Delete out of stock products

The deletion of out of stock products is a three-step procedure.

  1. Export all products
  2. Clean up the list of products
  3. Import list of products to delete

Export all products

The first step is to export all products and their stock level.

  1. Create a new export template of the type Product export
  2. Add the fields
  3. Export the template
  4. Save the file on your computer

Clean up the list of products

Second step is to clean up the list of products by removing all products where the stock is more than 0

  1. Open the file in your favourite spreadsheet
  2. Sort the sheet on the product_in_stock field
  3. Delete all rows where the stock is greater than 0
  4. Add the column product_delete
  5. Set the column product_delete to Y for all rows
  6. Save the file

Import list of products to delete

Third step is to import the file to delete the products

  1. Create a new import template of the type Product import
  2. Set the template to use Column headers for configuration
  3. Import the file
  4. The products in the file will now have been removed