1. solingesa
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Friday, 18 November 2022
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We have upgraded RO CSVI to the latest version, but we are still having the problem with the csvi_availabletables table locking.

Previously we asked you:

In System/Maintenance/Global unlock, there is a lock. When accessing we find: preftabla_csvi_availabletables table with 32 items to unlock. We select these items, click the "Unblock" button, but the items still appear. We clear Joomla cache, and they continue to appear (this is the success message that appears after pressing the "Unlock" button COM_CHECKIN_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN, in case it is relevant)

Any solution?

Thanks! ;)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I have a feeling that the problem may be related to the com_customfilters component.
This problem appeared exactly when I added a plugin to this component.

What is the problem you are having with com_customfilters component? Can you please post a screenshot?

At all, does this message about locked tables need to be displayed in Joomla? It doesn't add anything.

The field checked_out in csvi_availabletables table should have default value as Null in database. This field had default set to 0 in RO CSVI and Joomla4 supports NULL values. That is the reason of seeing csvi_availabletables table in global check in page. This was solved with RO CSVI 8.5.0 version. In your case checked_out field is not updated to Null as default value and so you still see that error in global check in page. This is not any big error or is not going to effect any import or export operations. If you still want to fix it, you can check csvi_availabletables table from PHPMyAdmin and set value of checked_out field to NULL for all rows.
Kind regards,


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  2. RO CSVI
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