There is nothing wrong with component all work as should, I just ask advice if you be so kind to answer, if you have any.
I need import article with custom fields unfortunately csv file I'm Importing is huge and wrong structure. Go like this Headers of three columns in csv file are tittle, Joomla-field-name, field-value.
Problem is under column title rows are Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 and so on to Title 12 then repeat Title 600 times and more. Tittle repeat them self 1-12 then again 1-12 each tittle have in next column different Joomla field name 53 exactly and field value. Correct structure of csv file will be 1 column with Tittle and row down with tittle 1 -12 then following 53 columns headers with diferent joomla-fields names and then under rows values for each field.
Is there any CSV rule wich could help me with this task? Or I need manually rearrange csvi file. Thank you
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Ok I figure Up
In Template I set option skip empty field on Yes and all working.
Thank you again for your help with XML finally I import this.
In Template I set option skip empty field on Yes and all working.
Thank you again for your help with XML finally I import this.
- more than a month ago
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Accepted Answer
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There is no RO CSVI rule or a way in RO CSVI to rearrange a CSV file. If may I ask do you have an option of getting import file in XML format instead of CSV format? With XML you should be able to import without rearranging the file.
There is no RO CSVI rule or a way in RO CSVI to rearrange a CSV file. If may I ask do you have an option of getting import file in XML format instead of CSV format? With XML you should be able to import without rearranging the file.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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Do you have an example of the CSV file because I have a hard time understanding what you mean.
Do you have an example of the CSV file because I have a hard time understanding what you mean.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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If you don't see Joomla custom fields then try updating available fields and then run the import.
If you still have problem in loading fields post template XML file to check. To get template XML file in RO CSVI templates list page select the import template and click on Backup templates button. Post the downloaded XML file.
If you don't see Joomla custom fields then try updating available fields and then run the import.
If you still have problem in loading fields post template XML file to check. To get template XML file in RO CSVI templates list page select the import template and click on Backup templates button. Post the downloaded XML file.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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So I export from old database in XML version as suggested, I edit create template and add Joomla all 52 fields to template. But at preview file it seems Joomla fields don't work. Value is fulfilled with title and alias but not with Joomla fields. I will attach xml. Please make this private.
So I export from old database in XML version as suggested, I edit create template and add Joomla all 52 fields to template. But at preview file it seems Joomla fields don't work. Value is fulfilled with title and alias but not with Joomla fields. I will attach xml. Please make this private.
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I find this is problem
custom field should be mapped like week-1/p and this get only first paragraph, so how now I need figure out to insert html characters with xml
<p>Zazwyczaj jesteś osobą opanowaną i zdystansowaną, a w tym tygodniu pokażesz różki,
jest coś czego nie znosisz. Nie trawisz wtrącania się w twoje prywatne sprawy,
oceniania cię i mówienia ci co masz robić. Te dni pokażą jaką osobą jesteś naprawdę.
Wcale nie nieśmiałą i ugodową, czasem potrafisz postawić na swoim i zareagować
<p>Miłość:<br />Wstąpi w ciebie jakaś nowa energia i nowy duch, nagle zaczniesz stawiać
warunki i nie będziesz godzić się na wszystko, pokażesz, że masz własne zdanie i
trzeba się z tobą liczyć.</p>
<p>Praca:<br />Nie dasz sobie w kaszę dmuchać, zazwyczaj jesteś osobą wycofaną, a teraz
zmienisz front i pokażesz, że nikt nie może zwalać na ciebie całej roboty, nie dasz
sobie wejść na głowę. I bardzo dobrze.</p>
<p>Zdrowie:<br />Ujawnią się jedynie problemy z emocjami, możesz mieć zmienne nastroje i
nieoczekiwanie wybuchać w najmniej oczekiwanej chwili.</p>
<p>szczęśliwe liczby: 2, 34, 46<br />szczęśliwy dzień: sobota</p>
custom field should be mapped like week-1/p and this get only first paragraph, so how now I need figure out to insert html characters with xml
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So after modify and sett weeks to <![CDATA[ I successfully get Joomla week-1 field but not week-2 and so on to week-52
Attachments (1)
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CDATA is a special tag to tell the system to read the content inside it as plain text and not as XML data. Since you have HTML tags inside XML data this CDATA tag is needed so they are read as content and not as XML data. CDATA is also needed in case the content has some special characters. The XML file will be considered not valid if there are special characters in content and if you do not wrap it in CDATA tag.
CDATA is a special tag to tell the system to read the content inside it as plain text and not as XML data. Since you have HTML tags inside XML data this CDATA tag is needed so they are read as content and not as XML data. CDATA is also needed in case the content has some special characters. The XML file will be considered not valid if there are special characters in content and if you do not wrap it in CDATA tag.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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I import this but Joomla fields didn't get updated in articles, I must doing something wrong
Accepted Answer
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Please post the import debug log to check. To get the debug log read How to collect debug information? document.
Please post the import debug log to check. To get the debug log read How to collect debug information? document.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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