1. hans2103
  2. RO Payments
  3. Monday, 05 September 2022
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Banks missing in iDEAL dropdown

Working on a website which is connected to Buckaroo
Using a new test form created RSForm connected with standalone RO Payment
When I select iDEAL on the view=checkout I have to select a bank.
The list of banks is missing some banks.
Available banks:

  • ABN Amro Bank
  • ING
  • Knab
  • Rabobank
  • SNS Bank
  • ASN Bank
  • Regio Bank
  • Triodos Bank
  • Van Lanschot Bankiers

When logging into plaza.buckaroo.nl > Configuratie > Weergave Betaalpagina I see the following banks when selecting iDEAL

  • ABN Amro Bank
  • ASN Bank
  • bunq
  • Handelsbanken
  • ING
  • Knab
  • Moneyou
  • Rabobank
  • Regio Bank
  • SNS
  • Triodos Bank
  • Van Lanschot Bankiers

Not only the order differs, but also three banks are missing in your list:

  • bunq
  • Handelsbanken
  • Moneyou

What should be done to add these three banks?

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Hans,

So I had a look at this and RO Payments does indeed not get the response from Buckaroo and it is hardcoded. So I looked into the code they provide for iDEAL payments, their own code has them hardcoded as well :D

What you can do as a quick workaround is open the file libraries/Jdideal/Psp/Buckaroo.php and on line 487 replace the function with this:

private function getBanks()
		$options                 = array();
		$options['_']['id']      = 'NL';
		$options['_']['text']    = 'Nederland';
		$options['_']['items']   = array();
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'ABNANL2A', 'ABN Amro Bank');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'ASNBNL21', 'ASN Bank');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'BUNQNL2A', 'Bunq');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'HANDNL2A', 'Handelsbanken');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'INGBNL2A', 'ING');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'KNABNL2H', 'Knab');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'RABONL2U', 'Rabobank');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'REVOLT21', 'Revolut');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'SNSBNL2A', 'SNS Bank');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'RBRBNL21', 'SNS Regio Bank');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'TRIONL2U', 'Triodos Bank');
		$options['_']['items'][] = HTMLHelper::_('select.option', 'FVLBNL22', 'Van Lanschot Bankiers');

		return $options;
That will give you the updated bank list for now. I will check with Buckaroo what is up with the automated/non-automated list of banks. In any case, the next release will have an updated bank list.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO Payments
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Also mailed Buckaroo with the same question.
This is their (Dutch) response

Beste Hans,

Ik vermoed dat deze banken niet bij ons opgehaald worden. Alle banken zijn beschikbaar als de iDeal betaalmethode in jullie Buckaroo account geactiveerd staat, dus dit is niet gerelateerd aan een setting aan onze zijde. Wellicht is dit hardcoded in de genoemde plugin?

De banken die ontbreken, zijn:

Bunq, Handelsbanken en Revolut.

(Moneyou is in 2021 gestopt, alleen is dit nog niet bijgewerkt in het Plaza voorbeeld)

Hieronder de huidige issuer codes:

                                    "Value": "ABNANL2A",
                                    "Description": "ABN AMRO",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "ASNBNL21",
                                    "Description": "ASN Bank",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "BUNQNL2A",
                                    "Description": "bunq",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "HANDNL2A",
                                    "Description": "Handelsbanken",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "INGBNL2A",
                                    "Description": "ING",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "KNABNL2H",
                                    "Description": "Knab",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "RABONL2U",
                                    "Description": "Rabobank",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "RBRBNL21",
                                    "Description": "RegioBank",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "REVOLT21",
                                    "Description": "Revolut",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "SNSBNL2A",
                                    "Description": "SNS",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "TRIONL2U",
                                    "Description": "Triodos Bank",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"
                                    "Value": "FVLBNL22",
                                    "Description": "Van Lanschot",
                                    "GroupName": "Nederland"

Handelsbanken stopt overigens met iDeal per 1 October 2022.

Als er verder nog vragen zijn hoor ik het graag.

Met vriendelijke groet/Kind regards,

Sebastiaan Brandhof

Buckaroo Client Integration & Support
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