1. rkmediawork
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Monday, 01 August 2022
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I use RO CSVI and I would import User, Content etc. from Joomla3 to Joomla 4. Now I have a Problem with the Users.
In the clear Joomla4 the Users are in english. (Super User) In our existing Joomla 3, all user groups are in German (super users is named Super Benutzer). When I want to import the users (without user groups), it does not take over the users. When I install the user groups, I no longer have access to my admin account because the rights in the database no longer correspond to those of a super user. Do you have an Idea how I can solve this?

Many Regards
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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Verena,
In our existing Joomla 3, all user groups are in German (super users is named Super Benutzer).

I guess it is the name of the user group which is in German.

When I want to import the users (without user groups), it does not take over the users.

Thats correct. When importing users user groups is a needed field.

When I install the user groups, I no longer have access to my admin account because the rights in the database no longer correspond to those of a super user. Do you have an Idea how I can solve this?

Do you want to have user groups in German or English in Joomla 4 site? If you want to use English user groups then you can export German user groups from Joomla 3 site and using RO CSVI Multi replace rule plugin find the German user group titles and replace them to corresponding English user group titles on import. That way all German user group names will be replaced to English user group names on import in Joomla 4 site.
Kind regards,


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