Where is this reserved/booked count? Can you post a screenshot on where you see it in VirtueMart? Also please explain on how the order status would affect the reserved/booked count.
Virtuemart -> Products -> Product -> Product Satus:
Or in the database:
Based on the settings in Virtuemart -> Configuration -> Order Statuses,
A certain quantity of a product is booked/reserved when an order is placed.
When the Order is set to shipped, the booked/reserved for the products in that order is substracted.
So one more time with an example:
Product X has a quantity of 2.
Customer A places an order for this product with a quantity of 1.
Quantity for product X is now 2 and Booked/reserved = 1.
Customer B can now only buy one quantity of Product X.
The order with Product X is shipped and the status is also set to Shipped.
The quantity for product X should now be 1 and booked/reserved = 0
That's when everything works as it should. However, when it doesn't update correctly, it could be that the quantity is 10 and booked is also 10 eventhough it should be 0. Meaning, nobody can order this product eventhough there is still a stock of 10 waiting to be sold.
Hopefully I explained it well