2. RO CSVI
  3. Sunday, 03 May 2015
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Hi Roland

I´m trying to configure a wholesaler store where there are two prices.

1.- The final price that belongs to a shopper group. Is the price that everybody see in the store. People can buy in the store with that price.
2.- A price for dropshippers or merchants, they can distribuite the products of the store, they have to send a request to be able to be logged in the store within this shopper group and be authorized by an administrator.

So I went in the website looking for topics and the tutorials and I have some doubts:

There are three fields:


I think that "shopper_group_name" is the shopper group set as the default of the store with the public prices for all the clients.
This shopper group has the produc_price set for it, and it can be called "default"

So, for the second shopper group, I think that I have to configure the shopper_group_name_new field, for example "dropshippers" but I don´t know how to setup the price for it.

I have seen in tutorials a field called "product_price_new" but isn´t available in the "quick add" of the component.

So my doubt is how to set the price of this second shopper group called "dropshippers"

Best regards
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I´m trying to configure a wholesaler store where there are two prices.
So you are using the price import.

So, for the second shopper group, I think that I have to configure the shopper_group_name_new field, for example "dropshippers" but I don´t know how to setup the price for it.
No, this field is used to change the shopper group on an existing price.

I have seen in tutorials a field called "product_price_new" but isn´t available in the "quick add" of the component.
The field is available if you use the price import. This is for changing the price of an existing price.

Check the Import VirtueMart 2 prices tutorial, it has an example for different shopper groups as well.

Is that clear enough?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Check the Import VirtueMart 2 prices tutorial, it has an example for different shopper groups as well.

Yes, I saw this tutorial and I have read it.

In this tutorial import two prices using the "price_quantity_start";"price_quantity_end

I thought that it was´t the solution that I was trying to found but with your reply I realize that the values of "price_quantity_start";"price_quantity_end" are 0 in the tutorial.

You example is:

"H01";"Gold Level";"EUR";"0";"0";"18"

So, do you mean that I have to create two lines for every product with the only different of the "shopper group name" and "product price"??

Best regards
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

So, do you mean that I have to create two lines for every product with the only different of the "shopper group name" and "product price"??
Correct, because each line is a different shopper group and a different price.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 3
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