1. solingesa
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Monday, 24 October 2022
  4.  Subscribe via email

In the Joomla 4 administration page >> Extensions/update, the following error is displayed:

"Update: Failed to open update site #16 "RO CSVI", URL: https://csvimproved.com/updates/csvipro.xml"

How can I fix this problem?

I take this opportunity to ask you, do you already have the solution for the locking problem that appears in System/Maintenance/Global unlock?

Thank you!
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

You must have some very old entry in your database to point to the domain csvimproved.com, we have not used that for many years :D Which update sites do you have for RO CSVI in your site?

There should only be 1 for the package as shown in the attached screenshot. Perhaps the Rebuild button can fix that, have you tried that?

If none of that works, you will need to modify it in the database but let's see what you have first.

I take this opportunity to ask you, do you already have the solution for the locking problem that appears in System/Maintenance/Global unlock?
We have and the release was supposed to go out last week but we found an issue that must be resolved before the release can go out. Hopefully later this week it will be out, we are working hard on it.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
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