Hello Tharuna,
Regarding : You don't need to add them manually, it is like importing multiple category for a product. You can add brand category path to category_path along with product category in your import file so category_path will like product/categorypath|brand/categorypath, note that multiple categories are separated by |. That should solve your issue.
->Okay .But there is already too many things with category_path of my products.
1) In my csv categories are like :
2)So i have created rule to correct them.
I have created rule for adding product category/ at beginning and in place of comma i created another rule which is find comma and replace it with | product category/ and also rules for change these name from lowercase to uppercase.There is almost 163 rules already i created..
3)So Now in all this how can I add : product/categorypath|brand/categorypath. Looking very confusion to assign a brand category to categories of products.
Hope you get it..and let me know any possible thing for this.
Kind Regards