Here you will find a list of available fields for Joomla Content that can be used import and export routines. Please see the relevant tutorials on how to use these fields in a specific scenario.
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List of Available Fields for Joomla Content
Title | Description | Type | Example |
access | Set the access level for the article. Possible options1:Public |
numeric | 2 |
alias | Alias of Joomla article |
text | sample-article |
alternative_readmore | Set the custom text instead of Read More. |
text | Go further... |
article_layout | Set the alternative layout for the article. |
text | _:default |
article_page_title | Optional text to be used when the article is viewed with a non-article menu item. If blank, the article's title is used instead. |
text | sample-article |
article_url | Get SEF URL of article |
text | |
asset_id | Primary key ID from assets table |
numeric | 12 |
associations | Language association for the article. It takes two parts, the first part is the language of associated article and second part is the alias of associated article. These parts are separated by #. |
text | nl-NL#dutch-article|el-gr#greek-article |
associations_category_id | Category ID of the association articles from another category. It takes two parts, the first part is the language of associated article and second part is the category ID of associated article. These parts are separated by # |
text | de-DE#11|nl-NL#15 |
associations_category_path | Category path of the association articles from another category. It takes two parts, the first part is the language of associated article and second part is the category path of associated article. These parts are separated by # |
text | nl-NL#nederlands/fietsen|de-DE#deutsch/fahrraden |
attribs | JSON format of attribute values for Joomla article. |
text | {"article_layout":"","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_tags":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_icons":"","show_print_icon":"","show_email_icon":"","show_vote":"","show_hits":"","show_noauth":"","urls_position":"","alternative_readmore":"","article_page_title":"","show_publishing_options":"","show_article_options":"","show_urls_images_backend":"","show_urls_images_frontend":""} |
category_path | Category path Joomla article belongs to |
text | news/today-news/weather |
catid | Category ID Joomla article belongs to |
numeric | 15 |
checked_out | ID of the user for whom Joomla article is locked for editing. |
numeric | 540 |
checked_out_time | Date and time when Joomla article is locked for editing. |
text | 2021-05-07 07:58:19 |
combine | Custom field to be used for combine of fields |
created | The creation date of the article. |
text | 06/05/13 09:44 AM |
created_by | ID of the user created the article. |
numeric | 150 |
created_by_alias | Enter an alias to be displayed instead of the name of the user who created the article. |
text | thepoet |
custom | Custom field in export to get one specific value for all records |
featured | Set the article as a featured article. Possible options1:Featured |
numeric | 1 |
float_fulltext | Field to apply the classes 'pull-left', 'pull-center' or 'pull-right' to the ' |
text | pull-left |
float_intro | Field to apply the classes 'pull-left', 'pull-center' or 'pull-right' to the ' |
text | pull-left |
fulltext | Field to enter the contents of the article. |
html | With RO CSVI you an import and export Joomla content. There are many supported extensions. |
hits | Number of times the article has been seen |
numeric | 20 |
id | Primary key field value from Joomla contents table. Based on the ID existing articles are updated. |
numeric | 12 |
image_fulltext | Image to be displayed in a fixed location in the Full Text of an article. |
text | images/sample-article.jpg |
image_fulltext_alt | Set the alt attribute for the image. |
text | Sample article image |
image_fulltext_caption | Enter an optional caption for the image. |
text | Sample article image |
image_intro | Image to be displayed in a fixed location in the Intro Text of an article. |
text | images/intro-article.jpg |
image_intro_alt | Alternate text of image to be displayed in a fixed location in the Intro Text of an article. |
text | Sample intro article |
image_intro_caption | Caption of image to be displayed in a fixed location in the Intro Text of an article. |
text | |
images | JSON format value of article images |
text | {"image_intro":"","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""} |
info_block_position | Set the postion to show block information Possible options0:Above |
numeric | 1 |
info_block_show_title | Set the block information on show title option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
introtext | The introtext contains the text of the article. |
html | With RO CSVI you an import and export Joomla content. |
language | Set the language of the article. |
text | * |
link_author | Set the Link Author option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
link_category | Set the Link Category option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
link_parent_category | Set the Link Parent option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
link_titles | Set the Link Titles option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
metadata | Meta data of the article |
text | |
metadesc | Meta description of the article |
text | Sample article explaining RO CSVI features |
metakey | Set the meta keywords for the article |
text | Features, csvi, article, samples |
meta_author | The author of the content. |
text | Shakespeare |
meta_rights | Set the content rights for this article. |
text | Creative Commons |
meta_robots | Set the robots instructions. |
text | noindex, follow |
meta_xreference | Set the external reference. |
text | |
metakey | Set the meta keywords for the article. |
text | csv,import,export,joomla |
modified | The modified date of the article. |
text | 06/05/13 09:44 AM |
modified_by | Set the user ID modified the article |
numeric | 252 |
note | Used for setting article internal notes |
text | |
ordering | The order in which the article has to be displayed |
numeric | 10 |
publish_down | The date the article needs to be unpublished. |
text | 2013-06-05 09:44:00 |
publish_up | The date the article needs to be published. |
text | 2013-06-05 09:44:00 |
show_article_options | Set the Show Article Options option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_associations | Should show associations related to article Possible options1:Show |
numeric | 1 |
show_author | Set the Show Author option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_category | Set the Show Category option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_create_date | Set the Show Create Date option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_email_icon | Set the Show Email Icon option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_hits | Set the Show Hits option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_icons | Set the Show Icons option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_intro | Set the Show Intro Text option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_item_navigation | Set the Show Navigation option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_modify_date | Set the Show Modify Date option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_noauth | Set the Show Unauthorised links option. |
numeric | 1 |
show_parent_category | Set the Show Parent option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_print_icon | Set the Show Print Icon option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_publish_date | Set the Show Publish Date option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_publishing_options | Set the Show Publishing Options option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_tags | Set the Show Tags option. Possible options1:Show |
numeric | 1 |
show_title | Set the Show Title option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_urls_images_backend | Set the Administrator Images and Links option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_urls_images_frontend | Set the Frontend Images and Links option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
show_vote | Set the Show Voting option. Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
skip | RO CSVI Custom fields to skip a column in import |
state | Set if article has been published Possible options1:Yes |
numeric | 1 |
tags | Path of the tags to link to the article |
text | parent-tag/child-tag1|parent-tag/child-tag2 |
targeta | Set how to open link A of the article Possible options0:Open in parent window |
numeric | 2 |
targetb | Set how to open link B of the article Possible options0:Open in parent window |
numeric | 0 |
targetc | Set how to open link C of the article Possible options0:Open in parent window |
numeric | 1 |
title | The title of the article. |
text | Under new management |
urla | Link A URL of the article |
text | |
urlatext | Text to be used in Link A URL |
text | Link1 |
urlb | Link B URL of the article |
text | |
urlbtext | Text to be used in Link B URL |
text | Link2 |
urlc | Link C URL of the article |
text | |
urlctext | Text to be used in Link C URL |
text | Link3 |
urls_position | Set the Positioning of the Links option. |
numeric | 1 |
version | Set the number of times the article has been revised. |
numeric | 12 |
xreference | Set the key reference of the article. |
text | |