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{emailcloak=off} Requirements Joomla Users Import User Creating the template A template can be created by following these steps: Go to Components -> RO CSVI -> Templates Click New Give the template a name Set Action to Import Set Component to Joomla Users Set Operation to User Click Next: Select Source Source is set default to Load...
| RO Users
Fake user registrations are always a pain to deal with but with RO Users you can at least clean them up automatically. Even better is if the user never manages to register. RO Users ships with the block user registration plugin that allows you to block users from registering when they match a word you have added to the blacklist.
| RO Users
Despite RO Users being a very specific tool, there are quite a few interesting features that makes life a lot easier. You can configure when user accounts should be deleted, if user accounts who never logged-in should be deleted automatically, bounce email handling.
| News
This RO Users 2.2.0 release features full Joomla 4 compatibility, this means RO Users 2.2.0 runs on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
| RO Users
This article explains how to setup a cron job for RO Users. The cron job will clean out users automatically at a given interval. This ensures that users are cleaned out at set times. The information emails are sent out on time as well. Instructions for setting up the RO Users cron job in major control panel is explained.
| News
Releases do not come by often for RO Users but this time round we have incorporated feedback and added a dry run feature where you can test run your settings.
| RO Users
The installation of RO Users requires a few steps to be taken as there are some pre-requisites to meet. The main installation is a regular Joomla installation where you upload the installation package and Joomla will install the files. Once that is done you can configure the settings according to your needs and wishes.
Requirements Joomla Users Export User Creating the export template A template can be created by following these steps: Go to Components -> RO CSVI -> Templates Click New Give the template a name Set Action to Export Set Component to Joomla Users Set Operation to User Click Next: Select Source Destination is set default to Download....
| News
This release of RO CSVI 2.1.0 may be a small update but we believe you may like it. Recently a new plugin has been added to the RO Users package, one that we think may be useful in the battle against spam registrations.
| Features
RO Users has the option to whitelist users, which prevents these users from ever being deleted by RO Users. Users can be whitelisted based on usergroup and/or emailaddress.
| News
This release of RO Users has been long overdue and with the rebranding of the new website it has taken a step back but today we have a brand new release for you. We have added a couple of new features that makes live easier as an administrator.
| RO Users
RO Users is a nifty little tool that cleans out any old users on your site based on your settings. This makes keeping your site clean with only active users a breeze. You only need to set it up once and then it runs completely unattended as a cron job. Invalid users can also be automatically replaced.
| Features
On a site where users are deleted but linked to articles or categories you will see a warning pop-up when someone tries to acces that article or category and the user no longer exists.
This article explains on how to Migrate Joomla users from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 using RO CSVI. A step by step procedure with videos is added in the document.
In RO CSVI we offer a number of import and export routines to manage your Joomla data. This is the complete list of Joomla Users supported operations. The majority of operations are available for both import and export although some are for a specific task so they can only be used for either import or export.
RO Payments can be used in two different ways with RSForm!Pro: StandaloneThis only uses the RO Payment fields Integrated with Payment Pro PackageThis uses the RO Payment button for use in the Payment Pro Package dropdown Creating a form using RO Payments standalone Using RO Payments in standalone mode requires at least the total field to...
| Features
RO Users can log every step it takes so you can investigate any possible issues or see what has happened. Where these messages appear is up to you. Since RO Users genereally runs as a cron job and not activated by a user, it can be useful to output the logging to a file instead. The logfile will be created in the Joomla logs folder where you can...
Creating the template A template can be created by following these steps: Go to Components -> CSVI Pro -> Templates Click New Give the template a name Set Action to Import Set Component to Joomla Users Set Operation to User Groups Click Next: Select Source Source is set default to Load from your computer. No need for change. Click...
RO Single Sign On has it all in the name, it provides single sign on services for Joomla. Link your Joomla site to any SAML or Shibboleth identity provider to allow users to login with their own account. Build your own identity provider using your Joomla site and provide identity services to other sites.
Support results
Hello Andy, RO Single Sign On uses Joomla users as primary source for authenticating users when setup as Identity Provider. New accounts must then also be created on the Identity Provider site as this is then your single point of truth when it comes to user accounts. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hello Elisa, [quote]will existing Data be overwritten or updated?[/quote] What is the difference between overwritten and updated? [quote]How to control the behaviour?[/quote] [url=]Joomla user import[/url] uses email as required field. If a user with given email exists in database the values from import file are updated else a new user is created.
Hello James, [quote]Import Joomla Users[/quote] Yes you can use RO CSVI to import Joomla users. Take a look at [url=]Joomla user import[/url] document. [quote]- Automatically Create a Random Password for the users[/quote] No, password is one of the required field in Joomla user import so it has to be included in import file and cannot be generated on import. But if you include the [b]password[/b] field in import RO CSVI will hash it as Joomla does. [quote]Send Registration / Welcome email during Import[/quote] RO CSVI does not send email for users on import but you can [url=]create an override for import[/url] and write custom code to send emails.
Hello, Adding hardcoded XML headerlines will not be an issue, that can be done in the template itself but there is no direct way to add hardcoded XML lines for each record. It needs little of custom coding in RO CSVI files. You can use our [url=]demo site[/url] to create a sample export using [url=]RO CSVI Advanced custom table[/url] export to see the values you get in export XML. [quote]This is done by exporting the user data and for each user several lines hard-coded xml code. [/quote] By user data you mean Joomla users with user custom fields? Are you expecting to link more tables with Joomla user table in this export? I am asking this because we have [url=]Joomla Users export[/url] which can get you values from users table and user custom fields. This export does not link other custom tables.
Hello Niels, Roland thought the post is about RO CSVI so said cron jobs are optional. For RO Users extension you need to have a cron job. Cron job will send reminders to users, deactivate or delete accounts accounts based on the settings you have on RO User extension.
Hello Tim, Yes, you can migrate orders and user data with RO CSVI. You can use [url=]VirtueMart Order export[/url] template to move the Orders from VirtueMart. You can use [url=]VirtueMart User info export[/url] to export the user details and on import it will create Joomla users based on the email. Let me know if you need any more details.
Hello Christoph, [quote]Whats the best way to import all these values as Joomla user Custom fields to the correspondending users? [/quote] Try these steps and see if it works for you 1. Using [url=]RO CSVI custom export template[/url] you can export extra field values from #_jsn_users table along with joomla user id. 2. Create Joomla user custom fields with same name as extra fields. 3. [url=]Update available fields[/url] in RO CSVI 4. Create [url=]Joomla User import[/url] template. 5. On Options tab set Keep user id to Yes and save the template. 4. Run the import and check. If you have any problem, please post the export file from RO CSVI custom export template and also send us the screenshots on how you have setup Joomla user custom fields.
Hello Christopher, You need to do two imports in this case. First import is [url=]Joomla user import[/url] to create Joomla users. Second import is [url=]Joomla contacts import[/url] and using email field link the contact to Joomla user. You can run both these imports with same file but map the template fields accordingly.
Hei, I use RO CSVI and I would import User, Content etc. from Joomla3 to Joomla 4. Now I have a Problem with the Users. In the clear Joomla4 the Users are in english. (Super User) In our existing Joomla 3, all user groups are in German (super users is named Super Benutzer). When I want to import the users (without user groups), it does not take over the users. When I install the user groups, I no longer have access to my admin account because the rights in the database no longer correspond to those of a super user. Do you have an Idea how I can solve this? Many Regards Verena
Hello, Support is given for user issues with active subscription. With RO CSVI 8.10.0 version we have added a field in RO CSVI config so users can configure User agent. See attached screenshot. You need to update to this version to use this feature.
Hello, [quote]More that I'm using the email addresses uploaded to then lookup joomla users to get the user Ids. Then use that user Id to update the vm_userinfos table for that User ID[/quote] You can use RO CSVI Joomla user export template to export email address and user ID. You can then edit the export file and update vm_userinfos table using [url=]RO CSVI custom table[/url] import. Did you try that? Won't that help?
Hello Verena, [quote]In our existing Joomla 3, all user groups are in German (super users is named Super Benutzer).[/quote] I guess it is the name of the user group which is in German. [quote]When I want to import the users (without user groups), it does not take over the users.[/quote] Thats correct. When importing users user groups is a needed field. [quote]When I install the user groups, I no longer have access to my admin account because the rights in the database no longer correspond to those of a super user. Do you have an Idea how I can solve this?[/quote] Do you want to have user groups in German or English in Joomla 4 site? If you want to use English user groups then you can export German user groups from Joomla 3 site and using [url=]RO CSVI Multi replace rule[/url] plugin find the German user group titles and replace them to corresponding English user group titles on import. That way all German user group names will be replaced to English user group names on import in Joomla 4 site.
Hello, [quote]you said that k2 profil was just a link to joomla user but i see some field on k2 user .. but we didn't have export user information in ro csvi ??[/quote] I said the created_by field in K2 item table is the ID of Joomla users table. We do not have support for exporting user information from K2 in RO CSVI. We only support category, extrafield and item exports in k2. If you want to export the K2 user information you can use [url=]RO CSVI custom table export[/url].
Hello, [quote]I am trying to achieve a module or article that contains information about Joomla users and specific fields. Is this possible with the use of RO CSVI?[/quote] In RO CSVI Joomla content and Joomla users are two different imports. You can import user hardcoded information as Joomla content or custom fields but you cannot link these two information using RO CSVI import.
Hello, If there are no user in Joomla user table with the user ID used importing articles then you see this error. To solve this first export and import Joomla users from Joomla 3 site to Joomla 4 site and then do the export/import of Joomla articles. Also export Joomla user table [b]id[/b] field and Set Keep user ID to Yes in Joomla user import template. That way same user ids are migrated from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4. You can use [url=]Migration templates which comes with RO CSVI[/url] which comes with all these settings.
Hello Jordan, Please check [url=]Joomla User import[/url] document and under Further reading section on how to import custom fields for users. To import List custom field value check [url=]Joomla custom fields import [/url] document. The example in the document explains on importing list custom field for Joomla articles but the format for list custom field is the same for Joomla users. Let me know if you need any more help.
Hello, [quote]So my question can I export from old domain order items and import in new domain and export orders and import in new domain.[/quote] Yes you can import orders and order items using RO CSVI. [quote]I would like to achieve our past customers can login on new domain and check their past orders, or buy something without need to make new account.[/quote] You can import users login using [url=]Joomla users import[/url] template. RO CSVI comes with standard migration template for import and export. You can use these templates to move Joomla user login details. Once Joomla users are created using [url=]VirtueMart userinfo import[/url] template you can move VirtueMart user data. [quote]I could just copy users table in Phpmyadmin but old domain is J3 new one is J4 also on old domain i have many customers which use another service, on new one I would like to have only this which they make order in Virtuemart.[/quote] Moving user data does not limit only to Joomla users table. There are other related tables which needs to be updates as well. Would recommend to use Migration templates in this case. See [url=]Migrate Joomla data using RO CSVI migration templates[/url] document on how to use these migration templates. [quote]I see settings export order items and export order, can I I achieve this with this templates and so what should I Import first Orders then Items or first Joomla users?[/quote] You need to import in the order 1. Joomla users 2. VirtueMart Orders 3. VirtueMart Order items [quote]Also I import just 4 super users and password hash was not imported correctly, in csv file is one but at import was another for all users. I need go to phpmyadmin and change there hash of password manually, to be able login back to the site. Why this happen at import off users?[/quote] Please post the import debug log and import file used so to check. To get debug log see [url=]How to collect debug information?[/url] document.
Hello, [quote]is it possible with your module?[/quote] Yes it is possible to export Joomla Users with RO CSVI. Please check [url=]Joomla User export [/url] document. [quote]joomla users login and exit times associated with individual days of the week[/quote] You can add fields [b]username[/b] and [b]password[/b] fields for login. I am not sure on what you expect by individual days of week but for exit time use field [b]lastvisitDate[/b]. This field will get the date of user last visited your site. And of course there are other fields available which you can add in export template. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello, Usergroups field is only available with Joomla users export template and is not available with J2Store address export template. There are two ways to do this 1. Using [url=]RO CSVI advanced custom table[/url] export join J2Store address table and Joomla user table and add template fields and run the export. The problem with this export is you need to join all tables related to J2Store address export in the template so it works like J2Store address export template. Since this is a generic template there are no filter options available like in J2Store address export template. 2. You can to do two exports [url=]Joomla user export[/url] and [url=]J2Store address export[/url] and merge the excel based on user emails. This has to be done manually and not by using RO CSVI.
Hi there! My customer wants to see how the RO Users Mails look like in the inbox. Is it possible to send a test mail to a specific user? thanks!