1. digisys
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Thursday, 23 May 2024
  4.  Subscribe via email
hi. im trying to duplicate content from one website to another incuding virtuemart..

after some tests i may have a working solution, except it re-create new ids for categories and products. because of that all my category links dont work, and also the products are not in categories..

im removed all products and categories from vm backend - than try import..
also i try manually delete all content from related database tables - for products and categories in all languages.. - and than try import..

but still i always get new ids..
how to import with remain the same ids for vm categories and products?

thank you
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
how to import with remain the same ids for vm categories and products?

In VirtueMart category Import template on Options tab you can set Keep category ID to Yes, save the template and run the import. That will create categories with IDs from import file.

As of VirtueMart products import template, products are imported based on product_sku and not by IDs. If products are import by IDs there is a possibility of duplicate SKUs which will mess up the IDs in database. One such case is having an order with duplicate SKUs, there could be wrong IDs saved for an order if there are two products with same SKUs and hence we always import products based on product_sku or product_gtin or product_mpn field.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
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