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RO CSVI 8.11.0 release

RO CSVI 8.11.0 release

Now that took a long time for this RO CSVI 8.11.0 release to come out even though we planned to release more often we were caught by some troublesome bugs that took quite some time to figure out. Here we are with a brand new release with many new features and some important fixes for improved Joomla 5.1 support.

Joomla 5.1

Joomla 5.1 is gaining traction as we notice more and more of our users mentioning they are using this version. The RO CSVI 8.11.0 release contains a number of fixes to handle the more strict way of handling code. This should improve your RO CSVI experience running on Joomla 5.1. As we see more and more users leaving behind Joomla 3 we are planning to do the same. Work is going to commence to drop Joomla 3 support and move to Joomla 5 with PHP 8.1 support. We will keep you updated on the progress.


This release also contains improved support for PhocaCart as we added these features:

  • Custom Fields support in product export
  • Custom Fields support in product import
  • Added images to category import
  • Added option to use product alias for image name generation
  • Added transliteration for category names to the category import

XLSX support

For a while now you can export XLSX files with RO CSVI, this time we added all kinds of formatting options so you have a lot more control over how the exported XLSX file looks like when you open it. A number of features added are:

  • Column width
  • Freeze panel size
  • Paper size
  • Zoom factor
  • Show grid lines
  • Page margins

XML support

XML imports are quite popular, however the layouts of XMLs can be quite challenging to use, especially when dealing with parent and child products. To help with the import of child products we have added an option to import nodes that fall outside of the given scope.

XML Record Options in RO CSVI 8.11.0 release

The Extra Nodes give you the option to use these node paths also in your template fields to map for example the product parent ID.

Notable changes

The option to stop on first find in the Multi-Replace rule now also works for regular expressions.

The number of lines shown in the preview has been increased from 5 to 15.

Changes in RO CSVI 8.11.0

Check the full list of changes in this release:

  • Added XLSX formatting in export templates
  • Fixed product export for nested categories in HikaShop export
  • Fixed error to allow template ID to be null when getting template ID
  • Check if custom field exists before saving in VirtueMart Related import
  • Fixed 500 error in Joomla 5 with Tags import
  • Added support for custom fields in PhocaCart product import
  • Added support for custom fields in PhocaCart product export
  • Fixed price not added due to decimal being a comma in HikaShop product import
  • Changed the check for deleting a processfolder to make sure a value is set
  • Added the option to use the product alias as image name in PhocaCart product import
  • Changed the handling of custom SQL queries by removing a trailing semi-colon to prevent invalid queries
  • Added support for importing images in PhocaCart category import
  • Fixed ordering of templates via drag and drop
  • Added process external URL images for the Joomla media custom field
  • Added to transliterate category names in PhocaCart category import
  • Changed the logic for generating unique slugs in VirtueMart Product import
  • Fixed saving new users in HikaShop User import
  • Changed to get the vendor ID from the import file in VirtueMart User Info import
  • Fixed import to not create new items if set in template in VirtueMart Order import
  • Changed to check for parent ID using main category table instead of obsolete relational table for VirtueMart Categories
  • Added option to import XML nodes that are outside the set scope to allow for child product imports
  • Fixed Google token not showing in export templates
  • Added the option to make stop on first find also work for regular expressions in the Multi-Replace rule
  • Fixed missing default_value field when creating a mapping as needed to save the mapping
  • Changed the number of lines in preview to 15
  • Added to apply global rules also on column headers as fallback
  • Fixed to download template backups in case a local path is set but not needed
  • Changed layout value to default in VirtueMart Product import
  • Added option to set default column width for XLSX export
  • Added template name on import preview page
  • Updated language strings for PhocaCart
  • Fixed 500 error on Joomla 5 import for VirtueMart
  • Fixed retrieving parent custom field values from order items in VirtueMart Order export
  • Added alt_text field to import Image Description for media custom field in Joomla Content import
  • Fixed to not use id field when template has set Keep ID to No
  • Fixed publish/unpublish rules from rule list
  • Fixed running import from Google Sheets on Joomla 5.1
  • Fixed 500 error on PhocaCart Product export

A full changelog of all changes is available on the download page of RO CSVI 8.11.0.

This release is available for free to everyone with an active subscription from the Download section. If you do not have a subscription yet, you can subscribe here.