1. roderic
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Sunday, 16 January 2022
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I have 5 templates (attached) to import prices and discounted prices. These are imported every night and usually works like expected. There have been a few times, and it seems to occur more often recently, that the discounted price of product X also gets added to Product Y. The product that gets the price from the other product, is one row below in the XML file. This has lead to 2 orders of products with a price of around 100 euro for a product that's actually about 6000 euro and one that was 1700 euro. This of course is a big issue. As soon as we've seen problems like this, I've manually run the 5 templates and then the price was normal again.

Today however I also had this problem after manually importing and thus I have the corresponding log file. I've attached this logfile (log.1703) and if you look for:
virtuemart_product_id` = 366

You will find the product that got the wrong price (101.2500). This price belongs to virtuemart_product_id` = 5896

As you can see in the logfile, this product is being dealt with just before the other one. The product with ID 366 should be skipped with this template. That's what happened when I ran the same import again.

Could it be that sometimes the import is still working on one product and it already starts with the next product but then these values get mixed up?

The XML file is also attached.
Attachments (3)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Roderic,
The imports of Variants do seem to take a bit longer. Maybe because of the additional logging?

From the debug log i see import has taken 5 mins and that is only for the records in debug log. Not sure if there are more records which are not in debug log. So checking the time taken for each record i see they are in few milliseconds but the number of records imported are more. Probably you imported a large file?
Kind regards,


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  2. RO CSVI
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