Maybe you have an idea here .. I had a little struggle to understand how to setup everything, but came further in the process.
I have a custom CSV file and mapped the fields. When I do the preview, it looks okay, but when I try to import, I get this error:
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 200
Status message: OK
Fatal error: Class 'Joomla\String\StringHelper' not found in /home/gsmherst/public_html/administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart.php on line 416
I didn't change anything in the source code of the component of so ever.
Hope you have an idea

[UPADTE] I didn't mention that it's a clean install of VirtueMart AND CSVI