Hello i am trying to import new products (xml file) which include 16 columns... after a long time, i get that message:
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 500
Explanation: This error means that something has gone wrong but the server does not want to tell you what exactly happened. The only way to find out is to ask your hosting provider for the error message in the error log. For further information you can check the 500 Internal Server Error document on our site. Without the real error we will not be able to help you.
Status message: Internal Server Error
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Two things to try here
1. With 500 error there are no details shown on what is causing this error. We need to find the cause for the error so to fix it. Please check 500 internal server error document to know the causes for this error. See if you can find details of error and we can see on how to solve it.
2. Another thing to try is In your import template settings on Limit tab set Lines per import to 100, save the template and run the import and check. See attached screenshot.
Two things to try here
1. With 500 error there are no details shown on what is causing this error. We need to find the cause for the error so to fix it. Please check 500 internal server error document to know the causes for this error. See if you can find details of error and we can see on how to solve it.
2. Another thing to try is In your import template settings on Limit tab set Lines per import to 100, save the template and run the import and check. See attached screenshot.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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Hello and thanks for a quick respond…
I work on csvi at least 6-7 years but the last 3 months I have the same problem everyday…
for example if I try to update the stock of products (example 200 lines with 4 columns 1 Sku 2 Categories 3 Stock 4 Price) or import new products…
…after 11am I can’t upload the file
if I try to upload any file from 8am to 10am succeeds in no time
probably is server problem (ΝΟΤΕ I am in VPS server)
Is there any other way to upload without problems and limit speed?
I work on csvi at least 6-7 years but the last 3 months I have the same problem everyday…
for example if I try to update the stock of products (example 200 lines with 4 columns 1 Sku 2 Categories 3 Stock 4 Price) or import new products…
…after 11am I can’t upload the file
if I try to upload any file from 8am to 10am succeeds in no time
probably is server problem (ΝΟΤΕ I am in VPS server)
Is there any other way to upload without problems and limit speed?
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That is strange. Did you try talking to your host on this time limit?
You can run the import as cron job. This way the file can be uploaded on server and in import template settings on Source tab set the location of import file in Load from server option. RO CSVI will read the file from the given location and run the import. Also with cron jobs there are no server limits.
…after 11am I can’t upload the file
if I try to upload any file from 8am to 10am succeeds in no time
probably is server problem (ΝΟΤΕ I am in VPS server)
That is strange. Did you try talking to your host on this time limit?
Is there any other way to upload without problems and limit speed?
You can run the import as cron job. This way the file can be uploaded on server and in import template settings on Source tab set the location of import file in Load from server option. RO CSVI will read the file from the given location and run the import. Also with cron jobs there are no server limits.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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I did tests (with cronjob) but finally I couldn't get it to work properly... (i.e. during the upload the file never executes or after too much time)
I can send you if file
and login information of the site so that you can also do a test, maybe you can conclude what is not working correctly?
I did tests (with cronjob) but finally I couldn't get it to work properly... (i.e. during the upload the file never executes or after too much time)
I can send you if file
and login information of the site so that you can also do a test, maybe you can conclude what is not working correctly?
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Do you see any error with cron job? Can you send screenshots on how you are running the cron job and the errors you see with it?
Do you see any error with cron job? Can you send screenshots on how you are running the cron job and the errors you see with it?
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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And thank you for a help… but I need immediately fix this…
I send you a small file xml which we need for example to upload (for updating)…
From the back end the template is ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5, tag 5
And for the cronjob which work but we have the same problem (is take a long-long time for example 45 minutes and the site in NOT working at this time, is just load)…
the template is ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5 CRONJOB, tag 5cron
Please can you check what is wrong???
Thank you
And thank you for a help… but I need immediately fix this…
I send you a small file xml which we need for example to upload (for updating)…
From the back end the template is ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5, tag 5
And for the cronjob which work but we have the same problem (is take a long-long time for example 45 minutes and the site in NOT working at this time, is just load)…
the template is ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5 CRONJOB, tag 5cron
Please can you check what is wrong???
Thank you
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Thank you for sending the site login details. I had a look at ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5 CRONJOB template. You have set the Load from server to be a folder /home/besttoy/public_html/imports, Are you importing multiple files from imports folder?
Also I see category_id field value is wrong in Import preview page. See attached screenshot. The file you sent has multiple values separated by | but the file loaded in import preview is different.
Thank you for sending the site login details. I had a look at ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5 CRONJOB template. You have set the Load from server to be a folder /home/besttoy/public_html/imports, Are you importing multiple files from imports folder?
Also I see category_id field value is wrong in Import preview page. See attached screenshot. The file you sent has multiple values separated by | but the file loaded in import preview is different.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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Hello you have to use the first template (which load form a local pc)
and the preview to me is right… check a screenshot… (also and I use these values years now).
and the preview to me is right… check a screenshot… (also and I use these values years now).
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I ran the import with ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5 template and can see timeout error. That is because your server is not able to process the given number of records(100) set on Limit tab in the given time limit. I changed this to 5 and import works. See attached screenshot. Please check Manage Timeouts document on how to handle the server limits. You need to talk to your provider and see to increase these limits.
I ran the import with ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΓΙΑ SKROUTZ 5 template and can see timeout error. That is because your server is not able to process the given number of records(100) set on Limit tab in the given time limit. I changed this to 5 and import works. See attached screenshot. Please check Manage Timeouts document on how to handle the server limits. You need to talk to your provider and see to increase these limits.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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