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Documentation Support

Documentation results

| News

The release of RO Payments 8.2.0 marks a regular release in the series. The recurring payments have been extended to HikaShop and RO Payemnts Payment Page.

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| RSForm! Pro

RO Payments can be used in two different ways with RSForm!Pro: StandaloneThis only uses the RO Payment fields Integrated with Payment Pro PackageThis uses the RO Payment button for use in the Payment Pro Package dropdown Creating a form using RO Payments standalone Using RO Payments in standalone mode requires at least the total field to...

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| RO Payments

RO Payments is a very versatile mediator between many Joomla extensions and a lot of payment providers. However payment providers keep popping up and there are so many payment providers already that we cannot support all of them. However there is the possibility of building your own payment provider into RO Payments.

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| RO Payments

The installation of RO Payments requires a few steps to be taken, by following this guide, it should be a fairly straightforward process. Requirements The following requirements must be met before you can start using RO Payments: An active contract with a payment provider A supported extension Installation Follow these steps to install...

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| News

After our first beta release we are happy to announce the stable release of RO Payments 8.0.0 with support for iDEAL 2.0 and Stripe Payment Elements.

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| RO Payments

RO Payments is the missing link between your site and the payment provider. Acting as a translator, it speaks the language of your extension and the language of the payment provider. As such providing a stable and trusted connection in the processing of payments on your site.

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| RSForm! Pro

In every form there are a lot of placeholders available for various areas of customizing. The placeholders can now also be used in RO Payments to fully customize the user experience with the correct details. RO Payments allows you to create your own result messages to give a customer a tailored message based on the result of their payment.

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| RO Payments

Recurring payments is a feature that has been on the to-do list for some time. Most hosting providers do not even support recurring payments. This was until Mollie announced they are now supporting recurring payments. RO Payments now also supports recurring payments using Mollie.

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| News

RO Payments 5.0.0 This release has taken quite some time to see the light of day but today is the day that RO Payments 5 sees the light of day. Continuing on from JD iDEAL Gateway which has now been renamed to RO Payments. The majority of the improvements are under the hood. The code has been updated to meet the newest Joomla and PHP standards....

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| News

RO Payments 5.1.0 So we are continuing in improving RO Payments and this has resulted in a new release with a number of fixes and new features. Messages view The messages view has been revised and all columns are now sortable, so you can not only filter the messages but also sort them in your own desired order. Plugin names After the last...

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| News

Less than 2 weeks ago we came with the update of RO Payments 6.1.0 and we received some reports that users cannot open RO Payments. This is fixed in this RO Payments 6.2.0 release but we were also working on Joomla 4 support and this is ready for RO Payments core so we did not want to wait before releasing Joomla 4 support.

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| News

Welcome to the new year which will hopefully give us new opportunities. We kick off 2021 with the release of RO Payments 6.3.0 which contains some more features for recurring payments in combination with Mollie.

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| RO Payments

Using RO Payments it is possible to send out a link to someone and let them make a payment on your site. This link can be included in an email, direct message or some other way. An ideal way of sending out a mailing with a payment link.

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| RSForm! Pro

In RSForms! Pro it is possible to show multiple payment options on checkout combining the power of both RO Payments and RSForms! Pro Payment Package. By adding a new form field for every payment option you will create a list of payment options. The user can than select the desired payment option directly in the form.

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| Features

This is a list of payment providers supported by RO Payments

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| News

Welcome to the new year which will hopefully give us new opportunities. We kick off 2021 with the release of RO Payments 6.3.0 which contains some more features for recurring payments in combination with Mollie.

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| News

In the last release of RO Payments a few things did not go as planned unfortunately, despite our own tests there were several issues identified that really needed some attention. In this release, RO Payments 6.0.2, we include the fixes for the issues that were brought to our attention.

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| RO Payments

In most cases, the description that is going to be send to the payment provider can be customized in RO Payments. To customize the payment description, placeholders can be used. For example with RSForms you may want to add the name of a form field holding an invoice reference to the description.

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| News

Today marks the release of RO Payments 8.3.0, a regular release with a neat new option for updating orders and a new way of dealing with status updates.

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| News

We have released RO Payments 8.5.0 as iDEAL is moving forward to their new infrastructure and this requires some changes from us to make it work.

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Support results

Hello Adam, RO Payments does not support eway, so unfortunately you cannot use RO Payments for that. This is the [url=]list of supported payment providers[/url].

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After the latest update of RSevents and RO payments, the RSevents no longer recognizes the RO payments option RSevents > Settings > Payments > Default payment method Either a bug of RSevents or RO payments.

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Hello, Recurring systems are never easy :D There is just a lot to take into account. The recurring implementation in RO Payments is explained in the [url=]Recurring Payments With RO Payments and Mollie[/url] document. The recurring system in RO Payments does not deal with updating 3rd party extensions once a recurring payment takes place. If you would like to have RSMembership updated a custom plugin is needed to handle that. We do have documentation on the [url=]RO Payment plugin triggers[/url] that are fired. I am not sure when you say that you need an easy system, does this also mean a simple system? In RO Payments there is also a front-end view that you can create a menu item for so users can see their subscription and cancel them. This is also what you as an administrator can see in the backend. [quote]Also thought it was possible within the RO payments frontend, but that seems to be only a single payment.[/quote] The type of payment is controlled by the profile settings. If you enable recurring in the Mollie profile, the payment will become a recurring payment. Every recurring payment starts with a single payment as the first installment needs to be paid immediately. Let me know if that clarifies things or if you have any further questions.

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Hello, To use RO Payments with VirtueMart you download the RO Payments VirtueMart plugin and install it like any other Joomla plugin. Configuring a payment method in VirtueMart works the same as any other payments method. Go to VirtueMart -> Payment Methods and Click on New. After that you select RO Payments - VirtueMart from the Payment Method List and save the payment method. Once it is saved you can select the profile you created in RO Payments on the Configuration tab and any other settings you would like to apply. Let me know if that helps. Which links do not work?

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On this page the installation of RO Payments is described. However, there are no links under 'Extension' to information on how to install RO Payments as a payment plugin in HikaShop, although the text suggests that there should be (for that matter, that is the case for none of the extensions). Where do I dfind information on how to add RO Payments as a payment plugin in HikaShop please ? I have already setup a profile in RO Payments component.

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Hello Niels, [quote]I'm wondering about that, because I can't see any recurring payments in RO Payments initiated on 10 and 11 february (for which Mollie sets the date 1 day later).[/quote] RO Payments does not initiate recurring payments, RO Payments only sets it up and it is Mollie who does the recurring payments and informs RO Payments once a payment has been received. In the Transactions list you should see payments appear that are not initiated from the website and in the log you should see that it is Mollie who send a request. RO Payments creates a duplicate of the original payment request and sets the status of the recurring payment on the new entry. This way you can find all the payments for a single request. In Mollie you can open a payment and on the right side see the status of the payment and if the webhook succeeded or if the webhook is even sent. Let me know if that helps to track what is going on.

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Hello Roland, Mollie has accepted our account so we can now set the payment plugin, do i need both ROpayments and ROpayments for hikashop Or i just need the one for hikashop [b][EDIT] I tried to install ro payments for hikashop and got an error telling i had to install ro payments first so my first question is solved[/b] What is very interesting is what you told me about one plugin, for one payment method, because i can propose one payment method for certain countries and another one for another zone. Am I right? I may ask you other questions Patrick

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Hello, I need a component that allows me to create payments programmatically. I don't need this component to manage the front but only the back. I think that RO Payments could have met my expectations on the above aspects, but the payment providers offered by RO Payments did not meet my client's needs. In reality, this last aspect was quite normal because there are a very large number of payment gateways. For me it was not a problem and I was planning to develop a plugin for RO Payments. And that's where I made a mistake, I was convinced that RO Payments had planned the extension of a new payment provider by plugin, it seemed so logical to me that I did not to check before buying the component. Upon discovering that RO Payments did not provide for the extension of a new plugin payment provider, I consulted the documentation and contrary to what you answered me, the documentation suggests modifying the files of RO Payments This solution seemed so incredible to me that the component was completely disqualified That's the whole story. Otherwise, I just deleted my comment. Kind Regards Christelle Olivier

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Hello, [quote]when I try to initiate a payment request[/quote] Do you mean the payment page in RO Paymemts? If that is the case, this can happen when the payment cannot be stored in the database. Perhaps you can give us some more information.

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Hallo Marina, [quote]Betaal je voor RO Payment per website (klant)?[/quote] Je kan RO Payments op zoveel sites als je wil installeren. De foutmelding komt van de server waar de website op staat. Daar kan RO Payments zelf niets aan doen, die wordt alleen geblokkeerd. Vaak is dit het geval wanneer Admin Tools is geïnstalleerd, daarin zal je RO Payments moeten vrijgeven. Er staan wat aanwijzingen in het document [url=]I receive a 403 after payment[/url].

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Hello Elco, The process as you describe it won't work because RO Payments is not a payment provider. RO Payments cannot handle offline payments instead it connects to a payment provider such as Mollie. Here in lies also the solution i think. Mollie offers offline payments, also known as bank transfers. Instead of redirecting to iDEAL, you redirect to bank transfer. Users will receive an email with payment instructions. Once Mollie receives the payment it will inform your site that the status is paid. Now you have the same workflow as iDEAL although this can take up to 30 days depending on when a user pays. An offline payment isn't a successful payment until the user has paid. This document shows how you can setup different payment options on rsform. [url=][/url] The bank transfer option must also be enabled on Mollie of course.

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Hello, There are no plans to support PayPlans or Appointment Booking Pro. There is only a document on [url=]How to add a payment provider[/url in RO Payments. We have no documentation on adding extra extension plugins. Much of this also depends on the extension that needs to be supported.

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Hello Patrick, [quote]I tried to install ro payments for hikashop and got an error telling i had to install ro payments first[/quote] Glad to see this check works :D [quote]What is very interesting is what you told me about one plugin, for one payment method, because i can propose one payment method for certain countries and another one for another zone. Am I right?[/quote] Correct. This is not an RO Payments feature but this comes from HikaShop. RO Payments really only does the payment when it gets triggered by HikaShop in your case.

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Hello Frits, Some questions:[list=1] [*]How have you setup the payment options in RSForms? [*]Are you using RO Payments or the RSForm Payment Package? [*]Did you set them up like detailed in the [url=]Show payment options in RSForms! Pro form[/url] document? [/list]

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Hello Rakesh, The pre-sales is not meant for support of RO Payments, we only give support if you have an active subscription. RO Payments will show the payment status automatically when RSForms renders a directory view. There is nothing to configure in RO Payments.

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Hello Mauro, [quote]is there a way to try your RO Payments extension?[/quote] You can check RO Payments on our demo site at but it is not available for download to test. [quote]I need to integrate on my site based on Joomla 4.1.5 and Yootheme Pro [/quote]RO Payments runs on Joomla 4 but it is unrelated to Yootheme Pro because that is only your template. [quote]I created the form with moreForm (moreForm)[/quote]RO Payments has no integration for moreForm, it is also the first time I hear about this extension. RO Payments integrates with RSForm! Pro from RS Joomla. [quote]I can redirect the submit to a custom page where I plan to create a button that requires the payment of an amount calculated based on the number of people.[/quote] That is possible if you use the payment page of RO Payments. We have the document [url=]Initiate payment from an external link[/url] which explains how you can start a payment via a link. The status update will not be visible in moreForm, you will have to check that in RO Payments. You can see this on the demo site as well at [url=]Payment Page transactions[/url]. Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Hello Joris, RO Payments only supports Mollie for recurring payments. We have this explained in the [url=]Recurring Payments With RO Payments and Mollie[/url] document. Have a look at the document and let me know if you have any further questions. [quote]First payment and activating subscription, please direct.[/quote] This works out of the box as it is the only way to activate the subscription at Mollie.

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Hello Patrick, I am afraid you are looking at this the wrong way. What you see as [b]jdideal[/b] has nothing to do with the actual payment method used by the customer. The [b]jdideal[/b] is the internal name of RO Payments and HikaShop only stores the name of the plugin that was triggered, not the actual payment method. To see the actual payment method you can check that in RO Payments. If you want to know which HIkaShop payment is used, you need to look at the order_payment_id column and find that ID in the hikashop_payment table. As you can see in your second screenshot, all the payments are credit-card. As for what happened with this specific payment, I can't tell since the order has already been updated, so any information at that time is lost. The only place left to check is the Transactions log in RO Payments, this specifies which currency is passed on to RO Payments. You can find these logs on the Transaction page of RO Payments and then the last column.

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Hello, The banktransfer option of Mollie takes you to Mollie because that is where the payment needs to be done. This is not just an option to show your bank details. Once the customer completes the banktransfer, Mollie will notify the website that the payment has completed (or not if the customer does not pay). This is the way all Mollie methods work. If you do not want to use Mollie for banktransfers you can still use the RSForms Pro Payment package in combination with RO Payments but your form fields must use the Payment package fields. See the documentation final paragraph at [url=]Configure RSForms Pro with RO Payments[/url].

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Hello Mike, If you are running a Joomla site with Quick2Cart from TechJoomla then you can use RO Payments. You are going to need a contract with a payment service provider like Ingenico, EMS or Stripe to be able to collect the payments. RO Payments does not do the collection itself, RO Payments only facilictates the communication between your website and the payment service provider. Let me know if I understood you correctly or if you have any further questions.

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