Hi Roland,
Have created a Virtuemart Rating Import template and tried to import the attached csv file (1KB). However noted that when i click Preview file, it loads forever and i get a server error at 30secs (basically timeout).
I checked the same file using maintenance->analyzer and it takes only 3-4sec for upload and analysis. The file is good.
Is this normal? Using J3.4 on PHP 5.5.6
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hey Chris,
My bad, this template doesn't have the option indeed to set the date format in the template. I should add it because the code does expect it. This explains the weird date you see.
My bad, this template doesn't have the option indeed to set the date format in the template. I should add it because the code does expect it. This explains the weird date you see.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
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Hello Roland,
That was it, thanks!
Didn't do anything special. How can you set a date format?
The format of the date format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" or to give a real example 2013-02-02 10:00:00.
That was it, thanks!
Did you set a date format in your template?
Didn't do anything special. How can you set a date format?
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hello Chris,
The format of the date format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" or to give a real example 2013-02-02 10:00:00.
As for the exported date, it looks like you have something odd with the settings. Did you set a date format in your template?
The format of the date format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" or to give a real example 2013-02-02 10:00:00.
As for the exported date, it looks like you have something odd with the settings. Did you set a date format in your template?
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
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Thanks Roland, it is working ok now and i can see the rating in backend 
I have some trouble with importing the date for the created_on field. What is the proper format? I tried to export some existing records to see the format of CSVI but i saw some weird ones in the exported csv like:
"3Europe/Athens3Europe/AthensSun, 08 Mar 2015 03:56:19 +0200amSunday"

I have some trouble with importing the date for the created_on field. What is the proper format? I tried to export some existing records to see the format of CSVI but i saw some weird ones in the exported csv like:
"3Europe/Athens3Europe/AthensSun, 08 Mar 2015 03:56:19 +0200amSunday"
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hey Chris,
This one I believe to have found as well and fixed of course. Attached patch file adds the rating also to the ratings table, I was able to see it from the backend now.
This one I believe to have found as well and fixed of course. Attached patch file adds the rating also to the ratings table, I was able to see it from the backend now.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
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Hello Chris,
The download of the debug log seems to be troublesome since Joomla 3.4.0, I have to take a look at that. Thanks for the log, I will check it.
The download of the debug log seems to be troublesome since Joomla 3.4.0, I have to take a look at that. Thanks for the log, I will check it.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
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Hi Roland,
Sure, pls see attached.
Also noticed that when i click to download the debug file, the php contained in the zip is empty (0 bytes). The attached file is just a select all-copy from the Show/Open options.
Sure, pls see attached.
Also noticed that when i click to download the debug file, the php contained in the zip is empty (0 bytes). The attached file is just a select all-copy from the Show/Open options.
Attachments (1)
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hello Chris,
but is is not creating an entry in _virtuemart_ratings table like when you manually create a review.That should be happening though. Can you post your debug log?
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
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Thanks Roland, that did the trick 
So, managed to import the small rating file i sent you. Used the minimum fields as per your article here:
Maybe things are abit changed in VM3, so noticed the following:
- Review is imported and showing in frontend, however it is not showing in backend (Virtuemart -> Products -> Reviews and Ratings) so it is not manageable anymore from within VM.
- CSVI creates entries in _virtuemart_rating_reviews and _virtuemart_rating_votes tables, but is is not creating an entry in _virtuemart_ratings table like when you manually create a review.

So, managed to import the small rating file i sent you. Used the minimum fields as per your article here:
Maybe things are abit changed in VM3, so noticed the following:
- Review is imported and showing in frontend, however it is not showing in backend (Virtuemart -> Products -> Reviews and Ratings) so it is not manageable anymore from within VM.
- CSVI creates entries in _virtuemart_rating_reviews and _virtuemart_rating_votes tables, but is is not creating an entry in _virtuemart_ratings table like when you manually create a review.
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hey Chris,
Sure enough I saw the same problems as you did with your config. All I will say about this is that it is fixed and this type of config is handled as well in the attached patch file.
If you load the patch file you should be able to run your import.
Sure enough I saw the same problems as you did with your config. All I will say about this is that it is fixed and this type of config is handled as well in the attached patch file.
If you load the patch file you should be able to run your import.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
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Hi Roland,
Sure, here it is: (Virtuemart version is
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Sure, here it is: (Virtuemart version is
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Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hey Chris,
Re-saving the template makes sense. Actually every template must be saved twice the first time round because when you create a template CSVI has no clue what kind of template it is. So you save it the first time saying it is a product import template for example. Then the other tabs become visible and you need to save it again so those options are known as well. I am still looking for a more elegant solution to that.
This indicates something is off with your VirtueMart config in the database. If you know how, could you please check the virtuemart_configs table and see what is stored in the field config? I wonder what is in there.
Re-saving the template makes sense. Actually every template must be saved twice the first time round because when you create a template CSVI has no clue what kind of template it is. So you save it the first time saying it is a product import template for example. Then the other tabs become visible and you need to save it again so those options are known as well. I am still looking for a more elegant solution to that.
(There are many lines similar to the above going on forever :P )Very pretty :silly:
This indicates something is off with your VirtueMart config in the database. If you know how, could you please check the virtuemart_configs table and see what is stored in the field config? I wonder what is in there.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Thanks Roland,
Checked the permissions, they are ok. I managed to get it working, i don't know exactly how, but maybe it helps:
I went into the template settings and disabled logging. Then it previewed the file properly. I reenabled the logging, still ok. So maybe the save of the template settings did the trick? (hadn't done this since the creation of the template)
Now i get a new error when importing, see below:
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 200
Status message: OK
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 3 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 90
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 45 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 86
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 3 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 90
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 16 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 90
.... (There are many lines similar to the above going on forever :P )
Checked the permissions, they are ok. I managed to get it working, i don't know exactly how, but maybe it helps:
I went into the template settings and disabled logging. Then it previewed the file properly. I reenabled the logging, still ok. So maybe the save of the template settings did the trick? (hadn't done this since the creation of the template)
Now i get a new error when importing, see below:
An error has occured during the import. Below the information received from the server.
Status error: 200
Status message: OK
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 3 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 90
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 45 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 86
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 3 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 90
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 16 bytes in /administrator/components/com_csvi/addon/com_virtuemart/helper/com_virtuemart_config.php on line 90
.... (There are many lines similar to the above going on forever :P )
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Hello Chris,
So I tried your CSV file and the preview is instant here, as expected with such a small file. Does it happen every time and with any file? If so, I am thinking that maybe there is an issue with the folder permissions. You can check the About page to see if there is any permission issue with the folders CSVI uses.
Is this normal?I hope not :silly:
So I tried your CSV file and the preview is instant here, as expected with such a small file. Does it happen every time and with any file? If so, I am thinking that maybe there is an issue with the folder permissions. You can check the About page to see if there is any permission issue with the folders CSVI uses.
Kind regards,
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