I'm importing a CSV with a single product image that load from a remote URL. It copies the images to our server successfully, it generates the thumbnail in category view but when the product is clicked for more information it shows a small error icon (screenshot attached). Weirdly if that icon is clicked it loads a popup with the image showing OK but the text underneath says 'no image found' (screenshot attached). When I check the source code of the published product I can copy/paste the src URL for the image that isn't showing into a browser and it shows OK so not a permissions issue.
I thought it might have been a template issue but switched the template to use the default Joomla Prostar template but same problem. I thought it might have been a PHP extension missing as we've only recently deployed PHP7 so rolled back to PHP5.5 but same problem on import. I can manually add images to a product and they save and display fine.
Do you have any suggestions as to what it could be?
Joomla 3.7.0, VirtueMart 3.2.1, CSVI Pro 7.1.0, PHP 7.0.10
Many thanks,