1. berticro
  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. Thursday, 06 October 2022
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i just installed J4 and VM4. I need to sync prices and stock in VM for large amount of products every day.

I have several shoper groups and each group have own prices. CSV file looks like this:

Product SKU Price Shopper Group Cost Price Stock Ordered
1019 A|B|C|GOST|MPC 26,1|0|0|26,1|26,1 0 0
1025 A|B|C|GOST|MPC 2,3|0|0|1,84|1,84 303 0
1026 A|B|C|GOST|MPC 208,5|0|0|208,5|208,5 0 0

Can you confirm me that it can be able to update VM products with ROI CSVI.

Best regards
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Berti,
We do not support import of multiple prices separated by |. Using RO CSVI VirtueMart price import template you can import multiple prices as each row. Please check examples in linked document.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
ok, i wiil arange my csv file in that way

is it working witn J4 / VM4 ?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Berti,
is it working witn J4 / VM4 ?

Yes RO CSVI works with J4 and VM 4.
Kind regards,


If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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