1. zifou
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Monday, 20 June 2022
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I have applied your patch for CSVI 8.2 to import Supplier, now everything is ok, except the import of Generated Internnational Title that was functional before.(I have also tried : Generated Local Title)

Can you please check and generate a Patch for.

Thank you in advance
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The feature for import of Generated International Title was included with RO CSVI 8.0.0 version. Which version of RO CSVI you are using? Can you update to latest RO CSVI 8.3.0 version and check if import of Generated International Title works as expected? If not please post import debug log to check. To get the debug log check How to collect debug information? document.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I do a mistake, I already have version 8.3.0.

Here attached the log. As you can see the description is in French but not the title.

Thank you.
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
When there is no International title set for a product in ICECat then RO CSVI uses English product name. The products you are importing have French titles? Can you share ICECat URL of one example product to check?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Exemple for this product :

I have checked Generated International Title.

And as you can see :
GeneratedIntTitle="TP-Link EAP610-OUTDOOR wireless access point"
GeneratedLocalTitle="TP-Link EAP610-OUTDOOR point d'accès réseaux locaux sans fil 1201 Mbit/s Blanc Connexion Ethernet, supportant l'alimentation via ce port (PoE)"

I can only have the GeneratedIntTitle that is in English.

Thank you for your support
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I have found that in CSVI Generated Local Title is inverted with Generated International Title

When I select Generated Local Title, I have now French translation.

There is a way to have the English version of Title when no Translation is available in Icecat ?

Exemple : No Generated International Title available, CSVI import the Generated Local Title
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I have found that in CSVI Generated Local Title is inverted with Generated International Title

It is not inverted in CSVI. As per the debug log posted, GeneratedIntTitle was selected in Product name title field in ICECat settings and so that is used for product name field which is the English version.

When I select Generated Local Title, I have now French translation.

Yes because the product has French translation for Generated Local Title as per the details posted in your previous reply.

There is a way to have the English version of Title when no Translation is available in Icecat ?

Exemple : No Generated International Title available, CSVI import the Generated Local Title

Importing Generated International Title or Generated Local Title is based on the Product name title field in import template setting. RO CSVI does not check if Generated International Title is available or not to import Generated Local Title.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 6
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