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  2. RO CSVI
  3. Saturday, 04 February 2023
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There is a joomla3 site (site1) where I have ~3000 articles in a 3 level deep category tree, in ~130 categories.

There is a joomla4 site (site2) where these 3000 articles exists but in a single category (migrated articles). Every article has the same alias but the different id than in site1

The goal would be assign the article category structure from site1 to site2 but under a main parent category.

Like there is an article in both of sites with the alias 'my-first-article'.
In site1 it's in 'News/Sport/Winter sports/Ice skating' category path, but in site2 it's in the single 'Migrated articles', and I want to update it to move to 'Migrated articles/News/Sport/Winter sports/Ice skating'

As far as I can see, RO CSVI uses article alias AND category_path as key, so I can't move to an other category, because it'll duplicate.
Also category_path uses the alias of the categories and if it doesn't find it, it'll put the artice to uncategorised category
Maybe I need to import the categories before the articles somehow?
When I import VirtueMart products, and the category_path field (where the path elements are the category names not the alias) points to a non-existing category, RO CSVI creates it. I think this is what could easily solve the question.

I can delete and re-import the articles of the category if the modification is not possible.

Any hint would be appriciated
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
There is a joomla3 site (site1) where I have ~3000 articles in a 3 level deep category tree, in ~130 categories.

There is a joomla4 site (site2) where these 3000 articles exists but in a single category (migrated articles). Every article has the same alias but the different id than in site1

Using migration templates which comes with RO CSVI installation you can move the articles with same ID from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 site. With same ID it is easy to update articles. Please check Migrate Joomla data using RO CSVI migration templates to know to install migration templates and to migrate articles.

As far as I can see, RO CSVI uses article alias AND category_path as key, so I can't move to an other category, because it'll duplicate.
Also category_path uses the alias of the categories and if it doesn't find it, it'll put the artice to uncategorised category

Thats correct, if RO CSVI does not find the alias or category_path then it creates new article.

Like there is an article in both of sites with the alias 'my-first-article'.
In site1 it's in 'News/Sport/Winter sports/Ice skating' category path, but in site2 it's in the single 'Migrated articles', and I want to update it to move to 'Migrated articles/News/Sport/Winter sports/Ice skating'

Using RO CSVI Multi replace rule and Add before value operation you can add Migrated articles/ before category_path. This will import category_path as 'Migrated articles/News/Sport/Winter sports/Ice skating'.

Maybe I need to import the categories before the articles somehow?

Yes using Joomla Categories Import template import categories and then import Joomla articles. You can use Joomla categories migration template to import categories.

I can delete and re-import the articles of the category if the modification is not possible.

Check the export and import using migration template and let us know on how it goes.
Kind regards,


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