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RO CSVI 8.6.0 release
| RO CSVI 8.6.0 release A lot has happened since the previous release as we moved into a new year and new challenges. This release was planned quite some time ago but things kept popping up and new things to be added. Today we bring you a new release with a very cool new feature, you can write your...
RO CSVI 8.5.0 release
| RO CSVI 8.5.0 release This release was supposed to be just a bugfix release and come out as 8.4.1 but that never happened. Instead we provide you with RO CSVI 8.5.0 that has not only bugfixes but also quite a lot new features. The best feature being that it now contains a complete set of migration...
RO CSVI 8.4.0 stable release
| More Joomla core support in the RO CSVI 8.4.0 release As Joomla 4 gains more and more traction we are also improving our Joomla core support. This release contains a number of changes to help migrating content to Joomla 4. We added 2 example templates for migrating K2 content to Joomla articles...
RO CSVI 8.3.1 bugfix release
| Stabilizing with the RO CSVI 8.3.1 release This is the first bugfix release in the 8.3 series and contains a various number of fixes. As we see more and more users updating their PHP versions to PHP 8.1 we are also receiving more reports about possible issues with this version. Any issues known to...
RO CSVI 8.3.0 stable release
| Moving forward with the RO CSVI 8.3.0 release The RO CSVI 8.3.0 release has been in the pipeline for a while now but we wanted to clear out some difficult to grasp issues. Now that these have all been tackled we are able to wrap up all the goodies we have been working on, for example a Run button...
RO Payments 8.0.0 beta 1 available
| Earlier this year we released RO Payments 7.1.0 and now we are already on to RO Payments 8.0.0 beta 1. The reason for this fast pace is that some major changes have taken place in the meantime. That is why this release offers some new payment providers including Stripe Payment Elements
RO Single Sign On 1.4.0 released
| As we continue to further develop RO Single Sign On with great features this release also brings some new exciting options. You can manage even more options from the interface now to configure SimpleSAMLphp. The logging options have been extended and you can add Authentication Filters on the...