RO Single Sign On
Installation steps for RO Single Sign On
There are several installation steps for RO Single Sign On to be completed to install and configure the extension.
- Install the
- Enable plugin Authentication - RO Single Sign In
- Create a symlink named sso to the folder libraries/simplesamlphp/www/ to prevent access from the web to this folder ln -sfn libraries/simplesamlphp/www sso
- Go to Components -> RO Single Sign On -> Configuration
- Set the basepath to sso/
- Fill in all other relevant details
- Click Save
- Go to Certificates
- Create your certificates
- Go to Identity Provider Profiles
- Click New
- Fill in all the fields
- Click Save & Close
- Setup the Identity Provider if needed
- Setup the Service Provider if needed
- Setup cron job to renew metadata information
php /path/to/site/libraries/simplesamlphp/modules/metarefresh/bin/metarefresh.php METADATA URL
Exception: Unable to validate Signature
The error Exception: Unable to validate Signature means that the certificate data has changed.
The Identity Provider metadata must be refreshed to load the new certificate details.
Failure signing data
The error Failure signing data means that the certificates are no longer up-to-date.
Recreate the certificate files in the cert folder. After the certificates have been recreated the metadata must be reloaded on either the Identity Provider or the Service Provider.
No private key found in metadata
The error No private key found in metadata is caused by missing certificates.
The option sign.logout is enabled in the authsources.php but no certificates are specified
Could not find the metadata of an IdP with entity ID / Metadata not found
This error can be caused by a faulty configuration on either the Identity Provider or the Service Provider.
Possible solutions are:
- The Identity Provider metadata must be imported into the Service Provider
- The password for the certificate file is incorrect
Setup Joomla! as a Service Provider
How to setup Joomla! as a Service Provider takes some work and might be easier or harder depending on the identity provider you are trying to connect to.
Setup Joomla! as an Identity Provider
To setup Joomla! as an Identity Provider is a little tricky because the configuration can get lost sometimes. Here we explain the steps on how to achieve this.