Here you will find all the available fields that can be used in the VirtueMart import and export routines. Please see the relevant tutorials on how to use these fields in a specific scenario.
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Available Fields for VirtueMart
Title | Description | Type | Example |
account | Show shopper field in account maintenance form Possible optionsY:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
activation | Activation code of Joomla user |
text | |
address_1 | Address details of user |
text | 490 E Main Street Norwich |
address_2 | More address details of user |
text | CT 06366 |
address_type | Type of address, if shipping or billing Possible optionsBT:Billing address |
text | BT |
address_type_name | Full name of the address type |
text | Billing address |
admin_only | Display custom field in admin only Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
agreed | If user has agreed terms and conditions Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
basepricewithtax | Price with tax added |
numeric | 65,8 |
block | If the user is blocked Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 0 |
calculated | Shopper user field is calculated Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
calc_currency | The currency used in the calculation rule Possible options0:Calculation rule applies to all currencies |
numeric | Euro: 47 United States Dollar: 144 |
calc_descr | Description of the calculation rule |
html | Common vat for calculating 20% tax in shop products
calc_jplugin_id | id of the calculation plugin |
numeric | 1 |
calc_kind | Set the Type of Arithmetic Operation Possible optionsMarge:Price modifier for Profit Margin |
text | Tax |
calc_name | Set the name of the calculation rule |
text | EU Tax |
calc_params | This field seems currently not in use |
text | |
calc_shopper_published | Set the calculation rule is visible for shoppers Possible options1:Calculation rule is visible for shoppers |
numeric | 1 |
calc_value | Set the calculation rule value |
text | 21.48 |
calc_value_mathop | Set the calculation rule mathmetic operation Possible options+:Add the value |
text | +% |
calc_vendor_published | Set the calculation rule visible for vendors Possible options1:Visible for vendors |
numeric | |
cart | If shopper user field visible in cart Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
category_delete | Field to delete category during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
category_description | Set the description for a category |
html | Category for listing products in pet supplies |
category_id | Id of the category |
numeric | 1 |
category_layout | Set the category browse page Possible options0:No override |
text | default |
category_name | Set the name of the category |
text | Stationaries |
category_path | The category path specifies in which category an article belongs |
text | Creating one category "category_path" Creating multiple categories "category_path" |
category_path_trans | This field contains the translation of the category_path |
text | Clothes/Jeans |
category_product_layout | Set the product details page Possible options0:No override |
text | |
category_template | Set the category template Possible options0:Use shop default |
text | atomic |
city | Name of the city of user |
text | Norwich |
cols | Number of columns if shopper field is a textarea |
numeric | 30 |
combine | Custom field to be used for combine of fields |
comment | Comment on user ratings |
text | Excellent product |
comments | Comment on the order placed |
text | |
company | Company name of the user |
text | csvimproved |
cost | Cost of shipment |
float | 17,5 |
countries | List of countries |
numeric | 13 |
country | User country name |
text | Denmark |
country_2_code | Code of the country name |
text | US |
country_3_code | Code of the country name |
text | NL |
country_name | Country name |
text | Netherlands |
coupon_code | This field specifies the discount coupon code for a product |
text | b0995 |
coupon_discount | Amount of discount using coupons on an order |
float | 12,5 |
coupon_expiry_date | Specifies the date of expiry of a coupon code |
text | 2016-02-22 10:30:00 |
coupon_start_date | Specifies the Start date for a coupon code validity |
text | 2016-02-12 10:30:00 |
coupon_type | Type of coupon used for discounting an order one time Possible optionspermanent:Permanent Coupon |
text | Gift Coupon |
coupon_used | If the coupon has been used or not |
text | |
coupon_value | How much discount coupon would give |
text | 50.00 |
coupon_value_valid | How much discount of a coupon is valid |
text | 50.00 |
created_by | Set the user who created the article |
numeric | 42 |
created_on | Date and time on which calculation rule has been created |
text | 2013-01-01 12:13:15 |
currency_code_3 | Current code value |
text | |
currency_id | Id of the currency |
custom | Custom |
text | |
customer | Customer who gave review on rating |
text | Pamela |
customer_note | Customer note on an order |
text | please send product to reach in two days |
customer_notified | If the customer has been notified Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 0 |
customer_number | Customer number as entered for an order |
text | AD21232f2 |
customtitle | Custom title for a category |
text | |
custom_delete | If the custom field has to be deleted or not Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
custom_desc | Description of the custom field |
text | |
custom_disabler | Parameter if parent customfield is not used for child product Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
custom_element | Name of the custom element |
text | |
custom_jplugin_id | id of the custom plugin |
custom_multiple | This fields helps to import multiple custom values assigned to products Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y~N~Y~Y |
custom_ordering | With this field order custom fields assigned to products |
numeric | 1~2~3 |
custom_override | Parameter if parent customfield value to be overridden for child product Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
custom_param | Parameters of the plugin |
text | addEmpty=0|selectType=0| |
custom_params | Parameters of the custom field |
text | |
custom_parent_id | Parent id of the custom field |
custom_price | Price value for custom plugin |
numeric | 24~26~28 |
custom_shipping | Shipping of custom plugin |
custom_tip | Custom text to be shown for custom field as a tip |
text | Custom field to show Size |
custom_title | Title of the custom field |
text | Color |
custom_value | Value of the custom field element |
text | XL |
default | Title of the custom field element |
text | CF4ALL |
delivery_date | Product delivered date |
text | 25-5-2011 21:52 |
description | Description of a user field |
text | |
discountamount | Amount of discount on product price |
numeric | Email of na user |
discountedpricewithouttax | Discount in price amount with out tax amount |
numeric | 4,34 |
discount_percentage | Discount percent |
float | 1,2 |
User email address |
text | | |
fax | User fax |
numeric | 3456767 |
features | ICECat product features |
text | |
field_type | Type of custom field Possible optionsS:String |
text | E |
file_class | Set the class name if any needed for the media file |
text | |
file_description | Set the description for a media file |
text | A white 30 cm Scale |
file_is_downloadable | If the media file should be in downloadable format Yes or No Possible options0:Displayable |
numeric | 1 |
file_is_forSale | This field is currently not in use |
text | |
file_is_product_image | If the media file belongs to a product or not Possible options0:Not a product image |
numeric | 1 |
file_lang | Language of the media file |
text | |
file_meta | A meta tag for the file |
text | Hammer wood |
file_mimetype | MIME type of the media file |
text | image/jpeg |
file_ordering | Ordering of the media item |
numeric | 2 |
file_params | Specifies the parameters of the media file |
text | |
file_title | The title of the media item |
text | spit power cord |
file_type | Specifies if the media file belongs to a product or category or manufacturer or vendor Possible optionsproduct:product |
text | product |
file_url | Image URL of a product, category, manufacturer or vendor |
text | /images/stories/categories/image1.jpg |
file_url_thumb | Thumb image URL of a product, category, manufacturer or vendor. This field is not needed if you let CSV Improved create thumbnails |
text | /images/stories/categories/resized/image1.jpg |
first_name | First name of the user |
for_override | This field is currently not in use |
text | |
free_shipment | If shipmet is free or not |
full_name | Full name of the user |
Micheal | |
group_name | Set a group name for custom field |
text | Custom group |
hits | Set the number of hits the article has received |
numeric | 20 |
id | Primary key value of the table |
numeric | 1 |
intnotes | Used for setting product internal notes |
text | |
invoice_number | Invoice number of the order |
text | |
ip_address | Ip address detail of user |
text | |
is_cart_attribute | If custom field is a cart attribute or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
is_hidden | If the custom field is hidden or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
is_input | If the custom field is one of the input in cart values Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 0 |
is_list | If the custom field is a list options Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
lastip | last ip from where rating was given |
text | |
lastResetTime | Last reset time of user |
text | 1-1-2013 12:13 |
lastvisitDate | User last visted date and time |
text | 1-1-2013 12:13 |
last_name | User last name |
Parkson | |
layout | Set the alternative layout for the product |
text | _:default |
layout_pos | Set the postion of alternate layout |
position7 | |
limit_list_initial | Used for a specific category view. This is the initial number of products to display in the view. |
numeric | 10 |
limit_list_step | Used for pagination of a specific category |
numeric | 5 |
locked_by | Set the user who used the article at last |
text | |
locked_on | Date and time on which calculation rule has been locked |
text | 2013-01-01 12:13:15 |
low_stock_notification | Helps to set a value so when stock level reaches to this value low stock notifications will be displayed |
text | 2 |
manufacturer_delete | Field to delete manufacturer during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
manufacturer_id | Primary key id of the manufacturer |
manufacturer_name | Name of the manufacturer of a product |
text | Fixpoint |
maxlength | Maximum length of user field |
numeric | 25 |
max_order_level | The maximum number of items can be ordered for a product |
text | 3 |
media_delete | Use this field to delete a media file Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
media_published | Field to publish images Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
metaauthor | Set the meta author for the category |
text | Jobin Jose |
metadesc | Set the meta description |
text | CSV Improved import made easy. |
metakey | Set the meta keywords for the category |
text | csv,import,export,joomla |
metarobot | Set the meta robot for the category |
text | CSV Improved import made easy. |
mf_category_delete | Delete a manufacturer category Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
mf_category_desc | Description of a manufacturer category |
text | Nike shoes |
mf_category_name | Name of the manufacturer category |
text | Shoes |
mf_category_name_trans | Transalation name of a manufacturer category |
text | Shoes |
mf_desc | Full description of the manufacturer |
text | Adidas is a brand which designs shoes, sports wear and accessories. It is largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe and second biggest in the world. |
mf_email | Set an email id for the manufacturer |
text | |
mf_name | Set an name for the manufacturer |
text | Manufacturer 1 |
mf_name_trans | This field contains the translation of the mf_name |
text | Manufacturer 1 |
mf_url | Set URL of the manufacturer where manufacturer details are explained |
text | |
middle_name | Middle name of an user |
text | K |
min_order_level | The minimum number of items can be ordered for a product |
text | 1 |
modified_by | Set the user who modified the article last |
numeric | 42 |
modified_on | Date and time on which calculation rule has been modified last |
text | 2013-01-01 12:13:15 |
multi_variant_fields | Title of the ramifications, multiple values separated by ~ |
text | Size~Color |
multi_variant_title | Title set for multi variant custom fields on VirtueMart custom fields interface |
text | Multi Variant |
name | name of a Joomla user |
text | Richard |
nbproducts_start | Minimum number of products for a shipment |
numeric | 1 |
nbproducts_stop | Maximum number of products for a shipment |
numeric | 3 |
notified | If the waiting list user has been notified Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
notify_date | Date on which waiting list user has been notified |
text | 24-5-2017 10:52 |
notify_email | Notify waiting list users by email |
text | |
orderamount_start | Minimum order amount for shipment |
numeric | 50 |
orderamount_stop | Maximum order amount for shipment |
numeric | 100 |
ordering | The order in which the item has to be displayed |
numeric | 2 |
order_billDiscountAmount | Amount of discount on order bill |
float | 0,8 |
order_billTax | Tax on order bill |
float | 0,4 |
order_billTaxAmount | tax amount on order bill |
float | 2,5 |
order_create_invoice_pass | Invoice password for an order |
text | |
order_currency | Currency of an order |
numeric | 47 |
order_discount | Amount of discount on an order |
float | 1,2 |
order_discountAmount | Amount of dicsount given on an order |
float | 9,5 |
order_item_currency | currency of the ordered product |
numeric | 47 |
order_item_name | name of the ordered product |
text | Child Medium Red |
order_item_sku | sku of ordered product |
text | A1001 |
order_language | Language used for an order |
text | en-GB |
order_number | Unique 6 digit number for an order |
text | bfba03 |
order_pass | Unique password for an order |
text | p_088d92 |
order_payment | Cost for payment for an order |
float | 1,5 |
order_payment_tax | Tax for payment cost for an order |
float | 1,2 |
order_salesPrice | Sales price for an order |
float | 112,5 |
order_shipment | Cost for shipment of an order |
float | 2,5 |
order_shipment_tax | Tax for shipment cost of an order |
float | 0,5 |
order_status | Status of an order |
text | U |
order_status_code | Code for order status name Possible optionsP:Pending |
text | X |
order_status_name | Name of order status |
order_subtotal | Order sub total |
float | 143,75 |
order_tax | Tax amount added for order price |
float | 6,52 |
order_total | Total cost of an order |
float | 150,5 |
order_weight | Weight of an order |
numeric | 2.5kgs |
otep | one time emergency passwords |
text | |
otpKey | Two factor authentication key |
text | |
override | Set value of this field to 0 to disable override price Set to 1 if override price to be used in place of normal price in VirtueMart Set this field value -1 to override taxed price |
text | 1 |
package_fee | Packing fee for shipping |
float | 5,5 |
params | Joomla user parameters |
text | {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} |
password | password for user login |
text | csvi1234 |
password_crypt | for importing md5 hash password |
text | $2y$10$jxP5RmqFlFvYX7yUYqaQoOYzvbeLxq1i/HP1JI6ltj8d0livd.Ady |
payment_currency_id | Id of the currency used in payment |
numeric | 1 |
payment_currency_rate | rate of the currency used in payment |
float | 62,02 |
payment_element | Payment element name |
text | paypal |
payment_name | Name of the payment method |
text | Bank Transfer |
percent_or_total | Set if the discount is in percent or amount Possible optionspercent: Percent |
text | Percent |
phone_1 | User phone number details |
numeric | 23456744 |
phone_2 | User phone number details |
numeric | 23487543 |
picture_url | Image URL of a product/category/manufacturer/vendor |
text | /images/stories/categories/image1.jpg |
picture_url_thumb | Thumb image URL of a product/category/manufacturer/vendor |
text | /images/stories/categories/resized/image1.jpg |
plugin_name | Name of the plugin for custom field |
text | customfieldsforall |
pordering | The order in which product has to be displayed |
numeric | |
pricebeforetax | Price of an product before applying tax |
numeric | |
pricewithouttax | Price of an product without tax amount |
numeric | |
price_delete | Field to delete price during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
price_quantity_end | The maximum number of products that need to be bought to apply for this price |
numeric | 10 |
price_quantity_start | The minimum number of products that need to be bought to apply for this price |
numeric | 5 |
price_with_tax | Product price amount with tax |
numeric | |
products_per_row | Number of products to be shown per row on product details page |
numeric | 5 |
product_as_derived | Product has to be derived or not |
text | |
product_attribute | Attributes of a product stored when it is ordered |
text | |
product_availability | Specifies the product availaibilty period. Possible options1-2m.gif |
text | 24h.gif |
product_available_date | Specifies a date from which product will be available for ordering |
text | 02/11/16 |
product_basePriceWithTax | Product base price with tax applied |
numeric | 15 |
product_box | This field is currently not in use |
text | |
product_currency | Set the currency of the price of the product |
numeric | 42 |
product_delete | Field to delete product during import Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
product_desc | Elobarate description about the product |
html | Burster outer cable sheath cutter, can adjust the burster according to the size of the cables. |
product_discontinued | If the product is still supported or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
product_discount | This field specifies the amount which can be given as discount from the original cost price |
numeric | 5% |
product_discountedPriceWithoutTax | Amount of discount given on price of a product without applying tax |
float | 15,99 |
product_discount_date_end | Date when the discount of product ends |
text | 2017-01-15 00:00:00 |
product_discount_date_start | Date when the discount of product starts |
text | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |
product_discount_id | Id of the product discount applied |
numeric | 1 |
product_final_price | Total final prce of a product |
float | 100 |
product_gtin | Specifies the Global Trade Item Number for a product |
text | 12B356H |
product_height | Specifies the height of the product |
numeric | 15 |
product_in_stock | This field is used to keep track of the inventory |
numeric | 5 |
product_item_price | Number of products available in stock |
numeric | 10 |
product_length | Specifies the length of a product |
numeric | 15 |
product_lwh_uom | Specifies the unit of measure of a product dimension |
text | CM |
product_mpn | Describes the manufacturer part number of a product |
numeric | 6734923 |
product_name | Name of a product |
text | RJ45 Cables |
product_ordered | Number of products booked or ordered |
numeric | 3 |
product_ordering | The order in which product has to be displayed |
numeric | 2 |
product_override_price | Set the value to this field so product price will be overriden by the value in this field |
text | 28 |
product_packaging | Set the number of items in box |
numeric | 12 |
product_params | Parameters of a product |
text | min_order_level="1"|max_order_level="5"|step_order_level=""|product_box=""| |
product_parent_id | Id of the parent product |
numeric | 2 |
product_parent_sku | Specifies the SKU of the parent product of a product |
text | 78H231 |
product_price | The field specifies the price of a product |
numeric | 25 |
product_priceWithoutTax | Product price without tax added |
float | 120 |
product_price_new | Set the new price of the product which needs to be updated in database |
numeric | 25 |
product_price_publish_down | The date the product price needs to be unpublished. |
text | 2013-06-05 09:44:00 |
product_price_publish_up | The date the product price needs to be published |
text | 2013-06-05 09:44:00 |
product_price_total | Price of product in total with tax |
float | 152,5 |
product_quantity | Total number of products ordered |
numeric | 2 |
product_sales | This field is currently not in use |
text | |
product_sku | Specifies the SKU of a product |
text | 78H231 |
product_special | If the given product is a special one |
text | 1 |
product_stockhandle | If the product is a special one or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
product_subtotal_discount | Amount of discount on product price ordered |
float | 12 |
product_subtotal_discount_percentage | Percentage of discount on product price ordered |
float | 1,5 |
product_subtotal_with_tax | Product price ordered with tax |
float | 25,67 |
product_s_desc | Short description about the product |
html | Burster outer cable sheath cutter, can adjust the burster according to the size of the cables. |
product_tax | Tax amount of a product |
float | 2.5 |
product_tax_id | Id of the product tax |
numeric | 1 |
product_unit | Number in product packaging |
text | dozen |
product_url | Set URL of the product where product details are explained |
text | |
product_weight | Specifies the weight of the product |
numeric | 15 |
product_weight_uom | Specifies the unit of measure of a product weight Possible optionsKG:Kilogramme |
text | KG |
product_width | Specifies the width of the product |
numeric | 15 |
published | Set the state of the field name. Possible options1:Published |
numeric | |
publish_down | The date the article needs to be unpublished. |
text | 2013-06-05 09:44:00 |
publish_up | The date the article needs to be published. |
text | 2013-06-05 09:44:00 |
readonly | If the shopper user field is read only Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
registerDate | Date user registered on site |
text | 14-4-2016 07:14 |
registration | If shopper user field to be visible in registration form Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
related_categories | Related categories of a product |
text | category1|category2|category3 |
related_products | Related products of a product |
text | 10001|10002|10003 |
required | If shopper user field is required or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
requireReset | Require user to reset password on next login Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
resetCount | Count of password reset since last reset time |
numeric | 2 |
review_editable | If review can be edited or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
review_ok | If review was helpful Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
review_rates | Review on rates Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
review_rating | Reviews on the rating Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
review_ratingcount | Count of reviews for a rating |
numeric | 3 |
rows | Number of rows a shopper field can have, suited if field is textarea |
numeric | 5 |
salesprice | Final price of a product including tax amount |
float | 22.80 |
searchable | If custom field is searchable Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
sendEmail | Send email to Joomla user Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
shared | Shopper field is shared or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 0 |
shipment | Show shopper field in shipment page Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
shipment_cost | Cost of the shipment |
float | 17,5 |
shipment_desc | Description about shipment method |
text | Australia Post 500gr |
shipment_element | Shipment element |
text | weight_countries |
shipment_jplugin_id | id of the plugin used for shipment |
numeric | 3 |
shipment_logos | Logo of shiment method |
text | fedex.jpg |
shipment_name | Shipment method name |
text | Fedex |
shipment_name_trans | Transalation name for shipping method |
text | Australia Post 500gr |
shipment_params | Shipping method parameters |
text | countries=["13"]|countries=["13"]|zip_start="3000"|zip_stop="3999"|weight_start="501"|weight_stop="1000"|weight_unit="Gramme"|shipment_cost="17.50"|package_fee="5"| |
shippingrate_delete | Delete Shipping rate Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
shipping_address_1 | User shipping address details |
text | 490 E Main Street Norwich |
shipping_address_2 | User shipping address details |
text | CT 06366 |
shipping_city | User shipping city name |
text | Delhi |
shipping_company | User shipping company name |
text | CSVI |
shipping_country_2_code | User shipping country 2 letter code |
text | DK |
shipping_country_3_code | User shipping country 3 letter code |
text | DNK |
shipping_country_name | User shipping country name |
text | Denmark |
shipping_email | User shipping email address |
text | |
shipping_fax | User shipping fax number |
numeric | 123456 |
shipping_first_name | User shipping first name |
text | Chris |
shipping_full_name | User shipping full name |
text | Chris Fisher |
shipping_last_name | User shipping last name |
text | Fisher |
shipping_middle_name | User shipping middle name |
text | E |
shipping_phone_1 | User shipping telephone number |
numeric | 2365781 |
shipping_phone_2 | User shipping telephone number |
numeric | 2783451 |
shipping_state_2_code | State name 2 letter code |
text | AK |
shipping_state_3_code | State name 3 letter code |
text | ALK |
shipping_state_name | State name for shipping address |
text | Alaska |
shipping_title | User title for shipping address |
text | Mr. |
shipping_zip | Zip code of shipping address |
text | 110010 |
shopperfield_delete | Delete shopper field Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
shopper_group_name | Name of the shopper group who is assigned with the calculation rule |
text | Wholesale |
shopper_group_name_new | New name of the shopper group to be changed |
text | Wholesale |
shopper_group_name_price | Price of the shopper group |
float | 110 |
show_on_pdetails | Show shipping rate on product details page Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_title | Show title of custom field Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
size | Size of the shopper field |
numeric | 30 |
skip | A unique alias for the category |
text | pet-supplies |
slug | unique name of title |
text | child-medium-green-2 |
state | State name of user |
text | DE |
state_2_code | Code of the state name |
text | AN |
state_3_code | Code of the state name |
text | AZ |
state_name | Name of the state of a country |
text | California |
step_order_level | Purchase product quantity in steps of |
numeric | 2 |
sys | system in user fields |
numeric | 1 |
tax | Amount of tax to apply on shipping rate |
numeric | 15 |
taxamount | Tax amount to add for the product price |
float | 5.25 |
tax_id | id of the tax |
numeric | 1 |
title | Title of user |
text | Mr. |
tos | Terms of services box checked or not Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
total_order_items | Total number of ordered items |
numeric | 2 |
type | Type of user field |
text | textarea |
userfield_jplugin_id | Id of plugin for user field |
numeric | 1 |
userfield_params | Parameters of user field |
text | |
usergroup_name | Group name which user belong to |
text | Registered |
username | Login name of user |
text | csvi |
user_currency | Currency of the user |
text | EUR |
user_currency_id | Id of user currency |
numeric | 1 |
user_currency_rate | Rate of user currency |
float | 35,5 |
user_is_vendor | If user is a vendor Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
value | Value of user field |
text | Default |
vendor_id | id value of vendor |
numeric | 1 |
vendor_name | Name of the vendor |
text | Vsvs |
virtuemart_calc_id | Primary key id value of calculation table |
numeric | 2 |
virtuemart_category_id | Primary key id value of category |
numeric | 10 |
virtuemart_country_id | Id value of country name |
numeric | 15 |
virtuemart_coupon_id | Primary key id value of coupon table |
numeric | 5 |
virtuemart_custom_id | Primary key id value of custom table |
numeric | 3 |
virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id | Primary key id value of manufacturer category |
numeric | 5 |
virtuemart_manufacturer_id | Primary key id value of manufacturer |
numeric | 3 |
virtuemart_media_id | Primary key id value of media table |
numeric | 2 |
virtuemart_order_id | Primary key id value of order table |
numeric | 8 |
virtuemart_order_item_id | Primary key id value of order item table |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_order_userinfo_id | Primary key id value of order user table |
numeric | 2 |
virtuemart_paymentmethod_id | Primary key id value of payment method |
numeric | 4 |
virtuemart_product_id | Primary key id value of a product |
numeric | 3 |
virtuemart_product_price_id | Primary key id value of product price |
numeric | 5 |
virtuemart_rating_review_id | Primary key id value of rating review |
numeric | 2 |
virtuemart_rating_vote_id | Pirmary key id value of vore rating |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id | Id value of shipment method |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_shoppergroup_id | Id value of shopper group name |
numeric | 2 |
virtuemart_state_id | Id value of state name |
numeric | 2 |
virtuemart_userfield_id | Primary key id value of user field table |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_userinfo_id | Primary key id value of VirtueMart user info table |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_user_id | Primary key id value of user, it should match with Joomla user table id |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_vendor_id | Primary key id value of vendor |
numeric | 1 |
virtuemart_waitinguser_id | Primary key id value of waiting list user |
numeric | 1 |
vote | If voted or not Possible optionsY:Yes |
text | Y |
weight_start | Minimum weight of shipment |
numeric | 2 |
weight_stop | Maximum weight of shipment |
numeric | 5 |
weight_unit | Measurement unit of shipping weight |
text | kg |
zip | Zip code of user |
text | 110010 |
zip_start | Zip code limit start |
text | 110000 |
zip_stop | Zip code limit stop |
text | 110010 |