1. Anonymous User
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Thursday, 23 May 2024
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im using csvi for a long time. its a great customizable extension..
but at the same time very hard to understand the setup..

i need some help with the correct workflow to achieve some specific results..
i want to use csvi as auto-translator and auto-duplicate to another domain.

i have 1 multilanguage and multicurrency eshop on j5 and virtuemart4.
1. i created export of the products in default language and currency to google sheet
2. i created export of the categories in default language to google sheet

in google sheet i copy the sheet and translate products data to another language
the same for category fields - i translate them in google sheet

3. now i want to import these translated data back to eshop in another language..
here i get into some issues..

- if im tring to import all exported fields back, i see not-coresponding columns in the import.. see attachment.
im not sure how to setup delimiter settings for example, if the imported source is google sheet... maybe if this fix it will work..

- if i removed a lot of fields and try to import just translated fields based on your documentation, my products created new translated categories and stop showing in the original ones, hence the eshop stops working.. maybe there are some other issues as well.. products just dont show in the eshop..

what are the correct fields for product import in translated language?

4. also the question is.. what is the best way to use google sheet to update (multi) currency.?.
can they have been imported with the language translation/import?
or maybe have all currencies and prices in one sheet/import?
or prices must be imported in separate import and also by the currency..?

5. also i want to import the whole vm products/categories data to another domain.
i have the same issue with the matching fields from google sheet..

if anyone please let me know if this is correct workflow and how to fix these issues i would be very thankful
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3. now i want to import these translated data back to eshop in another language..
here i get into some issues..

- if im tring to import all exported fields back, i see not-coresponding columns in the import.. see attachment.
im not sure how to setup delimiter settings for example, if the imported source is google sheet... maybe if this fix it will work..

I don't think it is delimiters. It must be the order of template fields added in your import template. Can you post a screenshot of template fields you have so i can check?

if i removed a lot of fields and try to import just translated fields based on your documentation, my products created new translated categories and stop showing in the original ones, hence the eshop stops working.. maybe there are some other issues as well.. products just dont show in the eshop..

what are the correct fields for product import in translated language?

Please read through Setting up a VirtueMart multi-language shop document. This document will help you to import multi language data into VirtueMart.

4. also the question is.. what is the best way to use google sheet to update (multi) currency.?.
can they have been imported with the language translation/import?
or maybe have all currencies and prices in one sheet/import?
or prices must be imported in separate import and also by the currency..?

You can import prices and currencies with VirtueMart price import. You can use product_currency field for currencies in this import.

5. also i want to import the whole vm products/categories data to another domain.
i have the same issue with the matching fields from google sheet..

Please send us template XML so we can check. Also send the google sheet link you are using. To get the template XML file from RO CSVI templates list page select the import template and click on Backup templates button. Post the downloaded XML file.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
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