VirtueMart supported operations

In RO CSVI we offer a number of import and export routines to manage your VirtueMart data. This is the complete list of VirtueMart supported operations. The majority of operations are available for both import and export although some are for a specific task so they can only be used for either import or export.

VirtueMart supported operations

Product Availability Operations

Import of VirtueMart product in stock and availabilty date details. No export operation available

Calculation Rule Operations

Import and export of VirtueMart calculation rules

Category Operations

Import and export of Category into VirtueMart

Coupon Operations

Import and export of Coupons.

Custom Field Operations

Import and export of custom fields into VirtueMart. This manages the custom fields themselves, not the values set in a custom field. Use the product import to import custom field values for your products.

Google Merchant Operations

Export of product details in XML format for Google merchant site. No import operation available

Manufacturer Operations

Import and Export of Manufacturer.

Manufacturer Category Operations

Import and Export of Manufacturer category.

Media Operations

Import and Export of Media files. Make sure the images are already uploaded to the desired folder before importing.

Media Product Operations

Import and Export of Media files for a product. This manages the import of media files for a product without the additional overhead of importing full product data. Make sure the images are already uploaded to the desired products folder before importing.

Order Operations

Import and Export of VirtueMart Orders.

Order Advanced Operations

Export of VirtueMart Orders in XML format for any external sources. No import operation available.

Order Item Operations

Import and export of items of orders.

Price Operations

Import and export of product prices.

Product Operations

Import and export of VirtueMart Products.

Rating Operations

Import and export of Rating.

Related Product Operations

Import of related products for a product. Multiple related products can be imported by using | symbol. No export operation available.

Shipping Rate Operations

Import and export of Shipping rate.

Shopper Field Operations

Import and export of Shopper field.

Users Info Operations

Import and export of user information.

Waiting List Operations

Import and export of Waiting list.

Yandex Operations

Export of products in XML format to use in Yandex. No import operation available.

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