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RO CSVI 8.0.0 is coming

At the moment we are working on a new major release of RO CSVI, this will be RO CSVI 8 and we have some exciting changes coming. We would like to share with you what is coming.


The most visual change is that the pages Dashboard, import and Export is gone from the menu. The main reason for this is that the central place where everything is happening is the templates. On the templates list you will be managing the imports and exports you want to do, so there is no need to go to the Import or Export page. We have had the option to run your import or export from the templates list or within the template itself already for a while.

XML support

The use of XML files is increasing and the complexity of these XML files is growing as well. To be able to handle these XML files we have completely rewritten the XML parser. One example is that you have products nested in a product tag. In the current release you are not able to import the data of the parent product tag, now this is possible. So you can import the complete product information.

HikaShop Multi-language

Recently HikaShop added multi-language support without using Falang. This has enabled us to also add support for multi-language import HikaShop data for sites that run more than one language.

Phoca Cart support

We are working on adding support for Phoca Cart, at first the support will be basic but as new releases come out we will be adding more and more features to support this great e-commerce extension.

Miscellaneous small improvements

There is a list of other small improvements, here is a short but not full list:

  • Added [datetime] field to Custom and Order Advanced XML header
  • Added plugin trigger onCompleteUserImport in Joomla User import
  • Automatically generate content URLs for menu items of the type single article
  • Unpublish products before import based on manufacturer in VirtueMart Product import
  • Support NULL values in Custom Table import
  • Allow restoring template backup from server
  • Faster importing for HikaShop and VirtueMart products

There is no definite release date yet but RO CSVI 8.0.0 is coming and we plan to release this version in the second half of June 2021.