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RO Payments 6.2.0 available
| Less than 2 weeks ago we came with the update of RO Payments 6.1.0 and we received some reports that users cannot open RO Payments because a file cannot be loaded. This is fixed in this RO Payments 6.2.0 release but we were also working on Joomla 4 support and this is ready for RO Payments core so...
Release RO CSVI 7.18.0
| RO CSVI 7.18.0 release The previous release featured a big new feature, Google Sheets support, we are happy to see that users are taking advantage of this great feature. After some feedback we fine-tuned the Google Sheets support. This RO CSVI 7.18.0 release also features some great new additions...
RO Payments 6.0.2 available
| In the last release of RO Payments a few things did not go as planned unfortunately, despite our own tests there were several issues identified that really needed some attention. In this release, RO Payments 6.0.2, we include the fixes for the issues that were brought to our attention.
Release RO CSVI 7.17.0
| RO CSVI 7.17.0 release The last couple of releases have been more bugfix releases than new features. We have been working on some new features and have them ready for you now. The major feature in this release is that we added support for Google Sheets and further we added support for VirtueMart...
RO Payments 6.0.1 available
| This RO Payments 6.0.1 is a small bugfix release. The release resolves a few annoying issues and makes life happier. RO Payments 6.0.1 comes with fixes for rounded prices in RSForm, Sisow banks not showing and the transaction list crashing due to missing addons and a more informative message when...
RO Payments 6.0.0 available
| A new major release of RO Payments which builds on the previous releases but in which we have cleared out some long standing issues and wishes. The main changes are in how the configuration settings are handled. They are now centralized in the places where they belong. A new way of managing...
Release RO CSVI 7.16.0
| RO CSVI 7.16.0 is out While the RO CSVI 7.15.0 release took a long time coming, this RO CSVI 7.16.0 release is back on schedule, about a month after the previous release. Not a lot of changes but important enough to release, why wait right :) As this was scheduled to be a bugfix only release the...