112 results found based on the keyword View not found .
[SOLVED] Virtuemart MultiVariant Help needed
Need some advice help with adding products with multivariants in virtuemart. I discussed this at length before & thought we had it solved here. But this was using a CSVi 6 RC version. I am now using 6.4.2 in a new site, I have the exact same temp...
- sandstorm871
- 9 years ago
RE: Not all columns show in preview import [SOLVED]
Hi Rolandd, thanks for replying. I couldn't finish the missing fields in CSVI tutorial as I ran into the server error 500 again. I completely uninstalled CSVI and reinstalled it which has fixed the server 500 issue. After that, I created a new...
RE: product import issue for XML file
Hello George, what will be record element for our XML if we replace <Product ProductNum="NU1" skucount="1" ProductType="Color and Size"> with <Product> then its shows product with correct info in preview?Y...
- riasztobolt
- 9 years ago
Update vm product slug
I try to update the vm slugs with csvi 6.3.0 and vm 3.0.10 The values in my csv file are ignored. I've found this old post: http://www.csvimproved.com/en/forum?view=topic&catid=24&id=31343 But this is also not working. I've deleted all existin...
Error - Clicking Available Fields - Blank Screen
* VirtueMart 3.0.9 * CSVI version 6.3.0. I am having issues importing products in VirtueMart. I was reading through the forum and found a suggestion to click Maintenance - Avaliable Fields. When I click this is the link it trys to go to (http:/...
- primearthouse
- 9 years ago
Product Import in Virtuemart: No product_sku
Hi, I ve been using CSVI for a while and now I ve installed 6.3.0 together with the plg_csviaddon_vm plugin. I was hoping that it'd work as I really like the new views, however it started with the installation of the vm plugin which ended with a w...
RE: No supported fields have been found in the import.
0 Unsupported Failure These fields have been found but are not supported by CSVI: product_sku product_name product_s_desc product_desc manufacturer_name price_with_tax product_tax category_path produc...
- kovacshazi
- 9 years ago
- millermultimedia
- 9 years ago
RE: Import VM Product - Image thumbnail url problem
I found the cause, the same solution that was in the previous version of the CSV. In the new version did not see the Advanced button, you mentioned. I found the cause, the problem turned out to be a parameter Maximum width resize Maximum ...
- ckrzysieck
- 9 years ago
Class 'VirtuemartTableProductPrice' not found
Hi Rolandd, After updating to the most recent release, then applying this fix that fixed the first issue, I'm seeing the following error: An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server. Status error: 200 ...
Error loading patch file
Hello! I just installed CSVI Pro 5.21.2 on a Joomla 3.4.4 site. Loading a patch file (and specifically the one you provided in http://www.csvimproved.com/en/forum?view=topic&catid=24&id=32339&start=6#43939) I get the error message "Warning: ...
RE: CSVI 6 vm 3 .csv field OK make template Wrong
Hello, I have found out that in the headers (csv file) that when there is a space or '/' in the header -> the system does not read it well. Perhaps of the Text Enclosure. It is always a good idea to use text enclosures, this way you are sure th...
RE: CSVI 6 vm 3 .csv field OK make template Wrong
Hi Roland, When I look in the field mapper there were a few blank entrys. I have found out that in the headers (csv file) that when there is a space or '/' in the header -> the system does not read it well. Perhaps of the Text Enclosure. W...
RE: Creating infinite subdirectories
So godaddy deleted all the files and directory associated with com_csvi. They said that there were 8.5 million directories. When I did a new install, all the files goes back into the tmp folder inside the administrator directory. I don't know wh...
- johnmoranauction
- 9 years ago
RE: No supported fields have been found in the import.
Hello, But could you be more precise please, I mean i'm not a PHP developer. If I was then i wouldn't have bought the plugin?If you were a PHP developer, you would have tracked down the issue already That is why I suggested you can just go to Pl...
RE: No supported fields have been found in the import.
The process doesn't run anymore as soon as you see the popup. Now the error message talks about a view that is not part of CSVI. Most likely, there is a plugin interfering with the update process. You may want to check any 3rd party plugins installed...
RE: Internal Server Error
Start with the 500 Internal Server Error document. Once the real error is known, we will know where to look. I had already read that page before you ask the question in the forum, however: tmp/com_csvi/ folder does not have correct priviliges Sol...
RE: Error 500 on 6.1.2 when on import preview
Ok, I think I found the issue in being I didn't have any fields setup causing it to crash. This hasn't happened since. I will create a new thread as my import fields are not all available and not sure now to solve that....
- kittmaster
- 9 years ago
RE: Import new custom field skipped
Hi Roland, Thank you. Ok, I saved the file as UTF8 from Notepad, but this will be a real pain for the client to use, as he will only want to use Excel, but for now I have done this for testing purposes. Unfortunately this has still not fixed t...
- DigitalDesignAgency
- 9 years ago