Hello Chris,
In my Hikashop product import template I can't find "Import based on" option (there isn't even "Options" tab available), I'm guessing default field is product_code?
No need to guess, check out the tutorial
Import products for HikaShop. There is no Options tab at this moment.
I can see Hikashop custom fields are just another columns added to product table.
I haven't looked at custom fields yet. If they are just extra columns in the product table, then you just need to run the Update on the available fields to make them usable in CSVI.
What about manufacturer name field? I don't have it in my available import fields, only product_manufacturer_id is available, if manufacturer isn't already in Hikashop I don't know its ID, how to bypass this?
The manufacturer field is called
brand in HikaShop because HikaShop calls it brands.
In Hikashop manufacturers are quite the same as categories, so do I need to fill category_path also with my manufacturers?
They are shown in the same structure but brands/manufacturers are just singular. There is no categorization in manufacturers. At least not from CSVI viewpoint.
Are you planning to add some more features to Hikashop imports/exports?
Yes, there are going to be more imports/exports but they need time of course.
Is there any estimated time?
The future :silly:
Whole Hikashop-thing looks quite promising 
It sure is, that is why I have chosen to add support for it in CSVI. Just takes time, the past 9 years work has been one on the VM support, HIkaShop is about 6 months old

It has a little to go.
Kind regards,
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