CSVI Pro 7.5.1
Joomla! 3.8.6
VirtueMart 3.2.14
I'm trying to import products into Virtuemart. I've created a template for it in CSVI but I don't see virtuemart as an option in "Component" drop down list. I've tried reinstalling Virtuemart but it doesn't help
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Let me try to explain. Let us take the first row in your import file, the first column is category_path which is Водяные насосы/Поверхностные/Calpeda which is correct, the second column is category_description for which the value you have in your import file is category_description and the third column is category_full_image which is again having the value as category_full_image. You should be having the actual category description and actual full image name instead of category_description and category_full_image. See the explanation in screenshot attached.
Also by looking at the filename it looks like you have done a category export using CSVI. CSVI will get the image name as it is stored in the database so you need check how the image name and category description are saved in your database tables.
Let me try to explain. Let us take the first row in your import file, the first column is category_path which is Водяные насосы/Поверхностные/Calpeda which is correct, the second column is category_description for which the value you have in your import file is category_description and the third column is category_full_image which is again having the value as category_full_image. You should be having the actual category description and actual full image name instead of category_description and category_full_image. See the explanation in screenshot attached.
Also by looking at the filename it looks like you have done a category export using CSVI. CSVI will get the image name as it is stored in the database so you need check how the image name and category description are saved in your database tables.
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So how do I have to edit csv file so that all images work?
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Some images did not import because you do not have image names added in your import file. Your debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/file_url has not been found."
CSVI has imported your category and linked them to your product as per the debug log. Are your products published? If no, that must be the reason you are seeing Products to 0 in VirtueMart Product categories page.
Now some images imported, some didn't - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&Itemid=974
Some images did not import because you do not have image names added in your import file. Your debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/file_url has not been found."
As for products of course I've imported them
CSVI has imported your category and linked them to your product as per the debug log. Are your products published? If no, that must be the reason you are seeing Products to 0 in VirtueMart Product categories page.
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Now some images imported, some didn't - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&Itemid=974
As for products of course I've imported them
As for products of course I've imported them
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The fields category_browsepage and category_flypage no longer exist in VirtueMart so they can be removed.
I still don't quite understand how should I edit category csv file and what to replace with.You need to change the category_full_image to file_url and the category_thumb_image to file_url_thumb. The category_publish must be changed to published. The fields you are using now don't exist in your site as you can see in the list of Available Fields.
The fields category_browsepage and category_flypage no longer exist in VirtueMart so they can be removed.
And categories are still emptyYou cannot fill categories with the category import. You are going to need to use the product import to fill the categories. To understand what is happening here import the test file we provide in the tutorial VirtueMart Products import. This should create the product and category and the category should show 1 product. Let's see if that works when you import that file.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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I still don't quite understand how should I edit category csv file and what to replace with.
And categories are still empty - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&Itemid=974
Can I give you admin interface access so that you will look by yourself?
And categories are still empty - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&Itemid=974
Can I give you admin interface access so that you will look by yourself?
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The file you sent still has fields category_full_image and category_thumb_image. I guess you have replaced these fields to file_url and file_url_thumb in the import file you used. So checking your file in CSVI Analyser shows that you have category_full_image and category_description as text in your rows instead of image name and actual description. Check the screenshot attached. You can check your file yourself using CSVI Analyser to see what i am talking about. You need to replace these values so your image gets imported correct.
You product page screenshot shows that product has been assigned to a category, check the product category column in screenshot. For your categories showing products as 0, look for a category for which you have assigned products in your import. For example take the first product in your products page screenshot, use the category name in search filter in VirtueMart product categories page. Do you see the products then?
Here is my csv category file - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/cat1.csv How do I edit it?
The file you sent still has fields category_full_image and category_thumb_image. I guess you have replaced these fields to file_url and file_url_thumb in the import file you used. So checking your file in CSVI Analyser shows that you have category_full_image and category_description as text in your rows instead of image name and actual description. Check the screenshot attached. You can check your file yourself using CSVI Analyser to see what i am talking about. You need to replace these values so your image gets imported correct.
I've attached screenshots of Products and Categories
You product page screenshot shows that product has been assigned to a category, check the product category column in screenshot. For your categories showing products as 0, look for a category for which you have assigned products in your import. For example take the first product in your products page screenshot, use the category name in search filter in VirtueMart product categories page. Do you see the products then?
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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Here is my csv category file - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/cat1.csv How do I edit it?
I've attached screenshots of Products and Categories
I've attached screenshots of Products and Categories
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You debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/file_url has not been found." If you see the error the value file_url has been checked if it is in the category image path instead of the actual image name. You must be having file_url as image name in your import file and you need to correct it before doing the import.
Old one does not matter. You are importing your categories into English table as per your debug log and so when you have Joomla and VirtueMart in English you should be seeing your categories. Do you see the categories when you go to VirtueMart Product categories page?
I looked into your product import debug log posted previously. It says that products have been linked to categories.
If you go to your VirtueMart Products page, what do you see in Product category column? Can you post a screenshot?
Products worked, categories didn't - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/com_csvi.log.41.txt
You debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/file_url has not been found." If you see the error the value file_url has been checked if it is in the category image path instead of the actual image name. You must be having file_url as image name in your import file and you need to correct it before doing the import.
No, the shop is in English and Joomla is in English too. The old one was in Russian but does it matter? But when I switched the shop to Russian every category turned into Translation missing for virtuemart_category_id 1729
Old one does not matter. You are importing your categories into English table as per your debug log and so when you have Joomla and VirtueMart in English you should be seeing your categories. Do you see the categories when you go to VirtueMart Product categories page?
The other question was that all categories show that they have 0 products.
I looked into your product import debug log posted previously. It says that products have been linked to categories.
INSERT INTO `ebh3g_virtuemart_product_categories` (`virtuemart_product_id`,`virtuemart_category_id`,`ordering`) VALUES ('2997','1730','')
If you go to your VirtueMart Products page, what do you see in Product category column? Can you post a screenshot?
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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No, the shop is in English and Joomla is in English too. The old one was in Russian but does it matter? But when I switched the shop to Russian every category turned into Translation missing for virtuemart_category_id 1729
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Just to check, CSVI is set to import categories into the English language tables. Is that correct for your setup? I can see that categories are being updated
Just to check, CSVI is set to import categories into the English language tables. Is that correct for your setup? I can see that categories are being updated
UPDATE `ebh3g_virtuemart_categories` SET `virtuemart_vendor_id`='1',`products_per_row`='',`hits`='0',`cat_params`='show_store_desc=\"\"|showcategory_desc=\"\"|showcategory=\"\"|categories_per_row=\"\"|showproducts=\"\"|omitLoaded=\"\"|showsearch=\"\"|productsublayout=\"\"|featured=\"\"|featured_rows=\"\"|omitLoaded_featured=\"\"|discontinued=\"\"|discontinued_rows=\"\"|omitLoaded_discontinued=\"\"|latest=\"\"|latest_rows=\"\"|omitLoaded_latest=\"\"|topten=\"\"|topten_rows=\"\"|omitLoaded_topten=\"\"|recent=\"\"|recent_rows=\"\"|omitLoaded_recent=\"\"',`metarobot`='',`metaauthor`='',`ordering`='0',`shared`='0',`published`='1',`created_on`='0000-00-00 00:00:00',`created_by`='0',`modified_on`='2018-04-10 10:56:26',`modified_by`='42',`locked_on`='0000-00-00 00:00:00',`locked_by`='0' WHERE `virtuemart_category_id` = '1839'
This means that they exist in your database. If you don't see them, you may need to login to the backend with English to be able to see them.The other question was that all categories show that they have 0 products.This will happen if the products are in another language table and there are no categories for these in the correct language table.
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Products worked, categories didn't - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/com_csvi.log.41.txt
The other question was that all categories show that they have 0 products.
The other question was that all categories show that they have 0 products.
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You have not uploaded images to the location you are using in file_url field. You debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/product/_________________59ef256432cd1.png has not been found.". You need to upload your images to the location /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/product/ and then run the product import.
With your category import debug log i can see that you have few records with file_url text for file_url field. The error in debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/file_url has not been found." You need to replace your image name in place of file_url text in your import file. And for images debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/_____________Cab_519c9a5c0f2bf.jpg has not been found.". You need to upload your category images to the location /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/ before you run the category import.
Not sure if i missed something. Can you please post the question again?
I've tried replacing product_full_image and product_thumb_image with file_url and file_url_thumb in csv, doesn't work
You have not uploaded images to the location you are using in file_url field. You debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/product/_________________59ef256432cd1.png has not been found.". You need to upload your images to the location /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/product/ and then run the product import.
Same with categories.
With your category import debug log i can see that you have few records with file_url text for file_url field. The error in debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/file_url has not been found." You need to replace your image name in place of file_url text in your import file. And for images debug log says "The file /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/_____________Cab_519c9a5c0f2bf.jpg has not been found.". You need to upload your category images to the location /home/c/cd34827/akvamirspb/public_html/site/images/stories/virtuemart/category/ before you run the category import.
And you haven't answered the previous question about empty categories
Not sure if i missed something. Can you please post the question again?
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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I've tried replacing product_full_image and product_thumb_image with file_url and file_url_thumb in csv, doesn't work
Same with categories.
And you haven't answered the previous question about empty categories
Same with categories.
And you haven't answered the previous question about empty categories
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You need to use file_url and file_url_thumb fields instead of category_full_image and category_thumb_image.
502 error is when the server is getting invalid response. In your import template on Limit tab change the Lines per import to 100 and save the template. If you don't see Limit tab click on Advanced button on top. Try your import and check if it finishes after that.
The csv file you sent still has product_full_image and product_thumb_image fields and so it did not work.
1. I'm trying to import category images but it says that
These fields have been found but are not supported by CSVI:
You need to use file_url and file_url_thumb fields instead of category_full_image and category_thumb_image.
2. My product csv file contains 1700 skus and webhosting can't handle it. I always get this error
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 502
Status message: Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway
I understand that it is hoster's fault but can you give any advice how solve it?
502 error is when the server is getting invalid response. In your import template on Limit tab change the Lines per import to 100 and save the template. If you don't see Limit tab click on Advanced button on top. Try your import and check if it finishes after that.
3. I've tried importing images and I've added needed fields but my scv file ( http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/Product.csv ) doesn't have file_url and file_url_thumb fields
I've tried replacing product_full_image~^~product_thumb_image with file_url and file_url_thumb in csv, doesn't work
Log file - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/com_csvi.log.36.txt
The csv file you sent still has product_full_image and product_thumb_image fields and so it did not work.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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1. I'm trying to import category images but it says that
These fields have been found but are not supported by CSVI:
2. My product csv file contains 1700 skus and webhosting can't handle it. I always get this error
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 502
Status message: Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway
I understand that it is hoster's fault but can you give any advice how solve it?
3. I've tried importing images and I've added needed fields but my scv file (http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/Product.csv) doesn't have file_url and file_url_thumb fields
I've tried replacing product_full_image~^~product_thumb_image with file_url and file_url_thumb in csv, doesn't work
Log file - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/com_csvi.log.36.txt
These fields have been found but are not supported by CSVI:
2. My product csv file contains 1700 skus and webhosting can't handle it. I always get this error
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 502
Status message: Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway
I understand that it is hoster's fault but can you give any advice how solve it?
3. I've tried importing images and I've added needed fields but my scv file (http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/Product.csv) doesn't have file_url and file_url_thumb fields
I've tried replacing product_full_image~^~product_thumb_image with file_url and file_url_thumb in csv, doesn't work
Log file - http://akvamirspb.ru/site/temp/com_csvi.log.36.txt
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I've set up template exactly the same way as in tutorial... Operation was set to "product"
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Since you are importing product details you need to use product import operation instead of availabilityproduct in your import template. Have a look at VirtueMart product import document to know to create import template for importing VirtueMart products. If you still have any issues, post the latest debug log of your import.
Since you are importing product details you need to use product import operation instead of availabilityproduct in your import template. Have a look at VirtueMart product import document to know to create import template for importing VirtueMart products. If you still have any issues, post the latest debug log of your import.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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You need to provide us the debug log of the last import along with your sample import file to check.
You need to provide us the debug log of the last import along with your sample import file to check.
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