1. rolandd
  2. RO Payments
  3. Sunday, 09 June 2024
  4.  Subscribe via email
Since this week we are made aware of RO Payments showing a hash validation error when using Bancontact or credit-cards.

After our investigation we found that this concerns a part of RO Payments that has not changed over the past 2 years so we think something changed on the side of Buckaroo.

We are in contact with Buckaroo to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Update 10 June 2024: I have spoken to Buckaroo and they acknowledged the issue is on their side, they are going to fix it as soon as possible.

Update 11 June 2024: I have developed a workaround for the Buckaroo issue that can be used until Buckaroo fixes the issue.

To apply the workaround do the following:

  1. Download the attached Buckaroo_fix_has_20240611.zip file
  2. Unpack the file, you will get a file named Buckaroo.zip
  3. Copy this file to the folder libraries/Jdideal/Psp/
  4. Test the credit-card or Bancontact payment, this should succeed now

In case the fix no longer works, it could be that Buckaroo fixed it on their side, in that case you can reinstall RO Payments to get the original file back. You can also make a copy of the original file and just replace that.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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