | 2018-07-13 12:13:15 PM |
order_currency_id | Currency id of the order |
numeric | 3 |
order_currency_info | Currency information of an order |
text | EUR |
order_discount_code | Discount code for an order |
text | HJUIK |
order_discount_price | Amount of discount on an order |
numeric | 25 |
order_discount_tax | Tax amount on discount for an order |
numeric | 12 |
order_full_price | The total amount of the order once everything has been factored in. |
numeric | 546,89 |
order_id | Primary key field value of order table |
numeric | 2 |
order_invoice_created | Date and time when order invoice was created |
text | 2018-07-13 12:13:15 PM |
order_invoice_id | Invoice id of an order |
text | 2 |
order_invoice_number | Invoice number of an order |
text | YUVBGE |
order_ip | ip address of the user placed the order |
text | |
order_modified | Date and time when order is modified |
text | 2018-07-13 12:13:15 PM |
order_number | This order number is generated from the id of the order. |
text | JKLHG |
order_partner_currency_id | Affiliates currency id |
numeric | 47 |
order_partner_id | Affilitae partner id |
numeric | 654 |
order_partner_paid | If affilitae partner has been paid |
numeric | 1 |
order_partner_price | Price amount to be paid to affiliate partner |
text | 123,78 |
order_payment_id | Payment id of the order |
numeric | 1 |
order_payment_method | Name of the payment method selected by the customer during the checkout process. |
text | paypal |
order_payment_params | Parameters of order payment |
text | |
order_payment_price | Order payment price |
text | 134,98 |
order_payment_tax | Order payment tax amount |
text | 23,65 |
order_product_code | SKU of the product placed as an order |
text | P10001 |
order_product_id | Id of the product placed in the order |
numeric | 23 |
order_product_name | Name of the product placed in the order |
text | Men shoes |
order_product_options | Options of a product in the order |
text | |
order_product_option_parent_id | Options parent id of a product |
text | 3 |
order_product_price | Product price in an order |
numeric | 234 |
order_product_quantity | Number of products placed in the order |
numeric | 2 |
order_product_shipping_id | Shipping id of an order |
numeric | 3 |
order_product_shipping_method | Shipping method name for an order |
text | manual |
order_product_shipping_params | Parameters of shipping of an order |
text | |
order_product_shipping_price | Product shipping price |
numeric | 45 |
order_product_shipping_tax | Shipping tax amount for a product in an order |
text | 145,98 |
order_product_tax | Product tax amount of an order |
numeric | 23 |
order_product_tax_info | Tax information of an order |
text | s:40:"{"tax_namekey":false,"tax_amount":false}"; |
order_product_wishlist_id | If the product has been saved in wishlist then its wishlist id |
numeric | 1 |
order_shipping_address_id | Shipping address id of the order |
numeric | 2 |
order_shipping_id | Shipping method id for an order |
numeric | 3 |
order_shipping_method | Shipping method name for an order |
numeric | fedex |
order_shipping_params | Shipping parameters of an order |
text | |
order_shipping_price | Shipping price for an order |
numeric | 45 |
order_shipping_tax | Shipping tax for an order |
numeric | 12 |
order_site_id | Site id of an order |
order_status | Status of an order |
text | pending |
order_tax_info | Tax information of an order |
text | a:1:{s:0:"";O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:11:"tax_namekey";s:0:"";s:10:"tax_amount";s:0:"";s:21:"tax_amount_for_coupon";s:0:"";}} |
order_type | Type of order |
text | sale |
order_user_id | Id of the user placed the order |
numeric | 12 |
otep | one time emergency passwords |
text | |
otpKey | Two factor authentication key |
text | |
override_tax_zone | The English name of the zone to override the tax zone. |
text | Netherlands |
params | Joomla user parameters |
text | {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} |
parent_value | The value of the item selected in Display limited to. |
text | 15.6 |
password | password for user login |
text | csvi1234 |
password_crypt | for importing md5 hash password |
text | $2y$10$jxP5RmqFlFvYX7yUYqaQoOYzvbeLxq1i/HP1JI6ltj8d0livd.Ady |
picture_url | Image URL of a product |
text | /images/stories/imag1.jpg |
picture_url_thumb | Thumb image URL of a product |
text | |
placeholder | The placeholder to show for a Text field. |
text | Enter your username |
pleaseselect | Set the Add a 'Please select' value Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
price_access | Set the usergroup to have access to the price |
text | Editor |
price_access_new | If need to update the current usergroup set the new usergroup name in this field and old usergroup name in price_access field |
text | Registered |
price_currency_id | Set the currency id of the price |
numeric | 47 |
price_delete | Delete a price when doing a import Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
price_id | Primary key value from HikaShop price table |
numeric | 5 |
price_min_quantity | Minimum quantity of price |
numeric | 2 |
price_product_id | primary key field of product price table |
numeric | 3 |
price_site_id | Price site id |
text | |
price_value | Price amount of a product |
numeric | 150 |
price_value_new | If price of a product needs to be updated put the new price in this field and old price value in price_value field |
numeric | 120 |
price_with_tax | Price value with tax included |
numeric | 152 |
product_access | Restrict the display of the product to only some user groups. |
text | all |
product_alias | Unique name for a product |
text | men-shoes |
product_average_score | Average score a product has earned |
numeric | 7 |
product_canonical | Link of the product to list the product details. This is used for optimized product search rank. |
text | |
product_code | The unique code for a product |
text | Blue_stiletto |
product_contact | Set to display a contact button on the front end product page to allow customers to contact for more information on the product Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
product_created | Product created date and time |
text | '2018-07-13 12:13:15 PM |
product_delete | Delete a product when doing a import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
product_description | Description of a product |
text | Men shoes |
product_dimension_unit | Unit to measure product dimensions |
text | cms |
product_display_quantity_field | If the product quantity field to be displayed on front end |
numeric | 1 |
product_group_after_purchase | If need to group the products after purchase |
numeric | 1 |
product_height | Height of the product |
numeric | 20 |
product_hit | Number of hits product has got |
text | 20 |
product_id | Primary key field value of product table |
numeric | 3 |
product_keywords | Keywords for meta information |
text | |
product_last_seen_date | Last seen date of the product |
text | 2016-04-12 7:14:20 AM |
product_layout | Layout product need to use on front end |
product_length | Length of a product |
numeric | 20 |
product_manufacturer_id | Manufacturer id of a product |
numeric | 5 |
product_max_per_order | Maximum products can be ordered in a order |
numeric | 5 |
product_meta_description | Meta description of a product |
text | |
product_min_per_order | Minimum products that can be ordered |
numeric | 1 |
product_modified | Modified date and time for a product |
text | 2016-04-12 7:14:20 AM |
product_msrp | |||
product_name | Name of the product |
text | Shoes |
product_options | Set the products to be used as options, multiple products separated by | |
text | P10001|P1002 |
product_page_title | Title of the product page |
text | Sample product |
product_parent_code | The product code of the parent item. This is only used when importing variants. |
text | |
product_parent_id | Parent product id |
numeric | 1 |
product_price | The price of the product. The product import only hanldes a single price per product. To import multiple prices per product, use the Price import. |
numeric | 10.24 |
product_price_percentage | Price of product in percentage |
numeric | 12 |
product_published | Set the published state of the product Possible options1:Product published |
numeric | |
product_quantity | The number of items in stock. Possible options-1:Unlimited |
numeric | Unlimited -1 10 items in stock 10 |
product_quantity_layout | Set the layout to display the product quantity |
text | |
product_sales | |||
product_sale_end | Product sale end date |
text | 2018-04-12 7:14:20 AM |
product_sale_start | Product sale start date |
text | 2017-04-12 7:14:20 AM |
product_tax | Tax amount of a product |
numeric | 35 |
product_tax_category | Tax categories you want to be used for the calculations of the taxes on a product |
text | Default tax category |
product_tax_id | Tax id of a product |
numeric | 2 |
product_total_vote | Total number of votes product has got |
numeric | 15 |
product_type | The type of product. Possible optionsmain:The main product |
text | |
product_url | Set URL of the product where product details are explained |
text | |
product_value | Set the field option for For the value. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
product_vendor_id | Vendor id for the product |
numeric | 3 |
product_waitlist | If the product has been put in waitlist |
numeric | 0 |
product_warehouse_id | Primary key field for HikaShop warehouse table |
numeric | 2 |
product_weight | Weight of the product |
numeric | 2 |
product_weight_unit | Unit to measure product weight |
text | kgs |
product_width | Width of the product |
text | 110 cms |
readonly | Set the readonly status for a field. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
regex | You can enter here a regular expression so that if your custom field is required, the data entered by the user in the field will have to match the regular expression here. |
text | [0-9]+ |
registerDate | Date user registered on site |
text | 2016-04-12 7:14:20 AM |
related_products | Related products of a product |
text | 10001|10002|10003 |
requireReset | Require user to reset password on next login Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
resetCount | Count of password reset since last reset time |
numeric | 2 |
restricted_currency_code | The 3-letter currency code to restrict the shipping rule to. Multiple currencies are separated by the pipe-symbol. |
text | EUR|USD |
rows | The number of rows to use on a textarea. |
numeric | 25 |
sendEmail | Send email to Joomla user Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
shippingrate_delete | Delete a shipping rate when import Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
text | Y |
shipping_access | Set the access for shipping |
text | all |
shipping_address_city | User shipping city name |
text | Delhi |
shipping_address_company | shipping Company name of the user |
text | csvimproved |
shipping_address_country | User shipping country name |
text | Denmark |
shipping_address_default | If the address is a default address |
numeric | |
shipping_address_fax | User shipping fax number |
numeric | 123456 |
shipping_address_firstname | User shipping first name |
text | Chris |
shipping_address_lastname | User shipping last name |
text | Daven |
shipping_address_middle_name | User shipping middle name |
text | K |
shipping_address_post_code | Zip code of shipping address |
text | 110010 |
shipping_address_published | Set the state of the address details Possible options1:Published |
numeric | 1 |
shipping_address_state | State name of the shipping address |
text | DE |
shipping_address_street | User shipping address details |
text | 490 E Main Street Norwich |
shipping_address_street2 | User shipping address details |
text | CT 06366 |
shipping_address_telephone | User shipping telephone number 1 |
numeric | 2365781 |
shipping_address_telephone2 | User shipping telephone number 2 |
numeric | 2365781 |
shipping_address_title | User shipping address title. |
text | Mr. |
shipping_address_vat | Shipping address vat |
numeric | 10 |
shipping_country_zone_code_2 | Shipping country name 2 letter code |
text | IN |
shipping_country_zone_code_3 | Shipping country name 3 letter code |
text | IND |
shipping_country_zone_name | Shipping country zone name |
text | ???? |
shipping_country_zone_name_english | Shipping country zone name in English |
text | India |
shipping_currency | Currency of the shipping |
text | EUR |
shipping_currency_id | Currency id of the shipping |
numeric | 47 |
shipping_description | Billing state zone name |
text | GP |
shipping_id | Billing state zone name in English |
text | GLP |
shipping_images | A comma-separated list of images to show for the shipping rate. |
text | aupost |
shipping_max_price | The shipping method can be available for only orders below a maximum price. |
float | 6.00 |
shipping_max_quantity | You can set a maximum quantity so that orders over it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The quantity of the order will be calculated based on the quantity of each products in it. |
numeric | 10 |
shipping_max_volume | Maximum voulme that can be shipped |
float | 11.2 |
shipping_max_weight | You can set a maximum weight so that orders over it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The weight of the order will be calculated based on the weight of each products in it. |
float | 2.9 |
shipping_max_zip | You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes within a certain range whereby this is the maximum possible value. |
text | 3192 VR |
shipping_min_price | The shipping method can be available for only orders above a minimum price. This price uses the shipping method price currency even if the price is 0. |
float | 2.25 |
shipping_min_quantity | You can set a minimum quantity so that orders below it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The quantity of the order will be calculated based on the quantity of each products in it. |
numeric | 2 |
shipping_min_volume | Minimum volume that can be shipped |
float | 10.5 |
shipping_min_weight | You can set a minimum weight so that orders below it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The weight of the order will be calculated based on the weight of each products in it. |
float | 3.74 |
shipping_min_zip | You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes within a certain range whereby this is the minimum possible value. |
html | 3191 VR |
shipping_name | A unique name of the shipping rule. |
text | Free Netherlands |
shipping_ordering | The order in which to show the shipping rule. |
numeric | 29 |
shipping_override_address | Set if an override should be used for the shipping address. Possible options0:No |
numeric | 2 |
shipping_override_address_text | Specify the overriden shipping address |
html | Street 10 12345 Hometown |
shipping_params | Parameters of shipment method |
text | |
shipping_percentage | Additionally to the price of the field above, you can also set here a percentage of the total of the order's products. The result amount will be added to the price so that you can have a fix minimum price and a percentage fee on top of it. |
numeric | 5 |
shipping_per_product | Activate the price per product system for that shipping method. Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
text | Y |
shipping_price | The price set for the shipping method. |
float | 2.25 |
shipping_price_per_product | Configure a fixed shipping price for each product added to the cart which will be summed up and added to the main price of the shipping method. |
float | 2.95 |
shipping_price_use_tax | The price restriction can be set on the taxed price or the price without tax depending on this option. Possible optionsY: Yes |
numeric | |
shipping_published | Set the shipping rule enabled. Possible optionsY: Yes |
text | Y |
shipping_size_unit | Set the unit of measurement for size. Possible optionsm |
text | m |
shipping_state_zone_code_2 | Shipping State name 2 letter code |
text | AK |
shipping_state_zone_code_3 | Shipping State name 3 letter code |
text | ALK |
shipping_state_zone_name | Shipping state zone name |
text | GP |
shipping_state_zone_name_english | Shipping state zone name in English |
text | GLP |
shipping_tax_id | Tax id of the shipping method |
numeric | 12 |
shipping_type | The element name of the shipping plugin. |
text | manual |
shipping_virtual_included | If you activate this option, the price of virtual goods (no weight) is taken into account for the maximum and minimum price restrictions above as well as the percentage price calculation. Otherwise, only the real goods (with a weight) are taken into account. Possible optionsY: Yes |
numeric | |
shipping_warehouse_filter | Name of the warehouse |
text | |
shipping_weight_unit | Set the unit of measurement for weight Possible optionskg |
text | kg |
shipping_zip_prefix | You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes including such prefix with this option. |
text | |
shipping_zip_suffix | You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes including such suffix with this option. |
text | |
shipping_zone_namekey | Shipping address zone name key |
text | country_Argentina_10 |
shipping_zone_type | Shipping address zone type |
text | state |
size | The size of an input field. |
numeric | 10 |
skip | The skip field is used to skip the field from being imported. |
text | |
state_3_code | 3 letter code of the state name |
text | AZ |
state_name | Name of the state of a country |
text | California |
tax_amount | Amount of tax on order |
numeric | 58 |
tax_amount_for_coupon | Tax amount on the coupon |
numeric | 15 |
tax_name | The full path to the tax rule. The tax category is a forward-slash separated string which starts at the base of the tax category structure. By default the base is taxation category and after that follows the setup taxation rules. |
text | taxation category/Default tax category |
tax_namekey | Name of the tax |
text | VAT |
translatable | Set the field to be translatable. Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
usergroup_name | The name or names of user groups that the shipping rule is limited to. Multiple user groups are pipe-symbol separated. |
text | Registered|Editor |
username | Username of the user from Joomla user table |
text | user1 |
user_cms_id | Joomla table user id |
numeric | 620 |
user_created | Date and time when user has been created |
text | 2017-08-01 12:13:15 |
user_created_ip | Ip address from where user has been created |
text | |
user_currency_id | Currency id of the user |
numeric | 47 |
user_email | Email of the user |
text | |
user_id | Primary key field value of HikaShop customer table |
numeric | 154 |
user_params | Parameters of a user |
text | |
user_partner_activated | If the affiliate partner activated or not |
numeric | 1 |
user_partner_currency_id | The currency in which the affiliate partner wishes to be paid with |
numeric | 47 |
user_partner_email | The payment email of the affiliate partner |
text | |
user_partner_id | User id of the affiliate partner |
numeric | 615 |
user_partner_paid | If affiliate partner is paid or not Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
text | Y |
user_partner_price | Amount to be paid to affiliate partner |
numeric | 100 |
user_unpaid_amount | Total unpaid amount for a user |
numeric | 125,6 |
vote_comment | Comment on user vote |
text | Bes product |
vote_date | Date when vote has been given |
text | 2017-08-01 12:13:15 |
vote_email | Email id of the user given the vote |
text | |
vote_id | Primary key field for vote table |
numeric | 1 |
vote_ip | User ip address from where vote has been given |
text | |
vote_pseudo | |||
vote_published | Set the state of the vote Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
text | Y |
vote_rating | The rate given by the user for the item. |
numeric | 6 |
vote_ref_id | Reference id from user vote table |
numeric | 1 |
vote_type | Type of the vote |
text | product |
vote_useful | If the vote is userful or not Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
text | Y |
vote_user_id | Id of the user voted |
numeric | 625 |
warehouse | The name of the warehouse to restrict the shipping rule to. |
text | Rotterdam |
warehouse_name | Warehouse name for a product |
text | Sample Warehouse |
zone | The English name of the zone to restrict the shipping rule to. |
text | Netherlands |
zone_code_2 | 2 letters ISO code for a zone |
text | AF |
zone_code_3 | 3 letters ISO code for a zone. |
text | AFG |
zone_currency_id | Set the currency to apply on this zone |
text | EUR |
zone_id | Primary key field value of zone table |
numeric | 12 |
zone_name | Name of the zone |
text | Argentina |
zone_namekey | Name key of the zone. |
text | country_Argentina_10 |
zone_name_english | English name of the zone |
text | Argentina |
zone_published | Set the state of the zone. Possible optionsY or 1:Yes |
text | Y |
zone_type | Set the zone type to use for the field type Zone. Possible optionsCountries:country |
text | payment |