112 results found based on the keyword View not found .
500 on import
hi. im have issue with your example templates.. i create export with your template "Example Joomla Categories Export Migrate".. and want to import it on another website with your import example template.. but im getting this error.. im...
User export/import. What am I missing?
I was able to make the export template and download it from J3 site. I tried to upload to my J4 site it seems to run and says there 944 lines (users) I was able to pick all the same fields in the import section BUT when I preview I get an e red : N...
RE: When exporting hikashop order to google sheet, prices begin with an '
Hi Tharuna, I appended my question to this thread because of this part of the original title: "prices begin with an ' ". However, I do not use Google sheets, neither does our customer. In our setup, the Excel exports / reports from CSVI ...
- Webcompagnons
- 1 year ago
View not found [name, type, prefix]: article, html, jdidealgatewayView
...ng error: View not found...
- woluweb
- 1 year ago
- RO Payments
RE: Memory problems after migration
Hi Roland, thanks for your feedback and explanations! Yes error 500 and memory problems are the worst... Meanwhile I found out some more things. On the development server I had debugging turned on and that lead to the memory issues. As soon...
RE: Export author full name from a custom table
Hello, Maybe replacing it with something like this might work? What do you think? That is not going to work. The code you posted is to generate absolute or relative SEF URL based on the setting in K2 SEO page. See attached screenshot. Anyway if ...
Problem exporting product_url field after upgrade to Ver. 8.3
Dear Tharuna On one site I upgraded to version 8.3 from 8.2 and exporting, as usual, I encounter a problem with the url of the field in question. The initial part that includes the domain name is missing. https://www.fatelettronica.it/ the resu...
- fatelettronica
- 2 years ago
RE: Problem exporting product_url field after upgrade to Ver. 8.3
Hello Lorenzo, When I perform maintenance this error occurs. "Mistake Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received " Your server is not able to finish the process in given time limit and so times out. But then I rea...
RE: Virtuemart Prices import - Huge problem
Hello Tharuna, you have installed an outdated patch What I meant was, that one of the last patches you've given me, fixed one thing but also had older code in there for another problem that was fixed before. Because basically a patch file overw...
RE: Two Issues
Concerning the SSL certificate problem... the remote company from which we are trying to load the feed said that they dealt with the issue and should be fine. However when I try to load the file and test the url it says " The given URL cannot be...
RE: Content transfer from J3 to J4
Hello Frits, Thank you for the files. I found two issues with the files. 1. Your order of template field is wrong and so the values from import file are messed up. I have attached on how the order should be with a screenshot. Please rearrange the...
RE: XML Import from Vendit into Virtuemart
Good evening, Ok so I thought I found a smart workaround for parent/child. I used the Description field as product_sku as this field shows up in both <Product> as well as <ProductVariation>. I made a rule to remove the whitespace. So f...
RE: Error message on checkout (but not always)
Hello, Here is what I am thinking. In the case where you are returned to the list of events, there is an error of some kind but your template doesn't have the message box and as such no message is shown. I dont exactly understand what you need ...
- rolandd
- 4 years ago
- RO Payments
RE: Product import csv - File source is not set for the template. Please edit the template and set the source from Source tab
Hi, The import source is already set at [Computer]. When I select my .csv file and click preview I get the following.. This preview shows how RO CSVI reads your file, not how the file is imported. The fields you see here are not validated ye...
- vannquished
- 4 years ago
RE: Import Products VM with xml file
Hello, Were you able to correctly import the entire file? Yes the whole file was imported correctly. See attached screenshot. In the previous posts you found my same error, therefore you cannot verify from your profile? Yes when i last did an i...
RE: Import Products VM with xml file
Hello, I can't understand what this problem can depend on. Were you able to correctly import the entire file? In the previous posts you found my same error, therefore you cannot verify from your profile? So to get to the bottom of the problem. ...
DELETE custom field record if value is NULL or EMPTY
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- rusasadmins
- 5 years ago
RE: RO CSVI Field Copy and default values
Hello, PROBLEM 1 Cannot get RO CSVI Field Copy to work. 1. I created a new rule. RO CSVI Field Copy called "createalias". 2. Set Source as title 3. Target as alias 4. Added a new field in Template fields and called it alias 5. A...
RE: Is it possible to UPDATE content - Update TAGS in CONTENT
I think I found a small issue with my 'tag updates'... So to do this right, let me give you background... I have a FEED that will have the 'most current' tags that a person should be assinged to I want to store a FIELD as an extra custom field...
- rusasadmins
- 5 years ago
RE: VM Product Export: "product_url" is not the canonical
Hello, So I have been checking the Force canonical category option and either I don't know how to use it or it is broken. When I select category A, B, and C as product categories and set category E as canonical category, the category C is set as c...
- konstantinos29
- 5 years ago