112 results found based on the keyword View not found .
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeExcept
We are trying to import categories (in the past it was working), but now we are receiving error. In admin there is error 500 server error. At Apache log, we found this: [Wed Jul 06 12:32:19.085508 2016] [:error] [pid 8266] [client
RE: Import Rantai.php 403
Hey tharuna, Thanks for the help, but Rolandd already said the same thing to another person in a different thread TOPIC: /administrator/components/com_csvi/rantai/rantai.p which is why I stated in the OP that I've uninstalled all of our admin tool...
- rapidmedia
- 8 years ago
RE: Virtuemart Import & EError - "No Supported Fields"
Hello, I checked my database and the field names are the same as my file and my file works with your demo systems fine so it isn't the field name that is the issue. What else could it be? This cannot be correct, for example take the first colum...
Cannot save new Rule
Hello, I tried to add a new rule but I cannot save it. I tried it in three different browsers (Firefox, Chrome and Edge) When I create the rule, I can load the plugin (replace), the new fields are shown. Then I fill in the values, but I cannot...
RE: category_path combined question
Hi, Thanks again for your reply and help! It now importing into the correct subcategory, but when importing now of the k2 extra fields are being populated, and when i go into edit the k2 items extra fields in joomla it tells me 'Notice: Please sel...
- jimmywiddle
- 8 years ago
Error | Update available fields
Hello, I have an error updating fields: PHP Fatal error: Class 'JElement' not found in /xx/public_html/administrator/components/com_fss/elements/faqid.php on line 13, referer: http://www.xxxx.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_...
RE: Error import translation
Hello, The error log tells us the real issue: [Thu May 05 10:45:17 2016] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Joomla\\String\\StringHelper' not found in /var/www/vhosts/http://legaitaly.com/www_2015_agg/admi...
Shipmentmethod - Selection of Shipment Name
I started a new thread from the previous to avoid confusion. Pls let me know if you prefer to the combined thread https://www.csvimproved.com/forum?view=topic&catid=44&id=33119 for different issues .... I believe I have found why in my report ...
Shipping Method Filter
I just purchased your pro product and am starting to play with it a little. I have created some templates, added fields, looked at the options, etc. and can see an option to filter the export report based on payment methods. But I do not see how I ...
Table xxx_virtuemart_products_ has not been found
Hi: When trying to import the products gives me the following message: "An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server. Table b2gz0_virtuemart_products_ has not been found. Check your database to se...
RE: Virtuemart image import
Let's take it step by step and I am sure we can figure out any issues you may have. For a start, I realized, in some cases not filled picture_url field and picture_url_thumb This occurs if you do not specify the "Fill media fields" It tu...
- alex_volhov
- 9 years ago
Virtuemart image import
The whole day was trying to customize the virtuemart import images. In the settings indicated: Process images - Yes However, faced a number of difficulties. In particular, one article categorically did not want to be imported, the image is not sho...
- alex_volhov
- 9 years ago
RE: Product_sku field not found
I have sent the credentials via pm. I don't see the product_sku in the preview. Hopefully you will be able to easily identify the issue. Thanks so much for your help!...
RE: How to Import CSV product file into Virtuemart
This is the message i get when trying to preview. This preview shows how CSVI reads your file, not how the file is imported. The fields you see here are not validated yet, that will happen once you start the import. In case your file contains unsuppo...
- peter@housecalltech.com
- 9 years ago
RE: Product_sku field not found
Hello, I have checked your file and that all looks good to me. I can't find any faults with it and the file is read correctly as well. Do you see the product_sku in the preview? The table itself is not a problem, it is the query to get data int...
Fatal Error Import Product Virtuemart
Hello. I need help. While I try to import products (standart full field), with preview correctly, when I start the procedure of import I get an error: An error has occured During The import. Below the information received from the server. Status ...
RE: VM Products must be resaved after import
Hello, First issue I see is that you are using the category_id and this isn't working. Since ID 13 is not found it will create a category with the name 13. Fields ending with _id are not recommended to be used. In your case it is better to use the...
RE: New problem the importation
Hello Gabriel, I created new fields in the data base. Directly in the phpadmin of the site. Can you tell me to which tables fields were added? Then I tried to import with a template created for me, where I added the new fields created. Whe...
New problem the importation
Hi, I created new fields in the data base. Directly in the phpadmin of the site. Then I tried to import with a template created for me, where I added the new fields created. When I imported the csv file, I had a good results in the preview. The p...
Problem with update available fields for VM3
I have tried to update available fields for Virtuemart. I have used: Maintenance / Available fields Joomla show me this error: An error occured processing the records. The error occured is shown below if available. Additionally check your serv...