1. jornature
  2. RO Payments
  3. Wednesday, 26 October 2022
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Roland,

I have from 1 oktober a change in the description in Mollie.
I can't remember an update of RO Payments but maybe I am missing something :-)

From 1 oktober I see the RO Payments description in Mollie instead of the Events Booking version.
The registration Number is showing in the description but I would like the ID.
Even though the registration number in the profile is set to ID i see the number.
Profile settings:

1. Switching between the setting (what number to use) does nothing.

Because with the EB string I could add an event name that would be my preferences but if from now on it is your description I would at least use the number instead of this.

Love to know if this is a bug on my site or general.

Thanks for checking!
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