7. List type custom field
Create Joomla custom field of list type.
Example content for list custom field.
For multiple values, make sure that Multiple field is set to Yes in the List field configuration. Import the contents like below for multiple values.
Check the result of custom field on Fields tab of an article.
Also if the values of list item fields should be added on import then RO CSVI offers two extra fields for list item ending with _value and _text. A list box has two kinds of values.
- The original text which is seen in dropdown to select like Yellow, Blue and Violet in below example
- Value which is hidden but is the value corresponding to the text selected. This is the value saved to database. violet, blue and yellow from below example content.
As in above screenshot, name of list box is list-field, RO CSVI offers two fields list-field_text and list-field_value. list-field_value will hold the values to be saved in database, multiple values separated by |. list-field_text will import values seen in dropdown box, multiple values separated by |. The order of values in list-field_text and list-field_values should be same in case of multiple values.
These values are added on the fly on import if they do not exists already.
Example content for list custom field with _value and _text fields.