112 results found based on the keyword View not found .
Import Productpictures - failure on Frontend
Hi Rolland, every year i have a other Problem with the pictures... sorry i can´t find the failure otherwise i wouldn´t write here, your time is short i know. All other Imports and Exports works fine My System: Joomla: 3.8.2 VM: 3.2.4 CSVI: 7.3...
Internal server error for Virtuemart Import
Hello! I've setup an ecommerc for virtuemart and use CSVI for products import. The CSV file is well formed and has 1061 lines. When i start the import the component read the CSV right (good preview) but when i start the process i get a 500 error. I...
RE: No run ID has been found. This means that CSVI was not able to initialise the im
Hello Kostas, If you have the table and there is no runId it means that something is blocking CSVI in moving ahead. Whats the URL you see when you select a file for import and go to preview page? Can you post a screenshot on where you see the error...
RE: Installation Error
I have found the solution through Google that led me to a support topic on this forum. I was searching using the search box beside the menu to find a solution to installation error - that search does not seem to connect with forum topics. It returned...
- blackforest
- 7 years ago
RE: VirtueMart Main Product Images not Showing
Hi Tharuna, Yes the three images for the three test products are successfully showing in the folder images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized/ Using http://toner.isystems.co.nz/sound-cards/asus-xonar-dx-7-1-channel-pcie-audio-card-detail.html, ...
VirtueMart Main Product Images not Showing
Hi, I've recently installed CSVI into a site I'm developing which will have ongoing product feeds from the vendor. There's one issue I'm having with product images on a product page in VirtueMart. I'm importing a CSV with a single product...
RE: Update/Replace Product Images? Remove/disconnect old images?
Hi Tharuna, Almost works. Images are replaced but on the images tab in products, "published" is not checked so the image is not displayed on the front end. The product itself is set to published, the images are published in Media., a...
Cannot import K2 Item with Extra Fields
Hello, i have followed your guide for importing K2 items with some extra fields from a CSV file but the extra fields despite being shown properly in the preview are not being stored in the database. I checked the debug log and i noticed these two ...
RE: Google Sitemap for Multi-lingual site
Hello Eddie, The view not found, do you get it after you are logged out by Joomla?...
Can not get my import file to be uploaded. Joomla version, 3.6.5. Virtuemart 3
Can not get my import file to be uploaded. Joomla version, 3.6.5. Virtuemart 3 When I try to process it, I get the following: This preview shows how CSVI reads your file, not how the file is imported. The fields you see here are not validated yet...
RE: Importing Description's tags and Prices
Hello, First of all, the description is not included in the products and I noticed that if I use plain text instead of the tags I already have (<p>,<div>,<span>,<strong>, etc.), everything is fine. Isn't there any way to impo...
Import for xml not working Properly
Hi I am trying to set up a xml import from a file on the server, I have followed everything acording to the instructions but it is not working I have a xml file called courses.xml' the format is as follows <courses> <course course...
- greenlizzard
- 8 years ago
RE: Products not displayed under the brand
Hello Tharuna, I have followed all the steps : 1)Add a new field to template called combine just above category_path field. See the screenshot : http://prntscr.com/d52joq 2)Create a CSVI field copy rule with source field as brand and targ...
Cannot save field mapper
Hi; The save and save & close button does not work, after i've mapped some fields, in the field mapper. Cancel does work. I have applied the patch i've found on https://csvimproved.com/forum?view=topic&catid=44&id=33157, but that does not make ...
RE: ields have been found but are not supported by CSV
Hello, form my experience this does not work because my products have sometimes (i do not know the reason) more then the decided three related products. Meaning that the related products are visible 2-3 times in the frontend. This could be a proble...
product_price_publish fields
Hi, I'm using Joomla 3.6.2, VirtueMart 3.0.16 and CSVI Pro 6.6.4. I need to import prices of a product, available from a starting date to an ending date. Let's say I have a product which price is 10,00 euro always, but I want to set that from tom...
- magazzinilasorgente
- 8 years ago
Error 200 when trying to import
Hi folks Maybe you have an idea here .. I had a little struggle to understand how to setup everything, but came further in the process. I have a custom CSV file and mapped the fields. When I do the preview, it looks okay, but when I try to impor...
SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at positio
Joomla 3.6 PHP7.0.8 Siteground VPS hosting Updated from 6.5.7 to 6.6.2 & installed extension. Updating all seems OK, but looking in "About" shows folders not writeable & Fix button doesn't do anything. Also shows error "...
- sandstorm871
- 8 years ago