I would like to make the current adjustment of a VM shop data with the stock-keeping software a bit more comfortable. Currently I run the csv file from stock-keeping software through excel and eventually generate a file that can be used from csvi. It would be much more convinient if I could directly use the file I get from the stock-keeping software.
Basically all I want is to update the price, the stock level and if a product is published or not. The stock-keeping software exports the price with tax (and there is no way to change that). The tax percentage is always fixed (it's 19% for most products, books 7% and people from non EU countries don't get any VAT charged) - but all those settings are already in the VM shop. It's more that I'd need to use the price with tax from the accounting-software to update the price in virtuemart. I can export the tax percentage from the accounting software, it just won't let me export the base price.
I created an import process based csvi virtuemart product import with the following settings:

I attached part of the export file from the stock-keeping software (I reduced it to two products). It contains several unneeded columns, but I simply created a few dummy fields in the import settings and set them to 'no process'.
The stock level gets updated as expected - hence I assume it can't be all wrong, however the price with tax doesn't get updated. Here is the debug log.
The last problem is that a 'yes/no' for published gets exported as 'j' or 'n' - can you somehow define in csvi what to interpret as 'yes' or 'no' for boolean values?
If there would be a way to directly process that file from the stock-keeping software it would make life a bit easier. Otherwise I'll use excel to calculate the price without tax and create a modified csv file and use that one to import the prices.