RO CSVI versions

This is a list with all the RO CSVI versions that have come out and which version of Joomla is supported. The list also shows the end-of-life of each major version and if support is available. All available versions can be downloaded from the Download section.

RO CSVI Version Joomla! Version Available Support End of Life Latest Release
1 1.5 Not available Not available November 16, 2009 1.9.2
2 1.5 Not available Not available February 19, 2011
3 1.5 Available Not available February 6, 2012 3.8.4
4 2.5 Not available Not available August 8, 2012 4.5.2
5 2.5 / 3.X Available Not available December 2015 5.21.2
6 3.X Available Available December 2017 6.6.4
7 3.8+ Available Available November 24, 2021 7.20.0
Joomla! 3.10 as a minimum is required.
8 3.8+ / 4.x / 5.x Available Available On-going 8.11.2