

Looking for a useful answer?

Read our Getting Started Guide and make sure you checked all steps explained.

Don't just say it does not work but describe in detail what is happening and add the following information:

  • Version of the extension you are using
  • Sample of the file being imported
  • A copy of the template you are using
  • Collected debug information

Without this information you won't get a useful answer. If no debug log is attached, you will get a request to post it.

Where to get the debug information?

A tutorial on how to collect debug information has been written to help you collect your debug information.

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RO Payments

Looking for a useful answer?

Don't just say it does not work but describe in detail what is happening and add the following information:
    * Version of the extension you are using with RO Payments
    * RO Payments version (Latest is not a version number)
    * A copy of the transaction log from a transaction that has the issue.
Without this information you won't get a useful answer.

Where to find the transaction log?

The transaction log can be found on the Transactions page. Go to the transaction page listing all your transactions. In the last column there is a Show link which will trigger a popup with the transaction log. For your convenience there is a Copy button to copy the content which can be pasted into the issue.

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RO Users
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RO Single Sign On
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Pre-sale questions

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This is not for support requests. If you have a support request regarding one of our products, please post them in the relevant category. If you see no other categories, make sure you are logged-in and that you have an active subscription.

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